Car Insurance Reviews

RBC Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(265 reviews)
RBC Insurance
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Bad customer service

by Jamal on Jan 24, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Note that if you want to change from the RBC to any other insurance company you have to pay a full month if you cancel before renewal date even if you are insured for more than 10 years with them simply they do not care

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RBC mistrust!

by RBC insurance is bad on Nov 20, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Sunny U. and Rabia S. treat RBC clients as if they are criminals

I wanted to remove a household from the policy as that person is out of the country, the advisor said the person should be on the policy, after explaining to the advisor that the person is abroad and might not be back within 6 months, he goes like :" Your insurance went up by 500 dollars for removing that person", He refused to add that person back to the policy, and said :" why would we?" in a mean condescending way.

I decided to speak to another agent, Rabia S., she said that we will send you a form to sign, and just letting you know that this form is a legal document as there has been misrepresentation of information. I asked :" what info has been misrepresented? no one can predict the future, I can't give RBC an answer when that household number is coming back!! maybe tomorrow, maybe a year from now.. Rabia S. goes like :" Ten minutes ago, you told the other agent that the person won't be back for 6 months, now you changed your mind"
Well, first of all, its not her job to interrogate me, these ten minutes is what it takes for someone to call and ask the person" when do you think you are coming back".
Throughout the conversation, I was told that any household who is licensed has to be added to the auto policy, its by law!! This is a split of the regulation, the person can actually sign a paper saying that he/she will not be using the car at all. I was not told that by Sunny and Rabia.

I am basically shopping around for policies, I made 3 policies for three different vehicles, interestingly enough the first two vehicles had a household on them, the third vehicle they decided to remove the household!!!

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No Common Sense Whatsoever

by Geezer on Sep 26, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

I had been with RBC for 7 or 8 years with no problem. Upon renewal my auto rates jumped about 30 %, no tickets, no claims, the only thing that changed was that both my two vehicles and I got a year older (me 65). I was told that if I replaced the older of the two my rates would go down a bit because the new one would have more safety features ???? Six months later I did just that...the rates were the same but they told me that I no longer qualified for the "Multi Vehicle" discount so my rates were actually going up some more. The reason, I was told, was that I was the only driver on both vehicles, each vehicle needs a principal driver for the discount to apply. I can only drive one vehicle at a time so they would actually be better off, but that makes no difference to them. What kind of complete nonsense is that!? I'm too old and impatient to deal with such incompetence and BS so I switched companies and saved over $1,000.00....and got my "Multi Vehicle" discount! Next time Kathleen Wynne decides to help us with auto insurance will someone please just stifle her!

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

the worst company

by Disappointed on Sep 23, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

My dad passed away 2008 , at that time we changed home / auto policy to my 89 yr old mothers name - RBC even sent the documents " in the estate of " as well as a new policy under my mothers name.
from 2008 till present they have been sending the policy renewals in my mothers name and debiting her account .
Today we called to say we had sold the care and to cancel the auto policy . RBC is refusing to cancel the policy as it is in my dad's name ??
I I gave them the dates / copies of all the letters showing the recognized his passing and the policy was not in my mothers name ...
Not good enough apparently until a dead mad calls them to cancel the policy they are going to continue to take $ from my mothers account for a car she does not own .

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Please stay away !

by Mohamed Amine Chakroun on Oct 5, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

The first time I enrolled with them, I got a better rate than what I had previously. In one year, they decided to increase my premium by 30% for no reason.
Once I sold the car, I had to pay cancellation fees and I was not reimbursed for last month which I paid in advance.
This is really pathetic!
Cheap, unprofessional company !

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Worst experience ever

by Arun on Mar 25, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

Well well well!
I was RBC auto insurance customer for the last 2 years for my car. Afterwards, I decided to sell my car because it was financed and I want to save money so I sold the car I called them and they said we have to cancel your insurance we can’t issue new insurance until this is cancelled and then they cancel my insurance and give me a quote for 3rd party insurance around $415 3rd part which was double what I was getting before. I will not recommend anyone this company please don’t use these fraudulent people.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Terrible experience

by Debra Rauseo on Jun 7, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with RBC insurance for over 10 years and since being moved to Aviva General insurance the experience has been the worst I've experienced... EVER! The expiration date on my credit card had changed so I received a letter for "declined due to card error". I called them and someone walked me through how to make changes online. I made the changes, paid the outstanding amount and the card info was correct. Aviva continued to enter the wrong expiration date so the payment was again "declined due to card error". They cancelled my insurance and won't even listen to the issue. My CC company confirmed the payment was declined due to them entering wrong info but they won't reinstate my insurance and put it in the system as "cancelled for non-payment". So I now have to pay 3 times the premium to get insured. Please do yourself a favor and save yourself from potential issues. Never missed a payment, always paid on time, no claims and this is what you get for customer service.

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Sending out a PSA

by Tristan Prince on Jan 19, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

Sending out a PSA. Never ever go with RBC/Aviva insurance for any of your insurance needs. Over a decade I was treated with complete disrespect. The agent was incredibly rude, incompetent, unprofessional, would not listen to anything I said. Demanded I answer questions, told me I was lying to him. Cancelled my policy without my permission. Lost out on about $500 that they are refusing to reimburse me especially hard during Covid with less income. I’ve never been treated this way in my entire life. Apparently, all I’m entitled to be an $85 goodwill gesture. No thank you. Appalling customer service. They’ve listened to phone call recording and apologized but are apparently doing an internal investigation on the employee, which helps me 0. Congratulations for stealing from a family of their hard-earned money. Do not even give them a cent of your money. Atrocious company. Asked for a recording of the call but they refused to give it to me.

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Insurance Cancelled

by JB on Sep 8, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I was informed of the cancellation of my insurance 4 days after it was cancelled. I was told it was cancelled due to 3 speeding tickets. I got copies of my driver's abstract in which I found there were only 2 tickets. I also had 2 other insurance companies investigate me, and they both came up with the same answer of 2 tickets. When I questioned them on this they tried to say that it was their policy to decline insurance due to 3 tickets. Which would be fine if I had 3. I sent them all the documents which proved that I wasn't a high-risk client but they are hiding behind excuses of policy and underwriters. RBC isn't worth the time and effort to get insurance through. Remember don't go to an insurance agent for a car loan and in turn, don't go to a bank for insurance.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Cancelled without notification

by JDPS on Dec 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I changed my address a few months back, and at that time was notified that payments were switching to annual lump sum vs monthly payments. I wasn't overly pleased with that but told them that it was fine. I just received a call from my financing company saying the insurance company notified them that my policy was cancelled. When I called RBC/Aviva insurance, they said I never paid, and I've been driving without insurance for 2 months now. I had given them consent to take the lump sum from my account back in September (same as they had been charging me monthly before), yet they didn't charge me, then cancelled my policy without any attempt to phone or email. When I asked for the policy to be reinstated, they quoted me my old price, then on the same phone call said that the premium was actually 50% more than the quote they had given me minutes prior. When I asked why they said that was just what the quote was. On top of that, they wanted me to back-pay for the two months that I was apparently without insurance. I've had 1 speeding ticket in my life (4 years ago) and never been in an accident in which I was at fault.

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