Car Insurance Reviews

RBC Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(265 reviews)
RBC Insurance
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No forgiveness

by zeesum on Jan 9, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

My insurance was being charged to my credit card which was compromised. RBC charged me with an NSF. This was not my fault - 11 years of regular, timely payments and they couldn't overlook this one-time issue that wasn't my fault. Never dealing with RBC again.

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Cancelled without notification

by JDPS on Dec 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I changed my address a few months back, and at that time was notified that payments were switching to annual lump sum vs monthly payments. I wasn't overly pleased with that but told them that it was fine. I just received a call from my financing company saying the insurance company notified them that my policy was cancelled. When I called RBC/Aviva insurance, they said I never paid, and I've been driving without insurance for 2 months now. I had given them consent to take the lump sum from my account back in September (same as they had been charging me monthly before), yet they didn't charge me, then cancelled my policy without any attempt to phone or email. When I asked for the policy to be reinstated, they quoted me my old price, then on the same phone call said that the premium was actually 50% more than the quote they had given me minutes prior. When I asked why they said that was just what the quote was. On top of that, they wanted me to back-pay for the two months that I was apparently without insurance. I've had 1 speeding ticket in my life (4 years ago) and never been in an accident in which I was at fault.

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Big theaft company in Canada

by Augustino on Jul 10, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

After 2-year finish agreement calls me and asks to make the payment! Now RBC sold to Aviva sure after the bad history with clients ... They do that with 3 from my friend they try to rob them after a couple of years. This is disgusting. RBC Aviva your are in the blacklist for all my live & friends & relative.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

RBC Insurance terrible now

by Mike J on Jun 25, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

I've been an RBC Insurance customer for over twenty years. Everything was great until a few years ago when RBC got Aviva to operate this part of RBC's business. 1) Out of the blue in April, I got a letter saying I had to re-apply for my auto insurance or they'd cancel my policy. This was done under the pretense of "updated customer information". Of course, nothing had changed and it made no sense as to why they were making us re-apply. 2) This requirement included a bloated application form, including stuff that really needed an insurance professional to fill out, but there was no guidance provided. I've done online forms for other agencies when checking prices, and none of them were remotely this indecipherable (yet they were just as comprehensive for the information they asked). We re-applied and got our insurance on our second try, with no notes on what we did wrong to offend the insurance gods the first time. 3) Now we must pay an annual lump sum for our insurance, not monthly payments. Why? Ask those insurance gods again, because I have no clue. 4) If annual payments aren't bad enough, they didn't inform us that they stopped the automatic billing from our bank account, so we got a letter in the mail telling us we were late. There's no option I can see to go back to automatic billing. In short, if you're a new customer, avoid RBC Auto Insurance. If you're an existing customer, consider leaving (I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have to file a claim with them).

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Cancellation Fees-Rising Rates

by rolton on Jun 20, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

Was raising my auto insurance rates every year, even though my vehicle was getting older, and I hadn't made any claims or received any speeding tickets. Was frustrating because they arbitrarily took away discounts applied previously for no reason. Renewal time was up and I told them that I only wanted a temporary policy for a couple months, as I was selling my vehicle. (In the meantime, I had purchased a new vehicle and insured it with someone else for cheaper). After I sold the older vehicle, which took longer than expected, I called to cancel that policy. I was surprised to find out that they were charging me a cancellation fee! I explained that I told their rep right from the beginning that I only needed the policy for a couple months as I was selling the vehicle. I was surprised to learn that they don't even offer a temporary policy, which they should have told me from the beginning. Thirteen years with home and auto insurance without any claims and they wouldn't budge on dinging me with a $48 fee. And I had to wait 1hr and 21 minutes to get this news! Disgusting!

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Completely unresponsive

by Brian H on May 30, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

I get a letter two months ago that says I need to completely resubmit all my application documents for my auto insurance. And that now my premiums need to be paid in full up front, lump sum. No monthly payments? I've been trying to reach them over the phone all week. I have been on hold for multiple hours, with NO CALL BACK OPTION? I simply can't get through. It feels like they are intentionally trying to lose my business. Weird, and so annoying.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.


by sevan on Apr 30, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

After years of insurance and no claims, they wanted me to fill out a very detailed application form for my renewal. They also wanted full payment for the year as they changed their policy. Add this to the 1.5 hours on the phone to talk to someone and I am switching providers!!

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Worst insurance company

by ELLA on Apr 3, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

RBC insurance is the worst insurance ever! In two years, they changed my monthly payments three times!!! Without telling me or sending me a letter! In two years I hadn’t even received a ticket or gotten into an accident yet they increased my payments by first 30 dollars than almost 50 dollars!!! I went to complain and they said that if I’m not happy I can go to another company! Yes, I will! Worst company in history. Disgusting thieves. I’m thinking of changing my bank too just to never be affiliated with RBC.

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Bad service

by Jason on Feb 26, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had insurance with Aviva RBC insurance and requested full coverage as I had a brand new car, which was being financed! So I got into an accident where my car had been written off. Aviva adjuster then told me they will not pay the full value of the loss as I had declined the extra option? I asked for proof that I declined it, a recording, anything, but they said they didn't have proof but my policy said I declined the R43 extra coverage. So I was left with a remaining balance of $8500 that I have to come up with somehow to pay off the remaining balance. This problem is still not resolved as all the signed documents required I sent via mail and they were lost, then I found out the adjuster was not with the company anymore and no one told me as I waited the past 2 weeks with no reply from that guy. So now I have to resubmit everything again but I do not have a copy of my registration, which I sent them as well. Beware, people, there are lots of other places to shop, here you are treated like you're the bad one if you get into an accident. Also, they told me they will no longer give me full insurance for my next vehicle, and cancelled my insurance before sending me a letter of cancellation !!! Very disappointed!!!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.


by Pissed on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Have been with this company for 20 years and when I cancelled my policy, 2 days into it they have the nerve to send a bill for 238.00 claiming I cancelled mid-term. How they get mid-term out of 2 days is amazing.

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