Car Insurance Reviews

Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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Very displeased with aviva

by Not Happy on Jun 18, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I have recently stopped using Aviva due to the horrible customer service I have experienced using them; I had been with Aviva for about 5 years since I started driving. I didn't know until recently but they had been charging me Almost $100.00 more each month than any other insurance company I got a quote from.

In the last 2 years they have made numerous errors with my auto policy that resulted in me over paying on multiple occasions.

When I joined my home policy with my auto I was supposed to get a discount and received verbal and written confirmation that it was set up, only to find out that they didn't do it months later.

Although they eventually paid back the difference it took months to wait for them to give it back and I had to call them and leave numerous messages with no answer or reply.

It would appear that none of their brokers are competent in being able to manage their clients information and communicate with their coworkers about updates to their policies. I have had different brokers contact me stating that my information is out of date or incorrect when I had provided it correctly and have records of the conversations via email. This has happened many times. Their organization and care in dealing with clients is a joke from what I have experienced.

When preparing to leave Aviva my broker began to bad talk other insurance providers and warned that they will just rip me off and that their services suck. she essentially was trying to scare me into staying.

Based on my experience with this insurance provider and their team of brokers I highly recommend to NEVER insure anything with AVIVA. It is not worth the frustration, you will overpay for bad service and you will NOT be taken care of by careful and competent professionals.

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Bullshit Unfair Pricing Switch

by JD. on Nov 12, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I contacted Aviva for auto insurance in the summer for my little convertible sports car, I was quoted and paid $254/month which I agreed to. The following month after wards I wanted to know how much it would be to change to a different vehicle, 2007 Lexus. I was quoted $460/month, I have emails proving all of this. The next following two months payments were still $254/month which I found odd. The month after in Oct. I was charged $949.44 which was absurd it was more than double what I had been paying! I immediately cancelled the policy and now am being charged again $949.44 in Nov. And now they also tell me $582.72 will be taken out Nov.26.
Watch out for Aviva they will quote you for one price and totally screwed you over without any warning charge you another amount, be warned!

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Awful company

by Dontuseaviva on Dec 20, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Been a customer for over 3 years, spent almost $5000 with them to insure my truck. No accidents, no claims, always paid monthly on time, 9-star driver rating. Receive letter (which is registered for some reason) without thanking me for being a customer saying your renewal will expire, you will have to fill out a form otherwise we will not renew you, and you will have to pay an annual lump sum. The quote was an extra $600/year. No thank you - will not use again and would urge others not to either.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Crazy price increase

by Markian on Dec 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

How Aviva (RBC) stays in business I have no idea? They jacked up my rates 67% for my house and 47% for my cars. I have had no claims ever. Very polite service representatives who could not explain the price increase nor would they offer anyone more senior who could. I quickly changed companies after years with RBC.

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Capitalism at it's finest

by Nognlite on Dec 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

This company is the most disgusting, money-grabbing, a capitalistic company I have ever dealt with. My daughter gets in a multi-vehicle accident where the vehicle behind her was smashed into by a distracted driver and forced into her but is found 50% at fault for hitting the vehicle in front because they were moving and she was too close. How do I know this? She was told this 30 seconds into the claim call. Nice way to start the call. Your rates are going to go up. In the next 5 min of the call, they have already written the car off and were ready to send her a cheque. All she had to do was accept their finalization of the claim. The car still sitting in a heap outside the ambulance. No police report and the adjuster not even looking at the car. That's dodgy to start with. We are now in week three. They offered half the deductible and $300 for tires of a $1200 winter tire package. $300 dollars for rubber. That's $66 per tire before tax. LOL, not in Canada! They want my daughter to provide a breakdown of the cost of tires or 2-3 quotes from online. Uh, no. That's your job. Oh wait, you didn't even look at the car, so you wouldn't know. That is sheer laziness and incompetent. At this point, we are waiting for the Claims Manager to explain to me the fault in accidents. This should be interesting. My mortgage is coming due in the next month! Stay away from Aviva, especially as a new driver. Cheap insurance means a cheaper service.

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by waltontg on Nov 16, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was a client of RBC insurance for 18 years, then Aviva bought them or into them. Back in 2016 in bad weather, I had the misfortune of sliding on pure ice on the roads and bumping into the car ahead of me when they bumped into the car ahead of them. They had a crack in their plastic bumper, I needed a new grille and front bumper. RBC told me not to worry go get it fixed, nothing will show on your record. 1 FREE CLAIM AWARD. RBC was great alone in 2017 I had a young lady with a G2 for only a week ran into the side of my truck on her way to work at an intersection, as she stated she was speeding and was late for work. After calling Aviva I was told to get a police report and I did, police deemed it no-fault. Aviva told me to take my truck to their shop, I did and was told 4300.00 in repairs, and 500 deductible... I decided to shop around. I got 4 quotes from quality shops, not one single quote was over 3100.00, the cheapest was 2800. When I called the Aviva adjuster I was assigned to she told me they would not cover the repairs unless I went to their shop. So, after telling her it should be my choice where I take my truck, not theirs. She informed me that after reviewing my file they are only going to cover 2600 in repairs unless I go to there shop. This same adjuster told me my premium would not be going up it would stay the same, until I took my truck to my choice of repair shop, soon as she found this out 2 weeks after the fact, all of a sudden she calls me to tell me she has determined this accident was my fault and my Premium would be going up, I was paying 1100.00 a year, with her determination my new premium would be 4856.00 a year! I followed up with many emails and calls, she would ignore me until the day I left her a VM saying I was going above her paygrade. A manager called me a week later, after discussing the facts, he told me there was not much he could do about the adjuster decision. I argued with him until he put a quote specialist on the call, once we had a below paygrade of everyone else on the phone this adjuster/customer service agent asked how I had gone from a 6 star client to a 1 star for a minor accident claim, he told me usually only see that if someone was drinking /driving, speed causing an accident . After this gentleman looked into my file (remember a customer service advisor) he changed my status to a 4 star, with a premium of 2300 a year. But I did not get the last laugh, just recently (guessing I was flagged) my monthly payment kept getting returned happened 4 times in the last year, but each time I would call and ask why they were returning my payment, some sort of PC glitch. Well, this past week I received a registered letter saying my insurance was cancelled due to late payments. I decided to shop around and get away from these crooks! Everywhere I call I'm told I have 2 accidents (one was a gimmie by RBC over 3 yrs ago) plus I have 4 late payments ( not my fault), so now no one will touch me for insurance. Found one company that wants almost 5000 a year and a half upfront. Thank you Aviva!

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Never again

by gpentrelli on Nov 15, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

After having business with them for 18 years, they decide I was a high-risk driver (because I have 3 accidents in "6 YEARS"), they increase my rate of $200 to $1000 a month. Sorry, but it is ridiculous the insurance company rate the driver for the last 6 years. And the worst is after 18 years, never been late. I NEVER WILL BE BACK WITH THEM

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Worst customer service

by Jtan87 on Oct 30, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I’ve had RBC auto insurance (underwritten by Aviva) for at least 6 years now. I chose this because I banked with RBC. Figured there would be some loyalty rewards. Fast forward 6 years to today. I’ve never claimed an accident or anything at all. Not for auto. For home. For life. For anything. I’ve just systematically been paying my premiums. Out of the blue, they tell me my policy will be cancelled 10/01/19 because I never filled out an application that was never received. They let me worry about coverage for days before confirm that I was still covered until they had reviewed my application. Almost a month later, 10/30/19, I get another letter saying I had $1890 past due. This coincidentally is my annual premium amount. I called customer service to inquire what this is about, as for my tenure as a client, I’ve always paid monthly. Auto withdrawals never skipped a beat. Now the guy who takes my call informs me that this is a new law. Everyone in AB must pay annually. I asked, can I maybe pay half now. And half in two weeks when I get paid? Nope. No way around it. Must pay in full by 11/04/19 or my policy is cancelled. Asked if this was regarding some new legislation being passed (given we just had a provincial election not too long ago, and a federal one a few weeks ago). Guy then fesses up, says it’s a new policy Aviva under RBC is enforcing. I ask him then, to see what other policies I have active. And word for word he tells me, “ there are over 25 pages with people with the same last name as yours. And you want me to find you?” At this point, I was shocked. 1. Have you not already pulled my account? 2. If so, do it again. Use my first and last name.DOB, address, number etc. He then repeated himself. And I replied with “so you’re saying that it is beyond you and your scope of work to search for any policies I am currently still paying for? Answer carefully because I know this is recorded”. He then quickly finds the knowledge to search. And abruptly tries to transfer me to someone else. I told him never mind. As he’s been enough help for me today. I end the call and call another insurance. They’re more than happy to help me. They’re more than happy to get my business. All that, and guess what, even saves me $200 annually. I call RBC back to cancel. And this new representative tells me there is a cancellation fee for cancelling midterm. I argue and say, I would love to have had continued my policy. But you’re asking for a large amount of money, and the time frame of less than two weeks is ridiculous. Not to mention, the audacity of strong-arming me do this without any warning or notice. They told me I had to pay for the one month over coverage for the month of October. I was covered it never got width drawn. So I agreed to this payment. But then they tried to tack on a random $283 charge on top of the $167 premium for the month. I asked for a cost break down. On where they’re pulling this cancellation fee. And she told me it’s because I’m cancelling. Ironically, I’m only cancelling because they backed me into a corner. Either I had to fork up over almost $2000 and if I didn’t want to oh that right away then my conciliation prize was the cancellation fee? Not today RBC. I argued a bit more. And they decided to waive the cancellation fee. Long story short, RBC insurance. And Aviva, the underwriter, are crooks through and through. I warn anyone reading this. Beware.

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Worse service ever

by JS on Oct 8, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I deleted one of my cars by mistake, the engine was broken got it fixed decided to keep the car. The car was uninsured for 3 weeks, called to get it insured again and here is where the problems started. 1. They couldn't offer me full coverage even tho the vehicle was fully cover less than 3 weeks prior. 2. I had to provide personal information DL for my wife and me even tho I have police with Aviva for over 10 years. 3. Double the premiums even tho the car was insured 3 weeks ago. 4. Customer service does NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH! 5. Worse company ever! 6.The agent with the heavy Indian accent. 7. Keep trying to sell me add on after repeatedly and angry telling them that I just want everything the same as my existing policy. 8. I really think these people work on commissions because the lady with a heavy Indian accent asked me in a matter of 30 minutes at least 10 times for my Credit card information. Worse service! Canada should really stop outsourcing customer service overseas. It took me 15 min to explain that I have a car that I only use on the weekends. I am sorry but RBC or Aviva whatever you are you need a lot of work to keep my business.

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Terrible customer service.

by Bryan O on Sep 27, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Don't use Aviva insurance. Very unprofessional and terrible customer service! I've been with Aviva insurance for about 6 months now. When I signed up with my visa debit card, just like I did with my last car insurance company, I also pay several other bills without any issue. Well, in August I couldn't figure out why my payment hadn't been taken out on the 16th. So I waited a few days thinking they are just late taking my payment out. So on August 20th, I called to find out why it wasn't taken out yet. The guy says it's against their policy to accept Visa Debit they needed my checking account info. I said that everything was fine, however, I disputed my 50$ NSF fee. Because I had the funds in my account and it was their mistake to not inform me that they don't accept Visa Debit when I started the account. So he said he'd wave the 50$ fee. So in September, I called to give them a change of address and give them my bank info. The agent informed me that my policy would be an extra 500$, which is ridiculous, to begin with, but I agreed. As far as I'm concerned that's a verbal contract. I get my new policy today and it's a 546$ increase. That's an extra 46$ more than I agreed to. Continuing with that 2nd agent, at the end of the call she told me my amount owing for September was 50$ more than usual. Without getting a chance to respond, she hung up. So I called back immediately, realizing the mistake. The first 2 calls I got through to an agent in less than 20 min. I waited an hour before I could speak to the next agent. So, they've obviously flagged my number now. Anyways, I finally talk to an agent and informs me that I still have the NSF fee from August. She tells me they can only way to wave the NSF fee if I show the bank documents. She didn't give me an email address or anything to send the bank documents. Something the first representative should have said to me in August and it would have been dealt with. Being very frustrated now, I asked to speak to a manager to straighten this out. She informs me that she doesn't have a manager available. I said to her I pay good money for your services and it's unprofessional not to have someone to deal with this. She said the only thing she could do is make a note and have her manager call me back. Being a Friday Monday was the soonest I could get a callback. Monday was when my insurance was due. So I ended up paying the 50$ fee. Waited all week for a callback. I had one voicemail that I couldn't understand, which must have been them. So today I got my new policy in the mail with the extra 46$ added to my policy and still having paid the extra 50$ last month. So, I called today to deal with it again. Another one hour wait on hold. As soon as I get an agent, I insisted that I speak to a manager. Apparently, the manager isn't available again. The agent I was speaking to was one of the most condescending people I've ever spoken to. Spoke to him for about 30min. By the end of our conversation, he was literally mocking me. I worked in customer service and sales for a couple of years. I know my rights as a consumer. If it was anyone else besides the insurance company I would be compensated with free services. Which I've done several times in the past! Not to mention I would have been fired on the spot if I talked to anyone like that. If someone knows a good place where I can post this I would really appreciate it. This kind of customers service should not be tolerated.

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