Life Insurance Reviews

Sun Life Life Insurance Reviews

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(108 reviews)
Sun Life
2.1 out of 5 stars:
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An awful experience

by dkhoob on Aug 8, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

The worst experience one may have in obtaining a life insurance claim. Company's strategy is to create every reason for not paying your life insurance claim. Staff are very incompetent, lacking knowledge of the process and no respect for their customers.

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Life Insurance Denial!!!

by Kansas12 on May 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

It's been 10 months since I submitted a request for life insurance payment from Sun Life. After 3 months of calling writing letters etc. I have finally been denied. I filed again and was denied again, I then filed again and was denied. The reason for denial was that Sun Life states that my deceased wife didn't submit a document called "EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY". This document was never requested nor has any mention of it been made by her employer. I have hired a lawyer that specializes in this area but have still even denied. I am not satisfied with this lawyer either but that's another story. This EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY document states that you have no disease that would cause death within 3 years of the start date of the policy. She got cancer 4 years after start date. I contend why worry about the document since it's been 4 years. Of course Sun just sees a chance for denial. Today is May 20th 2017 she passed Aug 16 2016 and I'm still fighting. My next course of action is to sue in federal court, which I plan to do. I will not give up until I have collected

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Don't touch this company

by Un happy customer on Aug 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Trying to claim a life insurance policy taken out by the bereaved, the family continues to struggle to get the payout. With numerous calls to the company telling us to get all signatures completed when only one executive dealing with all the finances. Also asked to provide bank details on two occasions only to be told 4 weeks later that they don't pay into your bank account but direct to the funeral directors. The way we've been treated is absolutely disgusting. None of their call operators read from the same script obviously making it up as they go along. Furthermore, what you actually contribute in payments you only get about a third back.

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Did you know that if you are a 35-year old female, a term life insurance policy for 10 years with coverage of $500,000 will cost you around $15-$20/month? Getting your life insurance quote today will allow you to lock-in a great rate.

poor service

by Donna gill on Feb 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This company treated us terrible when my mom died. The person on phone was rude and not helpful, even put phone down on my brother because she didn't know how to do her job. Took them months to sort out money and we had to keep ringing them up, not the other way round, and still not sorted after 12mths. I will never recommend them and wish we never went with them either. The whole process was upsetting and made our grieving more painful.

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Disgusting company.

by 123fedup. on Feb 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My dad died 2 months ago, claim for funeral cover was made 2 days after. We are still waiting for the funeral money to be paid. This company uses delay tactics to avoid paying out - asking for death certificate to be sent twice, then stating executor of will needs to be changed 8 weeks after original claim. We now have to re apply for money. Disgusting service to grieving family. Luckily our funeral director is understanding otherwise we would have problems. AVOID - I could scream when I see those cringey adverts. Not a good company.

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Stress for your loved ones!

by Debbie on Jun 19, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Appalling service don't waste your money with this load of cowboys. My father passed away 7 weeks ago and started the claim process the following day to pay for his funeral still waiting for the money he's paid on time for over 5 years. Service is slow, delay tactics are used . Complaints team respond with assurance it will be dealt with promptly and still nothing. So the bit about taking the stress away from your loved one is complete rubbish! They've caused additional stress for the last 7 weeks. Put the money under your floor boards for your funeral as looking at reviews watch dog say it's likely you won't even get as much as you have paid in over the years!

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Review topics
Did you know that one in three Canadians, on average, will be disabled for more than three months before they turn 65? Get a disability insurance quote today to make sure your income is secure, even when you are temporary disabled.

Horrible Staff

by Glaucusvediovus on Jun 2, 2017
1.5 out of 5 stars

When someone passes away, you don't expect rude arrogant and ignorant actions from an insurance company, well, Sun Life were awful with me and cold, not one person said sorry for your loss. When we tried to claim for the Policy, Sun Life said they wouldn't pay out until they got the Invoice from the Funeral Directors. The Funeral Directors don't send an Invoice until after the Funeral, apparently, they were not pleased with the Funeral Directors either. My advice, if you're a young parent - put money in a bank account - at least then you can pay for your loved one's Funeral in full. This company should be ashamed of themselves!! I was told on one occasion "have I quite finished" - how rude is that and I was polite and Courteous, unlike the uncooperative and unhelpful member of staff. Avoid, don't put up with what I've had to deal with.

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Worst Company Ever

by UnhappyAndAngry on Mar 25, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

8 months now on my new job and still don't have life insurance coverage! They keep calling to tell me I'm missing "something" to finish processing my application but they cant' tell me what's missing. The sub-contractor they sent to do my physical lost some of my paperwork so they denied my coverage. Now I'm being denied due to "non-response". When I call to ask what I'm supposed to respond to, and I quote "Sir, we don't know". They denied coverage for my wife for a "medical condition", but they can't tell me what it is. She has only had a couple surgeries on her feet........ HR is trying to help but there is only so much they can do. I give up. I'm just going to tell HR to cancel my application with Sun Life so I can just go get private life insurance. It'll cost the same but I'll have much better service. Not a grain of intelligence can be claimed by any of the agents working at Sun Life! Anyone that rates better than 1 star obviously hasn't had to deal with them in any capacity yet - but you'll soon find out and be back here re-posting a new review.

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Pick the right advisor

by mwong on Feb 21, 2018
5 out of 5 stars

I've had the same advisor for approximately 6 years now and I cannot begin to tell you how quickly he has handled everything. Sam Pakbaz was there for me when my wife passed away in 2016 and when I called him, he went from his usual cheeriness to immediate shock and worry. He came over 2 hours later and was really sympathetic and let me vent how I felt. From the time that Sam came over that day to him returning with my cheque from Sun Life, it took 8 days. I had put in a couple of claims from other companies and I was shocked when he called and said he would be by later that day with the cheque. My wife passing away was one of the hardest things for me to handle. I'm happy I did not need to handle the paperwork. Thank you Sam and keep up your hard work.

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Not sure if you can qualify for life insurance with existing health pre-conditions? Let us to help you with a no medical life insurance quote, meaning that you do not need to pass a medical exam to qualify for a life insurance policy.


by Anonymous on Apr 11, 2012
2.5 out of 5 stars

My agent is great. She gets back to me in a timely basis. I can't say that about the people in the claims department though. When my father passed away a few years ago one department was great and then you had to deal with another department. It was like they didn't communicate with each other or have access to the same information.

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