Car Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(575 reviews)
TD Insurance
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Please, STAY AWAY!

by Jere on Jul 3, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I'd like to start by saying in order to get a 1* rating by me, you'd have to be unprofessional, arrogant, complacent & willing to outright lie to your customer. TD Insurance covers all of those basis.

In May of 2016, I was a victim of a wildfire in Fort McMurray, that sadly took my home away & everything I've ever worked hard for. Surprisingly, my car was still standing on the road that I abandoned it on because of police ordering everyone to run on foot, even though everything around it burned.

Dealing with TD since has been NOTHING short of a nightmare after another nightmare.

There was a misunderstanding in my policy (me thinking I was protected because I was paying for some sort of 1-million dollar coverage) & also a Gold Premium Package. It all sounds reassuring & fancy until you actually need it & it's NOT the kind of coverage you think you're paying for.

I was given 1/3rd of what I owned & had an experience over the phone with one of their associates not realizing he didn't hang up on his end, & all I could hear was him belittling myself & my mother with another co-worker in the background. I had vice presidents & a senior manager call to "apologize" but that's all for show, they don't mean it & don't let them fool you into thinking they do.

Moving on from my Tenants Policy, now begins my Auto Mobile claim...

The associate I was dealing with about my car was calling everyday to give me an update about my vehicle - which was always the same, that it was still waiting to go into the shop but it was in a secured lot & he couldn't get in touch with them to find out more details - until about a week & a half ago when he stopped calling. I'd also like to mention that he asked ME to make phone calls for HIM because he was "extremely busy & wasn't sure when he'd be available to work on my claim." He also mentioned that he & his manager would be working on extending our rental due to the circumstance of the wildfire & the long wait for repair shops. This was all talked about around June 15-20th, somewhere in between that time frame.

Just yesterday, July the 3rd, I answered the phone to the company who TD Insurance rented a vehicle for me was calling to tell me that TD stopped paying since the 23rd of June & that I would have to start paying out of my pocket if I wished to keep it longer. I told them my Insurance extended the policy, but they said no phone call was made to them.

And so then I called TD Insurance, July 2nd, to find out what was going on.

The associate working on my claim explained to me that he was still working with his manager on extending the rental & hasn't gotten an answer back yet. And that he "assumed MY car was taken care of in the shop because myself or the autobody shop didn't call him with updates," so he stopped working on it.

I asked to speak with his manager at this point. He told me his manager would try & call me back. I waited 2 hours, no call from him, so I called again. Finally I got the manager on the phone & of course he was arrogant. He wanted to argue with me, not help me, & when told his associate was to blame, he kept repeating, "I fail to see how my associate is to blame. How is this his fault?"

I also have a voice mail of the associate apologizing for his mistake, that he should have been on top of it but wasn't & that he would work on getting the rental extended with the help of his manager. The manager also told me that they weren't going to extend it to help us out. Neither of them had plans to call & tell me this, or else I would have returned the rental when it was due to go back so that I wouldn't have another expense.


They'll treat you with arrogance & talk to you like you're stupid when they make mistakes & won't own up for it.

They put crooks in place of managers on purpose to deal with us paying customers, so that finally we will just give up & say it's not worth it anymore.

You'll pay them money for a service that they'll try & pass off onto you.

And you'll hear constant apologies about mistakes they've made because they decided to take their time with your claims.

STAY AWAY... and if you decide to still go through with getting insurance through TD, record every conversation you have with them & let them know that you're doing it so that it's legal. Ask a million questions until you thoroughly understand your policy - & make sure that person doesn't use words like, "I think so," or, "I'm pretty sure," because that's when you know they don't know what they're selling you.

Be smarter than these crooks.

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by NASIMBANU on Sep 25, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I have had very bad experience with TD Insurance and very disappointed to see the way Claim Adjuster has misrepresented me by her contradict email. Before giving me any offer rented car or claim amount of money. My car has been salvaged and i came to know about when i have received the letter from Alberta Vehicle Registration.

After this incident i have decided to close my account with TD BANK and move on to other BANK.

She contradict herself by email. in email she asked me when your are going to repair car otherwise close file and second email asked me accept
her offer of money and my car not repairable.

She did not notified me about salvage of car, i could not able to go for work. when i decided talk to her Manager, she denied to transfer her call to Manager. she wanted to settle with her offer. she was rude and not respond me by email and phone.

I complain to HR department, but i have mental and financial loss because of her misrepresentation.

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Near Death Exp - Not Covered

by Very Dissapointed on Dec 8, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I am dissatisfied and extremely disappointed with the lack of service that I have been receiving with TD insurance and I would not recommend them to anyone. I was stopped at a red light on November 6th when a roll of truck rolled back. The 2 beams of the truck crushed my hood and my window and if it wasn't for my fast thinking; I jumped out of the car, I could have been crushed as well. I jumped out of the car and started yelling at the driver that his truck was rolling back.

TD called me on December 1st and advised me that my car would be ready and drove from Woodbridge to Mississauga to pick it up and when I arrived at the Shop I noticed the engine light that comes on. The 10,000 pounds that crushed my car also damaged the internal cam shaft of my car and now it is leaking. I have been told by the shop that TD will not be covering for this damage!! My car was running perfectly before the accident and NOW TD does want to pay for full coverage.

In addition to my near death experience, I have been told by TD that my policy has a $1000.00 NO FAULT DEDUCTIBLE, which I had no idea that my policy had. I was thought to believe that $1000.00 would be charged to me when the accident is AT MY FAULT.

Four weeks have passed and I'm left with a $1000.00 bill plus $1,000's more to fix the cam shaft and the leaking through the head gasket!

I have been in contact with some lawyers and the local media to bring this matter to everyone's attention and to help others who are left with $1000.00 bill. I cannot believe the multi million dollar company is taking full advantage of the consumer!!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

TD looks like a scammer

by ChrisS on Feb 21, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I am happy I was able to find this site which explains a lot about TD Insurance. So I created a claim five days ago. The adjuster never answers my phone calls and now I understand that this is standard practice for TD Insurance. As I understand it will be wasting time trying to contact TD so I am going to file a claim to "General Insurance OmbudService". Let's see if it works or not

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BAD Service & Dishonest Staff

by on Dec 4, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Do not get insurance with TD. You will regret it. My advisor would not return calls or emails. He also would not let me come to see my car in person. He also refused to send me the repair statement in writing and tried to pressure me into writing off my car and taking a very low payout, all over the phone. After submitting a formal complaint I was finally sent a copy of the repair estimate and it was totally different from what I was told over the phone. After three weeks and a formal complaint, I was finally allowed to see my car again. I was truly shocked at how crooked and poorly run this place is. If I could give a lower rating than 1 star, I would. To make things even worse, when I complained through TD, they admitted I had been treated terribly but did nothing to fix it. Just meaningless apologies from someone over the phone, who does not even work at the location I went to.

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Review topics

Dishonest company

by Rita L on Feb 4, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I got a quote of a bundled insurance (auto and condo) before I was purchasing my car. A fortnight later, I called in to inform TD that I would be taking possession of the condo soon and I'd like to give them my bank information. To my astonishment, the final quote was around 200$ more than the initial one.

I expressed my frustration with the customer service person. The person was all understanding and asked me to send in a retroactive cancellation application, promising there wouldn't be any fees. I work in risk management so I found this a happy surprise. With this promise from TD, I gladly sent in the document and called Lapersonal for a lower quote.

Several days later, I got two mails from TD. One telling me that my Condo insurance had been successfully cancelled, the other telling me I had to pay for my auto insurance in full.

Confused, I resent my document to TD asking them to verify since it was a cancellation for two policies.

A few days later, I got a mail from TD saying the auto insurance was cancelled, but I had to pay $180+ . I didn't even save that much money from switching to Lapersonal.

So I called in customer service again asking for an explanation. They told me what I had thought they would do when I asked about the cancellation: the $180+ was for the period from the inception of the policy to the date I sent in the cancellation. I WAS TOLD QUITE DIFFERENTLY BY THE TIME THE PERSON INSTRUCTED ME TO CANCEL THE POLICY.

The customer service told me to write down that I really wanted to cancel the policy and send the LaPersonal proof of insurance to them. I did so right away.

A few days later I received another bill. This time the money I "OWED" was $197.58! Not only nothing had been done to resolve the problem, I was charged interest!!

This is the worst experience I've had with any insurance company. What I experience is 100% fraud, once during the initial quoting period once during the cancellation. I'm seeking all the ways I can to have this bill write off but I don't have all the time in the world. Avoid this dishonest company at all cost.

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Worst place to get insurance

by grace8790 on Apr 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

LaTara Bailey-Britton Auto Claims Services | TD Meloche Monnex LaTara. An agent is terrible in terms of communication. TD just wants money from you, they have the worst customer service and empty promises. I am getting my vehicle fix cause I am done waiting for them to do their job right. LaTara Bailey -Britton have no idea what she is supposed to be doing. Awful person to deal with, she has done nothing about my claim, other than empty promises and causing me stress! TD is not the place to get insurance for... Such a terrible company and have no concerns about their customers at all.

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Review topics

No sincere desire to help us.

by Injured Acrobats on Mar 29, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My fiancé and I were involved in a not-at-fault car crash when the other driver fell asleep and rear ended us. We are both injured and we have not been able to return to work. Our TD insurance adjuster is rude on the phone. She interrupts us regularly and she doesn't care to listen to what we are going through. She refuses to answer our questions and insists that we go through our lawyer even though it's a simple question and we have her in the phone. She doesn't answer when our lawyer calls and defends herself by how many days she can delay before having to reply. We are professional acrobats / pro athletes and it is absolutely crucial for us to be rehabilitated so that we can go back to work. Our adjuster delays an our ability to get access to the treatment we require and when we try to voice our concern she will raise her voice and and be offensively rude.

I would highly recommend anyone considering to get TD auto insurance to search elsewhere other than TD insurance because if you do have a claim and if you do have injuries, their priority will be in keeping their own expenses low instead of approving you the services you need to get better. They don't feel like allies, they feel like the enemy.

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Nightmare Claims and staff

by Rob Chinnery on Aug 2, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I had an accident where an impact (verified by mechanic) caused my rad to leak and engine to burn out. T.D. refused to settle and dragged out the claim for months. Christina (adjuster) talked with me twice. Other staff were rude hard nosed and dishonest. Met with "Keith" an investigator who said a "denied claim will result in facility insurance" and intimidated me. I withdrew my claim and later thought that I would still want to purse it. On being contacted by Keith he simply yelled "fraud fraud" into the phone and insisted on a police report after the fact (no such a thing -there are accident reporting centers that you must report to in 48 hours -I had reported mine directly after the fact to T.D. Do not insure your car there - they apparently do not pay out a lot of claims (I am out 3000 for new engine, repairs to rad travelling and hotel-all supposed to be covered by T.D. P.S. claims dept ONLY calls or not taped-BEWARE.

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Absolutely terrible

by Taylor on Sep 11, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

The worst customer service I’ve ever received. Wouldn’t recommend this company to anyone. They can’t even provide you with basic documents. I've been calling for a tax letter of premiums paid for 6 months. Still have yet to receive it. I’ve made so many complaints and phone calls I’ve lost track. I’ve had managers call me only to say they will call me right back and then they don’t.

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