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Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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AVIVA is the worst

by Chippy on Feb 26, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had both Auto and House policy with AVIVA for over 15 years. My rates increased last year. This year I got the notice that I was selected randomly to reapply for my policy renewal via email from my broker? I asked my broker why and they said AVIVA are randomly reevaluating auto policies in Alberta. You have to reapply and AVIVA will decide if you will even get a policy or not, plus you have to pay entire years policy, no monthly plan. I got the six-page form by registered mail today, just like starting from scratch, they already have all this information. I am a -15 grid rating driver, which is the best rating. I am the type of driver that AVIVA should be providing policies for since I am the lowest risk. Being treated like crap doesn't work for me, bye bye AVIVA. I also have a home policy which is getting switched to another insurance provider. AVIVA is the only company I know that doesn't want your business. Avoid them like the plague! I would rate AVIVA lower than one if I could.

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by GibCare on Jan 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Similar to a previous review, we were sent out the five-page "application" to renew our auto insurance after being loyal costumers for over 15 years with ZERO claims. This five-page application was difficult to even understand what they were asking. Upon calling Aviva for help, they were very rude and stated the form was "straightforward". They offered little guidance. We also received this form just prior to our policy expiring. We thought they were updating our information for the file only to find out they were cancelling our insurance with four days notice. We rushed our "application" overnight mail to Ontario (which cost $48) to be told it was not received in time and that we did not have insurance as of today. The customer service representative basically told me that they are no longer wanting to service Alberta. They did nothing to help us despite putting us through all this stress and added work to reapply for an existing policy (which we have had for over 15 years). Once we asked to speak to a manager, we were advised it would be put in for a request and it would take 5 days to return our call. We were also advised SHOULD they renew our policy, we would need to pay the entire amount upfront (we have paid monthly for 15 years and never, not once, defaulted on a payment). They have the WORST customer service I have ever experienced. Happy to take my business elsewhere and would advise any to check around before ever using Aviva home and auto insurance.

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Scam Company

by Unhappy Customer on Jan 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva sent a registered letter at the end of November during the postal strike wanting us to reapply for auto insurance after we had been with them for 9 years. The forms were received just before Christmas, which were 5 pages of jargon I didn't even understand. We filled them out and sent them back, they didn't receive them until January 14th...our policy expired on the 12th. When I finally got ahold of someone after 45 minutes of being on hold 3 separate times, they told me that I did not fill out the forms correctly and they would mail them back to me to fix. I told them I can't go without insurance and asked if I could have a grace period. They said no and absolutely refused to help me. Then told me if I wanted to stay with them that it would be up to 5 weeks with no insurance before it is sorted out. Their exact words were "well, if you need insurance today, then go somewhere else". All the agents I spoke with refused to let me talk to a manager and said they would put in a note on my file for one to call in roughly 5 business days. On top of all this, I have made monthly payments with them for 9 years, not once did I miss a payment. They said that because I lapsed I am deemed a "threat" for non-payment and they want a credit card number for full payment before they even reviewed a so-called new policy. My driving record is spotless, I have zero claims and this is how they treat a customer. These people need to be reported to the BBB. What a scam to jack rates. Horrible Company. Thankfully, I was able to get insurance with another company with better benefits and customer service. DO NOT USE AVIVA.

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AVIVA Cancels auto insurance

by thumperqew on Oct 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Had a 5,000 claim in 2015, in 2017 Aviva partnered with RBC as the underwriter and then they cancelled my insurance 1 month before my renewal!!! RBC said AVIVA sent me a re-application via snail mail (which I never received). Because I didn't "reapply within 2 weeks, they sent a "registered" letter informing me my policy is cancelled and they no longer want me as a customer. AFTER 15 years of being a customer, never missing a payment! No changes in my vehicles or driver rating. (They actually said they would NOT cancel my House insurance! LOL). BEWARE, Aviva now RUNS RBC insurance and the complaints line I called said they are targeting longtime customers and snuffing them out as most have a declining deductible clause (my $500 deductible was at $0 because of my 15 years of "Loyalty"), haha. They ACTUALLY said I qualify for the exact same coverage after the RBC agent issued me a quote and I would have NO lapse in coverage, HOWEVER, there would be $150 rate hike and I would lose all accrued loyalty benefits such as my declining deductible, which was at $0, so re-set to $500. RBC's bait and switch predatory practices are despicable, I don't believe they ever mailed me any re-application/renewal forms and obviously by not emailing me or calling me to notify me about pending policy cancelation (they had my email and home phone number on file for years) they obviously targeted me and are looking to get rid of long-term customers. The RBC insurance Rep apologized for AVIVA's unscrupulous corporate tactics as this is new to RBC, she sounded embarrassed after admitting she is getting multiple calls from longtime customers with similar complaints. Note RBC does not target new customers, within the last 2 years, rather longtime loyal customers they want to get rid of. Good luck RBC, I'm lodging a complaint with the Ontario Insurance Ombudsman and notifying my Union, my workplace as well as my friends and family to steer clear of RBC! AVOID the renewal cancellation hassle by RBC auto insurance.

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Price and service

by Alenhka on Aug 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I just got a renewal for my vehicle and it showed that the price has gone up by over 30$. I decided to give them a call before I start to look for another company. This lady from a customer service answers my call and the way she was talking to me was very unacceptable. She was being very rude and unhelpful. When I asked her why she was rude to me, she said that she is doing that because I am being rude to her!:) What a professional lady she was. When I inquired to speak to her manager, she said there is no way she can facilitate that for me and there is basically no one for me to complain about the “good service” she has provided for me!!! What a good company to have a business with! Would never recommend them to anyone!!!!

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worst of the worst

by Devon on Jan 31, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was hit on the 17th of October, 2017, and everything ran smoothly from there until we tried to settle our claim we couldn’t get a hold of anyone. We called 160+ times in 2 months and couldn’t get through to anyone. I am a 17 year old boy who needed a claim on my first car, and got completly screwed for 2 months until finally late january, 2018, we had our lawyer call our claims advisor and after 2 months of absolutely nothing, our lawyer left a voice mail, and we had the correct documents and responses within literally 7 minutes (calculated). Would never, ever recommend this insurance company to anyone. We are pretty sure they had our numbers saved and when they saw it was us calling, ignored us, and when our lawyer called, they s*** their pants. Will never let anyone I know insure with this company, worst of the worst, I would recommend any company except Aviva

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by MP101 on Apr 27, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I’m writing this review because I am extremely disappointed at how AVIVA treated my wife and I when we made a claim for our stolen vehicle which was found a week later by the police in a damaged condition. First of all, when we first called AVIVA to get the case put through (November 14, 2016) it took forever to get a hold of Gorman (The Manager). Gorman never returned our calls and refused to make our case a priority. It took a couple of weeks of constantly calling until finally they gave us the number for the Toronto head office. By law they are supposed to come see me within 24 hours of the reported incident –stolen & damaged vehicle (which they didn’t). Second of all, once the incident was filled, they never got us a rental car as they promised they would when we signed our insurance to them in the beginning. Not only did I have to find my own rental but yet I had to pay for the full cost myself! My case was investigated by Debbie T. who is located in the Toronto head office. We gave all our information to her so that she could conduct an investigation. My wife and I even agreed to go Under Oath and aid in securing information and evidence to assist in verifying the evidence. After all this Debbie T. still denied us and treated us like we were criminals! Consequently, Megan S. (AVIVA General Insurance Adjuster) claimed that they will not put our file through since there “seemed to be some discrepancies between our evidence and the productions”. No further information was explained in the letter of rejection! I have all my insurance with RBC, I tried to get them to help me with the case but they kept of brushing us off and made us deal straight with AVIVA. Andrew M. from RBC was the broker who was supposed to help us, yet he did not do anything! The lack of customer service in RBC - AVIVA is horrible. My family signed up for insurance so that we don’t have to worry about cases like these, but in the end insurance companies will do anything to try and not pay you out - the victim. Moreover, AVIVA still has my damaged car, they have not indicated what they are going to do with it. After speaking to a couple of lawyers they told us that insurance companies will drag their feet on an investigation, knowing there is time limit to sue (2 years). He said there is never absolutely no reason they don’t pay. They’ll just use every excuse in the book to not pay out a claim. Insurance companies have nothing to lose by denying the claim, unless you keep persistent and sue them! My wife and I work full-time and have three small children, we do not have time to be playing petty games with the insurance company. We will not let them treat us like criminals when the crime was done to us! This case will not be left alone, I am working with a lawyer right now to handle the case and sue AVIVA. We are also filling a complaint to the Canadian Better Business Bureau, and forwarding this to as many communication outlets so that other innocent families like us don’t fall for insurance companies like AVIVA Canada. There is a reason AVIVA has the worst ratings and reviews, do yourself a favor and stay away from them!

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Get. Out. While. You. Can.

by JaneyD1989 on Feb 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I wish I could give negative stars. How anyone has ever had a good experience with these people is completely beyond me. I've been with this company since I was old enough to drive, and the second you're in an accident (that's not your fault) please expect the absolute worst outcome. The dishonesty of the adjusters is mind-blowing. I can't even possibly describe the emotional trauma I've suffered from these people. They'll threaten you if you don't sign things on their watch, but when you submit the mountains of paperwork, see specialists, pay fees for those specialists to fill out more mountains of paper, and you comply with their "independent medical assessment" to try to counter your specialists, expect to only get half the treatment you're entitled to, if at all. By this point, you're so frustrated and still not better because you've waiting six months to get medical treatment approved. Expect to wait weeks, maybe even months for them to figure out what they're going to do with your car. If it's a total loss, expect to not get enough money to put a down payment on a new car. Also expect to find a new car in less than 72 hours after they give you a dollar figure, because they're going to yank the rental car out from under your feet (that's if they even gave you one at all). They'll bombard you with insurance jargon, threaten you, and use any little detail they can to deny you coverage or treatment. It doesn't matter how many doctors you've seen, how much evidence you have for what's happening to you, they will do everything on their own watch and at the advice of underqualified family doctors with little to no experience. It is a total nightmare. Hopefully you don't develop a psychiatric condition from the stress and anxiety you're sure to have every single time you hear your adjuster's name. Your first call when you get into an accident should be to a lawyer before you even open a claim with these crooks. As soon as my two year ordeal with them is over, I'll be switching insurance companies.

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Disrespectful Company

by VERY Unhappy Customer on Jan 24, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva is the absolute worst Insurance company to deal with . I will never ever reccomend this company to anyone. Have been overcharged , they have taken money from me without telling me, not give me MY money back . I cancelled at the end of November after them doing a ReWrite without me knowing , trying to charge me almost $2000 a month for insurance. They took my December Payment and have not refunded me, will not refund me, and state they have no record of them over charging me. I am currently out $900 and will probably never see It again. What a great way to treat long term customers . WAKE UP AVIVA. I switched my insurance company and now only pay $250 a month for the exact same coverage except with great customer service . No one should have to deal with a thieving insurance company .

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by Mark on Dec 28, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Informing all my friends and relatives to stay away from this terrible insurance company who will overcharge, mislead and create stress in your life at vulnerable times when you need assistance in selecting an insurance for all family needs.

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