Car Insurance Reviews
Johnson Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews
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(198 reviews)

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Most helpfull reviewsTags
Agent/rep attitude (13)
Agent/rep availability (6)
Agent/rep callbacks (4)
Agent/rep knowledge (10)
Billing/payments (42)
Broker experience (1)
Cancellation experience (42)
Cancellation fee (4)
Claim - adjuster (10)
Claim - denial (1)
Claim - not-at-fault (3)
Claim - rental car (8)
Claim - repair shop (12)
Claim - theft (2)
Claim - total loss (4)
Claim - windshield/glass (3)
Claim payout amount (4)
Claim processing time (13)
Complaints/ombudsman (12)
COVID Handling (1)
Discounts, deals, rewards (4)
Email/message wait time (5)
Insurance Rates, Prices (39)
Legal actions (1)
Online chat (1)
Phone wait times (12)
Policy changes experience (4)
Policy coverage (31)
Rates after claim (2)
Rates at renewal (7)
Rates competitiveness (12)
Rates for bad drivers (5)
Rates for good drivers (9)
Rates for long-term clients (1)
Rates for second driver (1)
Rates for seniors (1)
Rates for students (2)
Rates for young drivers (1)
Rates in bundle (3)
Refund (2)
Renewal experience (1)
Roadside Assistance (1)
Review author
After switching to another company (found better coverage at half the price), Johnson continued to take money from my account and refused to refund all of it. Spent hours on the phone over several days, had to send document multiple times and they kept changing their excuses. In the past when I had a claim they also attempted to pay less than was required by law and I had to have a lawyer step in. Most insurance companies are bad, but this one appears to be the evil overlord of Insurance companies. You would be better off with no coverage at all!