Life Insurance Reviews

Sun Life Life Insurance Reviews

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(110 reviews)
Sun Life
2.1 out of 5 stars:
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by Stevrme on Aug 18, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Tried to change my address three different times and it never went through, lets see if it actually works this time but so far customer service has been wholly disappointing. would never suggest anyone buy a plan from these people, your beneficiaries will be tearing their hair out trying to work with these people, as if dealing with the loss of a family member isn't hard enough, they'll make you jump through hoops to have any access to funds other than their checks, which take to weeks to get there even if they send them to the right place.

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unbelievable OPUS 2 insurance!

by it's painful for OPUS 2 life insurance policy on Jun 17, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I don't how many people to buy OPUS 2 life insurance policy from Sun Life?!
I bought it in 1992 and finished payment already, but starting 3 years before, Sun Life sent me a letter to ask paying few hundreds again, say the company isn't running well so ask more money to keep this policy. I called to them, but no body can answer me questions about why? for how long for this payment? etc. Today I got another letter from them to ask me to pay full amount of money which isn't few hundreds, it's over a thousand dollar which was my original policy payment as 1992!! Unbelievable!! Sun Life is one of a big company in Canada, compare with other insurance's companies, why the performance has a huge difference? when the time they asked me to buy their life insurance, all they told me how strougn they are! but results to make me so dispointed! Lucky, I am only one bought Sun Life insurance! So becareful, when you buy any insurances from Sun Life!

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Life Insurance Denial!!!

by Kansas12 on May 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

It's been 10 months since I submitted a request for life insurance payment from Sun Life. After 3 months of calling writing letters etc. I have finally been denied. I filed again and was denied again, I then filed again and was denied. The reason for denial was that Sun Life states that my deceased wife didn't submit a document called "EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY". This document was never requested nor has any mention of it been made by her employer. I have hired a lawyer that specializes in this area but have still even denied. I am not satisfied with this lawyer either but that's another story. This EVIDENCE OF INSURABILITY document states that you have no disease that would cause death within 3 years of the start date of the policy. She got cancer 4 years after start date. I contend why worry about the document since it's been 4 years. Of course Sun just sees a chance for denial. Today is May 20th 2017 she passed Aug 16 2016 and I'm still fighting. My next course of action is to sue in federal court, which I plan to do. I will not give up until I have collected

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Did you know that one in three Canadians, on average, will be disabled for more than three months before they turn 65? Get a disability insurance quote today to make sure your income is secure, even when you are temporary disabled.

No good for grieving..

by lmwalters on Feb 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My daughter's father passed away in May of 2017. We have been going through the run around since then. She still hasn't received her money he has left for her. I am also on there and because I am the "EX-WIFE" they won't give me my part either. I have to get my divorce paperwork and prove that the divorce decree doesn't say that it doesn't go to me for life insurance. I have sent my divorce paperwork and still nothing. I have emailed them and called them and I am getting absolutely NO RESPONSE! It is so frustrating! I think this place is a dang JOKE!

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Review topics


by Molly - 24 on Feb 16, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This company is absolutely appalling. We were told it would take 2-3 weeks for us to receive our money after cancelling a life insurance policy my father had, on my brother and myself, as he was gravely ill and we needed the money to care for him. After 3 weeks I called, and the money hadn’t been sent. They said it would be one more week. After that, I called. Again it hadn’t been sent. Repeat for 5 more weeks. Every day I told my father not to worry, we would have the money soon. I get a phone call, as we are sitting by my father in the hospital, and they asked for the address for where it should be sent. Over 2 months later they still didn’t even write the cheque. The money came 1 day before my father died, he was in a coma and didn’t know we received it. I’m disgusted by how many times I was lied to and disgusted he spent 25 years paying a company like this.

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Disgusting company.

by 123fedup. on Feb 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My dad died 2 months ago, claim for funeral cover was made 2 days after. We are still waiting for the funeral money to be paid. This company uses delay tactics to avoid paying out - asking for death certificate to be sent twice, then stating executor of will needs to be changed 8 weeks after original claim. We now have to re apply for money. Disgusting service to grieving family. Luckily our funeral director is understanding otherwise we would have problems. AVOID - I could scream when I see those cringey adverts. Not a good company.

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Planning to get life insurance to protect your family, including children? Make sure that you get enough coverage. According to studies, it takes about $250,000 in total to raise a child to the age of 18 (and that doesn’t include any post-secondary education costs).

Worst Company Ever

by UnhappyAndAngry on Mar 25, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

8 months now on my new job and still don't have life insurance coverage! They keep calling to tell me I'm missing "something" to finish processing my application but they cant' tell me what's missing. The sub-contractor they sent to do my physical lost some of my paperwork so they denied my coverage. Now I'm being denied due to "non-response". When I call to ask what I'm supposed to respond to, and I quote "Sir, we don't know". They denied coverage for my wife for a "medical condition", but they can't tell me what it is. She has only had a couple surgeries on her feet........ HR is trying to help but there is only so much they can do. I give up. I'm just going to tell HR to cancel my application with Sun Life so I can just go get private life insurance. It'll cost the same but I'll have much better service. Not a grain of intelligence can be claimed by any of the agents working at Sun Life! Anyone that rates better than 1 star obviously hasn't had to deal with them in any capacity yet - but you'll soon find out and be back here re-posting a new review.

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Unacceptable customer service

by Asim Shrivastava on Sep 27, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

Impossible to get through to their helpline. Tried calling through the mobile app. It doesn't work - there is no such option that comes up. Every year, despite adding my beneficiaries, they remove my daughters from coverage without any intimation to me. Unfortunately, I don't have a choice as they are appointed by my employers. I would NEVER use them.

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by Ana G on Aug 18, 2021
1.5 out of 5 stars

I subscribed to Medical + Dental 6 weeks ago, started being covered 4 weeks as soon as it got approved. Received my SUNLIFE Insurance card last week. However today, I went to the dentist and to my surprise had to pay $600 because I found out SUNLIFE doesn't cover me. I called and asked for some explanations. They replied over the phone they only start covering Dental in 3 months from now (will be active in November 2021). We're in August 2021! I asked "why" since I pay, got approved and know I'm currently covered for medical for 4 weeks. They say that's how they proceed. But when I subscribed, they never clearly stated I'll have to wait 3 additional months, never said Medical and Dental won't start the same date even though I subscribed AT THE SAME TIME, WITH THE SAME FORM. This is NONSENSE and without a doubt a fraud, in order to take advantage of vulnerable clients. Shady practices with a questionable ethic.

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Did you know there is a 35% chance of developing a critical illness before you are 65 and 65%-70% chance before you turn 81? That means getting a critical illness insurance quote is no less important than getting life insurance. Your choice.

Incomplete information

by Priyanka Sharma on Jul 12, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

I've been paying this insurance for last 5 years. On their app, it's written medical, blood supplies is 100% covered. My doctor referred me blood tests. I underwent them and send them the receipt with doctor's prescription. They replied me back that they don' t cover one particular test. I called their customer service, and they said they don't cover this test. They called that test 'Harmony Test.' No information was provided on the app. I even took the screenshots. I told them there was no information was given. Shamelessly, they said we can call them. I replied them back, they could write there, 'Call us before going for tests.' Ridiculous. I paid $600 per month for 5 years to get the benefit. When there's a time, this is what I'm hearing. On the app, it's written 100% covered. No type of test is mentioned. I'm sure many people like me stuck with them. I'm going to cancel their insurance and going to consumer court too. I'm not going to spare them for this.

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