Car Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(567 reviews)
TD Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Worst of the worst

by Not satisfied on Oct 16, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

By the time I’d had enough of this company and decided to cancel my insurance it then took 12 hours of my time sitting on hold and waiting on chats to have the cancellation completed. I spoke with three people over the course of three weeks and finally had to “pitch a fit” to get it cancelled. Now it’s been 5 weeks waiting on a refund check. So today two hours waiting on chat (after another hour and a half yesterday when my computer went to sleep) to find out that they say a “minimum of 4-6 weeks to get a refund. I asked how they would feel if it took their clients 4-6 weeks to make their payments. This company has no business selling insurance. There is ZERO customer service!!!

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ZERO stars

by Zero Stars! on Oct 3, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I had TD auto and home insurance for years. Never had a problem until recently. Tried to add a second car, it was too expensive so we cancelled and moved our insurance. I cancelled at the end of July. We are owed over $500 and we are still waiting on the repayment! I've called several times about it and was told it was scheduled for repayment Oct. 1. It still isn't in my account. Trying to get through to any customer service representative takes hours! I was literally on hold for over 2 hours before I got through to anyone and that was after multiple phone calls of being on hold for over half an hour, spending lunch breaks on hold etc. A total of 4hours on hold just to cancel and then more trying to find out where my repayment is. Don't go with TD insurance! I've banked with TD since I was 16 and I'm going to switch all my accounts out of TD. It is ridiculous.

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by velociraptorp1000 on Oct 1, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I have been trying to reach them from day ONE! I bought the insurance 2 months ago and wanted to create a login account to see my insurance details and now want to change the payment information (as I had used my US credit card to make the first payment and now I got my Canada credit card and wanted to put it on file) but not able to reach them through the phone. Everyday waited for around 1 to 2 hours on hold and was never able to connect to a single person. Escalated multiple times through the email ID they have provided, I think both are FAKE email IDs as all I ever get is system generated auto-replies. I MOVED FROM the US to CANADA and I can 100% state that this INSURANCE company is total FRAUD & SCAMMERS and it is nowhere near to an average US Auto Insurance company. An average US auto company provides 100 times better service than these SCAMMERS!!! STAY AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE. Now I am planning to discontinue their service but not sure how to do it as you cannot reach anyone on the call. FEELING HELPLESS.

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Ridiculous wait times

by Mike on Aug 25, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Thankfully we haven't had to make any claims, god knows how long we'd have to wait for that!

Trying to cancel policy for one of our cars. I've been on the live chat queue for 35 minutes and moved 4 spaces. I've been on the phone for over an hour at this point and have yet to reach someone. It takes about 4 minutes just to get into a queue as the automated script won't shut up.

TD may be a bit cheaper than other insurers, but that's probably because you can never actually speak to anyone without going insane first.

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Zero customer service

by TD never on Aug 20, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Car insurance premium rising every year. Yet unable to get through to an agent by phone or online. Unless you have enough time on your hands to wait for who knows how long? Hopefully, you don't get transferred that is another hold time. I couldn't even get access to the website for a few days with no reason for the problem? This is just so I could pay for my coverage? I've never had so much pain trying to give someone money. When I finally got through they decided to tack on a late penalty! That was it for me. Cancelled. They wouldn't rescind the penalty. So for $25 they lost over $1000. Never use TD for insurance. They do not have enough "service" people to handle what business they have. I'm just glad I didn't have to file a claim. That must be scary.

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They offer zero cust service

by Upset longtime customer on Aug 14, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I had to call twice on the same day, each call waited one hour until someone took my call. They said we already gave you an auto quote today, you will have to callback tomorrow to get a cancellation quote. This is a crazy service. I've been with TD over ten years and they are not cheap and this is the type of service I got. When I call tomorrow and once I know the exact amount to cancel that's what I will be doing. Representatives seem too lazy to provide you with more than a quote on the same call. Callback tomorrow in this day and age is unheard of! Take your business elsewhere, TD insurance doesn't deserve your money!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Bumper became accident fault

by Marcus on Oct 30, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

So, 2017 I was parking at my friends driveway which is on a curve and I ended up hitting the bumper of a rental Yaris on the curb. That caused damage on the plastic screws on the bumper and the rental company had to replace the whole thing. I called TD Insurance to ask them how it WOULD work if I use them to repair but I ended up using my Visa insurance because it would be cheaper for me. Anyway, after a while, I left TD Insurance to go for another company and now I was asking for a quote for a third party and they say I have an accident at fault on my record from 2017! These people put on the file that I was at fault for an accident?! I didn’t even use them at that time and my insurance quote is doubling because of that. Do not go with these guys, they’re useless and don’t care about customers.

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Terrible Company

by J. Wright on Oct 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Terrible customer service. They auto-renewed my policy (without my permission) after I moved out of the province. When I then called to cancel my insurance, everything seemed fine. I then began receiving letters and phone calls threatening that if I didn't continue to pay my premium they would cancel my insurance. Great! I wanted my insurance cancelled, which I why I called you and cancelled. After hours and hours on hold on my third call with them, I am eventually told that I owe a $114 in cancellation fees. I refuse to pay it. End of story. You renewed my policy without my permission after I moved out of province and refused to cancel my service when requested, threatened with letters and phone calls, and now you want more of my money? Not going too happy. BBB claim opened. Happy to take you to small claims court. 5 years as a customer with zero claims and this is how TD Insurance will treat you. I highly recommend avoiding this company.

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Very High Cancellation Fees

by Taranquilo on Oct 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Avoid getting auto insurance with TD insurance as they will rob you of the way that you will not know. There Cancellation Fees are too high. I was having the insurance with them and then I cancelled it. The insurance lasts only for 2 to 3 days. They never contacted me for any cancellation charges or anything like that. They never emailed or mailed me any invoice. Now after a year, I received a phone call from a collection company that I owe C$580 as a result of the cancellation of the Auto Insurance a year ago. I left shock that how it could be C$580 for a couple of days insurance. I called TD Insurance and the agent told me that it includes insurance plus cancellation charges plus the late fee to add up to C$580. I asked him why the TD insurance never contacted me for a period of one year and they direct send the case to a collection. The agent said that TD has contacted me but I am still wondering when and how they contacted me. Now I have to pay these unsolicited charges. AVOID TD AUTO OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF INSURANCE THEY ARE ROBERS.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Ridiculously long wait time!!

by Frustrated on Sep 18, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have been with Meloche Monnex for over 20 years. My premium recently went up 20%. I had no claims, no tickets, perfect record. I tried calling the helpline for clarification. It took over 2 hours to finally get through and then was put on hold. Who has time for this? I am switching. Go to find an insurance broker. At least you can reach a real-life knowledgeable professional in good time.

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