Belairdirect Auto Insurance Reviews

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Upon renewal my policy went from 69$ to over 90$ /mo.
I have no accident or claims history. Was with CDI since new vehicle was bought. Car was 23k, now less than 5k, why are my premiums higher than when it was brand new, and I was younger, less experienced? I have no demerits.
The agent told me premiums have increased for all drivers becauae of an increase in claims in "my category" last year? What category is that? The one where responsible drivers dont have any claims? Nonsense. I believe this is a result if their acquiring CDI and not having automatic consent to pull my credit bureau upon renewal. My credit history has no bearing on my driving. Ive always paid my insurance.
I requested to have a full accounting of exactly why my insurance increased to $90/mo.
The agent said she would see what she could do about that, no guarantee of return call, email or written explanation.
I will not be renewing with Belair.
I have dealt with many insurance companies in the past and unfortunately Belair was the worse. Terrible customer service.
Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.
I contacted the Vancouver Office yesterday to renew my auto policy which expires today Sept 21st. Previously I was with Canadian Direct for my excess coverage but it appears they have been bought out by BelAir Direct Insurance. First of all my premium for the exact same coverage is now $100. more than last year? When I called yesterday I paid the full premium of $573 by Credit card and received a confirmation #. However, that exercise took at least 30 minutes as I was shuttled from one employee to another and had to listen to their music while they fiddled. The first employee was willing to take my money but he was unable to answer any questions about the coverage? Then later the second employee did as I directed (he didn't seem to be too clued in either) and dropped the Full Replacement Offer and credited me ( on the quote) the $42
However, today I received a call reminding me that it is time to renew my policy?I advised that I renewed yesterday and I have a confirmation # for my payment.Then he suggested I only made a partial payment of $42.
Eventually he transferred me to someone else and my irritation came through and this guy decided to believe me that I had paid and I have a confirmation #. I just checked my MC account and the payment was posted yesterday.
For the record when my next renewal time arrives I will be looking elsewhere and anywhere other than BelAir Direct.
Due to belair's total and complete incompetency, they withdrew money from the wrong bank account without my consent, causing me to go into overdraft. Rather than refunding me the money immediately, since this was their mistake after all, their ridiculous policy forced me to send in a copy of my bank statement. I now have to wait a minimum 5 days for my money to be returned, and now I have a bank mark on my bank account because I went into overdraft (and they refuse to contact my bank to take responsibility for their mistake) I WARN YOU DO NOT USE BELAIRDIRECT
Had a claim with them where I was not at fault and they solved it right away, No hassle, gave me the rent a car for free as agreed and fixed my vehicle.
I was just trying to renew my car insurance. They tried to upsell me house and spouses car. So I gave them a chance to do that. After a million questions and being put on hold after every question I said, just renew my car insurance please, forget house and spouse. Then they proceeded to drag their feet on renewing my insurance. I told them to stop it and just renew, I know the price, I agreed to the policy and nothing changed. They proceeded to try to sell me more and I said, ok, enough is enough. If it takes this long for you to take my money, I can only imagine the loops I'd have to jump through to get a claim. So walked away.
After 4 years of insurance with no claims or cancellations, through a miscommunication of wire payments between banks, I missed 2 payments. Let me express that this was 2 payments in 4 years (to put this is perspective, out of 48 payments I missed 2 - or 4% delinquency). Meanwhile, my home insurance, which was being paid out of my new bank was paid no problem. The only warning I received from Belair was registered mail (not signed for) that I received while on vacation. No phone call, follow-up email, nothing. My insurance was cancelled while I continued to drive for up to a week. I cannot believe the lack of customer support or service, and fully believe this is reckless on their part. While I accept I was disorganised with the payment, more should have been done to collect the missed payment and contact me to see if there was a problem - this could have been rectified IMMEDIATELY. I am mostly upset that I drove my family uninsured, I will never use this service again and would rather pay more elsewhere for better service.
Terrible experience. We dutifully drove with the automerit device in our car for a year and earned a 12% discount, only to have our rates jacked up 20% (without any accident/incidents) and end up paying more! This automerit program is a scam and we are VERY DISAPPOINTED with belairdirect
If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.
I had a couple of collisions and I take responsibility for that. They then decided that I was a high risk driver and canceled my policy. Up to this moment I was still good with that . But what is terrible about them is the fact that they started contacting everyone living at that same address with me requesting them to sign a form confirming that I do not drive their cars. On those forms my names were clearly printed and they asked me to also sign the form. My question is "if I am not insured with you anymore, why do u keep insisting that I sign some documents "? They threaten those clients of theirs telling them if I do not sign the document, their policy will be canceled . What is wrong with this Belair people? The management sucks and the employees are terribly rude. I am not signing anymore of those stupid forms of yours. In fact, the worst company I have ever dealt with.
I have been with this company for over 10 years with no problems until this year. I should say that 3 years ago I had an at-fault accident and having a clean record they said my rates will not go up... insurance forgiveness. However, this July my insurance went up 14%! I didn't want to believe what I was seeing so I called them for clarification. They said they had received more claims than normal last year so insurance went up for everyone. I tried to protest, why would it go up for me if I have been good for over ten years? Why 14 %? I even told them 5 or 6% was reasonable, not double? All cries went unanswered, instead, they offered to take 5% off if I download their drive app... record my driving habits. Exasperated I downloaded their app and took their offer as a good boy. Now I bought a bike that needs to be insured. I can't wait to talk to customer service.