Car Insurance Reviews

Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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(469 reviews)
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by Alli P on Apr 10, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Absolute garbage company. Got my notification in the mail for my renewal. Come to find out they increased my premiums for home and auto insurance. After 6 years with them, this is how they treat my husband and I. He had 1 minor traffic ticket and they tried to blame it on that. Normal insurance companies decrease your rates over time. Not RBC Aviva... Not a chance. The representative then informs me that they applied to whomever to be able to increase everyone's premiums... they increased it alright... They got approved to increase their premiums by 20%!! This is absolutely absurd. My car insurance increased by almost $100 and my tenant insurance increased by $20! Unreal. It's almost criminal how they're allowed to get away with this. Ever since they partnered up with Aviva everything has gone to crap. Stay away from them. Save your money and go elsewhere.

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Find another provider

by Kirby on Mar 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

One of the many caught in the Aviva Alberta Exodus. Not prepared to go through the hoops they have demanded for renewal, nor switch from monthly to annual upfront payment on less than a month's notice, nor risk them denying me insurance for missing an item on their form if not filled in to their satisfaction. Would require me being on hold with them yet again to get data that only they have as it was never released to me anyways! In calling around for quotes, other providers have confirmed that Aviva started with low rates then realized the claims rate in AB and are getting out. Have landed at The Personal for a similar rate.

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by kellyd on Mar 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We just received their standard registered letter, requiring us to complete a new application, which they may or not approve, and then we must pay our entire premium up front. We have been with RBC, which is now underwritten by Aviva, for over 10 years. No claims, never a late payment, loyal customers and this is what we get in return. After a conversation with RBC, I was advised that Aviva is requiring all premiums are to be made upfront for EVERY Aviva customer in Alberta and a couple of other provinces due to the amount of defaulted payments. Apparently, they don't look at you as an individual, but as an Albertan! Unbelievable. This looks really bad for RBC as well.

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AVIVA, a horror story.

by Frank on Mar 5, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

For anyone that has auto insurance from Aviva Canada, I strongly suggest you find a new provider and for anyone who is contemplating using them for insurance to stay well clear of them. They are a horror story and only want your money and will find any excuse to avoid payouts. Here is my horror story. I have had them for over 10 years as my auto insurance provider and dutifully paid the premiums on time, every time, even when I heard others had cheaper premiums with other companies. Stupid me. On July 2018 I was involved in an auto collision. The other driver was at fault and was charged with careless driving by the police officer. It was my bad luck that he also had Aviva insurance. I reported the accident in same day. Aviva quickly wrote off the vehicle, even though the damage did not seem that extensive, and lowballed me on the payout. Less than half of what I paid 2 years prior. I argued that I had done some major repair work on it 6 months prior and should be at least partially compensated for that as well. According to Aviva that is apparently where I committed a sin. It seems we cannot question being ripped off by them. After 1 month of no definitive answers from them, in frustration, I cancelled my multiple auto and property policies with Aviva. They lost a total of $6,600 annual premiums because of their unprofessional approach. And really for a mere $12,000 claim. That appeared to have been my second mistake. I believe that they thought it was now payback for cancelling my policies. They took over 6 months to make a case that the work was not done as detailed in the receipts I provided. They put me through phone and an in-person interrogation (the Gestapo could not have done a better job). The end result was that they declined my claim including the car rental I used for 1 week after the accident. While it may be true that the auto shop cheated me on the work done in the bills, they should have simply declined the receipts and maintained their original offer, low as it was. Talk about adding salt to a wound. I have now retained a lawyer and proceeding with legal action against Aviva. Stay away from this scam of a company.

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by Shocked on Feb 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I just got a registered letter from Aviva stating I had to submit a "WRITTEN APPLICATION FOR REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE". Without this form, my policy would not be renewed. Also, FULL PAYMENT must be made if accepted. I spoke to an agent 2 weeks prior to receiving this notice and there was no mention of this ridiculousness. He updated my existing insurance with my new details and I got my pink slip in the mail. Today, I called them again to find out why I was getting such a letter and the rep. indicated that I was picked randomly and this is a NEW LAW in ALBERTA - which I think he said to get me off the phone #fakenews. I will be filing a complaint and will start looking elsewhere for auto insurance. I have a clean driving recording & have been driving for 15 years. This does not add up - they are up to something.

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100% Unprofessional!

by Say no to Tyrants on Feb 20, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Do yourself a big favour and avoid Aviva at all costs. Unacceptable customer service, insane wait times to speak to advisors. Some we have documented 78 minutes wait time to speak to an advisor. Insulting and actually disgusting how we were treated, even got hung up on a few times. Yes, they actually hung up and said: we are now closed, goodbye. THEN my wife's 2004 Chevy Tahoe was stolen and we were treated like criminals. They stated that the vehicle's ignition wasn't compromised the usual way that their appraiser is used to seeing. Not my problem. We were treated as suspects and were victimized worse by Aviva. They even had the nerve to ask for bank records, income tax files, even phone records couldn't believe it. We ended up settling for way below replacement value after 7 months of going back and forth. They make 1 offer and if you don't like it, too bad. We got $4100 to replace our Tahoe and had to spend $7500 to obtain a comparable vehicle. Really the worst experience with an insurance provider ever. They just make up the rules as they go. You have been warned folks, the reviews are true.

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biggest joke of a company

by Joy on Feb 15, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was in an accident in December 2018. An accident that was NOT my fault. I was seriously injured and still have not returned to work and will be unable to return to my health care aide position for some time due to an arm injury leaving me unable to do any heavy lifting moving etc. Aviva has given me the biggest runaround to college disability and I still have not received any money to this day (February 14/19). Every time I contact them, I wait a week for a response where I get another excuse as to what I need to fix etc. I have asked questions to try to complete stuff once with no mistakes. I am then sent back for this or that or told they did not receive items even when I can clearly see the mail was delivered. Do not use this company because if you are ever in need of their support for an accident you did not cause, they will screw you and leave you to either work when you're unable or be completely screwed on your financial responsibilities.

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by TRISHA on Feb 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have been insured with RBC for years and didn't have any issue! I've been driving for more than 10 yrs and for the first time my insurance was cancelled! I received an email on Oct. 30, 2018, regarding a missed payment for Oct.15, 2018 and a note on the bottom to disregard the email if payment has been made. I could've disregarded the email but rather replied informing them of an online payment made Oct. 17, 2019. I didn't receive any calls, nor email assuming everything is okay. I have been trying to contact them since the day I moved to the new address as I wanted to get home insurance. Called several times and on hold for 40mins-1h. One day I decided to press the key that corresponds to the sales department. My call was answered in less than two mins. The agent was unable to give me a quote as I have an existing car insurance and someone will give me a callback. I provided him with my new address so they would have an idea. Anyhow, I called back in Dec. 2018 to get a home insurance quote as no one ever called or emailed me! This is the day I was informed that my car insurance was cancelled effective Nov. 20, 2018, as late fees $40 were not included on that payment I have made online! The 2 registered emails were mailed and returned. Yet they had sent me my $150 refund through same mail! Hello?? All I hear is computer generated! Yes, blame it on the computer! Insurance cancelled >> computer generated! What's the point of having employees if everything is generated by a computer?? They didn't even bother trying to take that $40 on my bank account that obviously I will call them if I had just made a payment! I drive my kids to school not knowing I no longer have a car insurance! MY CAR INSURANCE HAS MORE THAN DOUBLED JUST BECAUSE OF $40? It's already a struggle for a single parent to make ends meet then THANKS TO AVIVA FOR ADDING UP TO MY PROBLEMS!!!

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by Darren on Feb 3, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Same as everybody else, these forms are nonsense! If you pose a question that says “if so”, a blank response means NO! I just resent my forms back in! Apparently, they cancelled my insurance on Jan.24th, the same day as they mailed the letter! But they did take my monthly payment out, oh and the auto reply says that they will respond in 2-4 weeks! RBC needs to find a new insurer!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by GibCare on Jan 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Similar to a previous review, we were sent out the five-page "application" to renew our auto insurance after being loyal costumers for over 15 years with ZERO claims. This five-page application was difficult to even understand what they were asking. Upon calling Aviva for help, they were very rude and stated the form was "straightforward". They offered little guidance. We also received this form just prior to our policy expiring. We thought they were updating our information for the file only to find out they were cancelling our insurance with four days notice. We rushed our "application" overnight mail to Ontario (which cost $48) to be told it was not received in time and that we did not have insurance as of today. The customer service representative basically told me that they are no longer wanting to service Alberta. They did nothing to help us despite putting us through all this stress and added work to reapply for an existing policy (which we have had for over 15 years). Once we asked to speak to a manager, we were advised it would be put in for a request and it would take 5 days to return our call. We were also advised SHOULD they renew our policy, we would need to pay the entire amount upfront (we have paid monthly for 15 years and never, not once, defaulted on a payment). They have the WORST customer service I have ever experienced. Happy to take my business elsewhere and would advise any to check around before ever using Aviva home and auto insurance.

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