Car Insurance Reviews

RBC Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(265 reviews)
RBC Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Bad customer service

by Jamal on Jan 24, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Note that if you want to change from the RBC to any other insurance company you have to pay a full month if you cancel before renewal date even if you are insured for more than 10 years with them simply they do not care

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An overly detailed review.

by Navdeep on Jun 4, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

Hello, I am a 19 year old and as of yesterday I was forced to remove my name that was under my premed policy. My parents have been with them for 10 or more years and as far as I could remember I've never heard my parents complaining much about them. Like my first car accident they were helpful and didn't give any problems to me but my second one... Horrible situation and still on going. Since my car was a write-off I had to buy a new car and add it into the policy, called em up had no problem adding it but I thought that the papers were said that my mom is the owner and I was a co signer or whatever, so I told Walter (the rep, he is a very nice person ) that it's under my moms name. I also requested them to send proof of insurance papers to the dealership and it was no problem. The next day I picked up my new car and I was so excited of course. My family and I all went to sign the papers but said that the insurance papers haven't come in so I of course called rbc and told them the situation. But this representative named "Gill" or something similar totally messed everything up. Because the adjuster (Daren or Darrel i forgot the name) was negligent to asking me what actually happened in the accident, he just put me at fault. Like the reasonable adjuster in this case would actually ask for a fully detailed explanation of the accident but since for the time being I received a ticket it's assumed my fault. Keep in mind no one said I was guilty, not even the police officer said I was at fault completely. So what gives you any authority to tell me that I'm fully at fault? Obviously insurance wise it's a yes or no thing but I'm still waiting on my court date in 2-3 months for the not guilty plead and it's a shoe-in for my ticket to be lifted from the situation it's been in. BASICALLY, what Gill did, was he put me as an independent client and made out premium go through the roof! We paid I'd say around 190/per month it's good price. He said because of the accident that I was not at fault at the premium would go to almost 600 dollars a month like hello sir, who is going to pay such an ungodly price for that ???? My family and I do not have high income, we are an average household who will no longer put up with such prices. He said it's either I pay that much or I remove my name completely off the policy. I just decided to take it off completely. So now my beautiful new car is sitting in my driveway, untouched since my dad drove it home. My dad is very mad and upset at this and we are for sure changing companies as soon as possible. Sorry for such a long review I just needed to get that off my check. Thanks

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Insensitive Company!

by Christine on Apr 22, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I had RBC since 2013. I called in to change my address and at that time divulged that I was likely going to be living with a licensed driver. However, this never ended up happening due to severe relationship issues with my ex (abuse). I informed RBC that my ex never ended up moving or living with us, but it's like they didn't believe me. What ended up happening is that this company demanded (threatened) that I contact my abusive ex to get his drivers license number and insurance policy number or my insurance couldn't be renewed. I spoke with a Team Lead, and frankly, they didn't care. They gave me until May 1st to track down my ex or my insurance would be cancelled. How an insurance company can put a woman at risk, demanding contact with someone who threatens my health and safety is incomprehensible to me. At the end of my phone call with a Team Lead (Lativia), she had the nerve to say "Thank you for being with RBC for so long". There are so many other insurance companies out there who are more customer oriented. My advice? Stay far away from RBC. Most of their advisors are also fresh out of schooling, really inexperienced. Very dissatisfied with my overall experience with this company. I've since located a new company who has given me a cheaper deductible (half of what RBC charged me) and I'm also getting home & auto for $13.00 cheaper (per month) than my monthly RBC auto quote. RBC cancelled a client who has had no accidents, charges or claims in the three years I was with them. Way to go RBC! Thank you for your so called "incredible" customer service and "outstanding insurance"...what a joke! Thank you for potentially placing me into a threatening situation, all so u can write my exs info on my file notes.

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collision not at fault

by super upset on Mar 25, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

So long story short. I've been with RBC Insurance for years now and the first collision I had ( not my fault, some one ran a stop sign and hit me dead on) they are playing games. The adjuster came and evaluated my vehicle. They evaluates using used and after market parts and this was only brought to my attention when the auto body shop guy told me. I called them up and apprently if your vehicle is driven over 22000km rbc will put aftermarket or used part in. I drive a new volkeswegan suv and have a lot of km but still I don't deserve aftermarket part. The estimate they provided was around $7300 but with original volkeswegan parts it's a little over $10,000. There telling me if I want original parts I will need to pay out of my pocket.
oh and this is recent incase you wondering. Like within 2 weeks.

This is by far the worst auto insurance company with the worst customer service.


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Stay away! Ruined my insurance

by Rbcwillruinyou on Mar 9, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Long story short I was paying about 200 a month. On the highway I was hit from behind by a truck that was rolling forward and I was told it was my fault because I switched lanes and there was plenty of space... the truck had a video to prove the accident, he also stated he didn't see me and they closed my claim accident ND didn't bother asking for the info. Sketchy right? I started paying $602 with accident ND new company and after a year $540!!! Don't let this happen to you. The guy mysteriously went on vacation and said my file couldn't be opened to get the video surveillance. ... total screw job. Now Im stuck with almost triple the rate. They don't care about you at all. If I could vote negative 5 stars I would, they are also rude and treat you like you're a liar.

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No Common Sense Whatsoever

by Geezer on Sep 26, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I had been with RBC for 7 or 8 years with no problem. Upon renewal my auto rates jumped about 30 %, no tickets, no claims, the only thing that changed was that both my two vehicles and I got a year older (me 65). I was told that if I replaced the older of the two my rates would go down a bit because the new one would have more safety features ???? Six months later I did just that...the rates were the same but they told me that I no longer qualified for the "Multi Vehicle" discount so my rates were actually going up some more. The reason, I was told, was that I was the only driver on both vehicles, each vehicle needs a principal driver for the discount to apply. I can only drive one vehicle at a time so they would actually be better off, but that makes no difference to them. What kind of complete nonsense is that!? I'm too old and impatient to deal with such incompetence and BS so I switched companies and saved over $1,000.00....and got my "Multi Vehicle" discount! Next time Kathleen Wynne decides to help us with auto insurance will someone please just stifle her!

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Don't choose them!

by Hater cause on Aug 21, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

The worst insurance company. They are the least helpful people and they only tell you about what is more expensive they don't want to give you good insurance or cheap insurance they just want your money and don't care about if you can afford it. They charge you a way to much and when you call to talk to them all the do is to try to get you off the phone as quickly as possible and they just try to tell you what you want to hear even if it's not true. Switched and was much happier without them.

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Biggest Scammers

by Fedupwthscamners on Aug 16, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I was stupid and switched to RBC 4yrs ago, I haven't fit one good thing to say about them be it horrible customer service constantly increasing rates, and they refuse to fix your vehicle properly even when I took it to their approved facility. Now they quote me a price then won't put full coverage until I took it for inspection, so after 6 weeks of the only 1 place that does this for RBC finally doing it, they double my deductible, double the cost, say they won't cover the rims or the stereo, and they will only pay half what the auction value is on the car!! I have multiple vehicles and multiple house policies, and now ill be taking it elsewhere!! Did I mention I have no tickets and only 2 claims in 20 years!!

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Terrible service and prices

by curtis4890 on Nov 22, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I called and had terrible service, could not understand the person I was talking to and they wanted to double my rates putting a second driver with more driving experience on.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Insanely high premium for car

by Chauncey on Jul 31, 2013
1.5 out of 5 stars


- 30 yo male, driving since 16
- no tickets/accidents/claims
- occasional driver (employer 1-2km away so no commute, I'm biking or walking)
- best neighborhood in the city
- 2 yo car

Premium quoted is half the liability coverage and TWICE the premium of TD.
Is that the best you can do RBC?

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