Car Insurance Reviews
Pembridge Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews
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(96 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Agent/rep attitude (11)
Agent/rep availability (21)
Agent/rep callbacks (12)
Agent/rep knowledge (11)
App to track driving (1)
Billing/payments (25)
Broker experience (2)
Cancellation experience (18)
Claim - adjuster (17)
Claim - denial (4)
Claim - not-at-fault (8)
Claim - rental car (2)
Claim - repair shop (5)
Claim - theft (2)
Claim payout amount (2)
Claim processing time (29)
Complaints/ombudsman (3)
Discounts, deals, rewards (3)
Email/message wait time (2)
Insurance Rates, Prices (10)
On-hold times/transfers (2)
Online quoting (3)
Paper mail experience (1)
Parking/pausing policy (1)
Phone wait times (12)
Policy coverage (9)
Rates after claim (1)
Rates at renewal (5)
Rates competitiveness (2)
Rates for good drivers (3)
Rates for long-term clients (2)
Rates for second driver (1)
Rates in bundle (4)
Refund (1)
Renewal experience (2)
Snow, Hail, Damage (1)
Trailer/motorhome (1)
Review author
I had my Insurance with Pembridge Insurance and they are the worst. I left the country for 3 months. I paid in full for the year and asked if I can get a 3-month refund of my policy only if possible. They said yes they can do that. I did not ask for a refund of the remaining months on the policy but just the 3 months. And after I returned they said they sent a registered letter cancelling my policy, to contact them if they don't receive the remaining money due for the policy. They never mentioned anything to me about refund of the remaining months of the policy. And Pembridge has my Address, phone number and email address. And only contacted me by 1 registered letter. Now, this letter has been misplaced but as a service provider the Pembridge company should have reached out to me since I am the customer. Saying we have made several attempts to contact you by mail, phone and email with no response.