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Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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by angry with cause on Aug 20, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

my truck was stolen while I was travelling i had reported a claim to aviva , in this case i knew the individual who had taken and crashed my truck, my truck was written off. after battling for a month with aviva over trying to settle this claim, they stated that i had to press charges against this person in order to settle the claim (last i checked its the RCMP's job to lay charges towards anyone not mine, i can only give a statement) i argued this point to the insurance for a long time, further more although offered at first they stated i was not entitled to a rental car although i had been told in the past i had 900 dollars credit towards a rental "the case is under investigation without prejudice and im not entitled to one i can get one and ask for reimbursement later" i was told, finally the Sargent of the police station had to phone the agent to tell him that a warrant had been issued and they are searching for the individual involved so the agent authorized a rental for a week and offered me a claim now starts the low balling they offered me 2000 less then what i had found the fair market value to be on my truck i told them this they asked me to submitt 3 similiar trucks kms make model year so i found two that are similar other then that it is hard to find a truck of this calibre ( it was well maintained with low kms for its year) i found two they were not from alberta so she dismissed them i also showed her the appraised value on kelly blue book they couldnt open the link. i am still battling over this its month two.

this story it stands to show that as a customer with aviva your words carry no weight and they drag on this process to try and make you except there low offer i have had 3 different agents they all have taken leaves of absence and have literally only received one email a day from 2 of the agents although i have sent several different emails and questions regarding the proccess that they have said i have to follow and they do not answer there phone so dont bother calling you can only request that they call you back via email which will take a day to reply and set up a call time, as well they have made me jump threw many hoops with the RCMP who has also told me its to seperate things your truck being stolen and someone being charged with theift.

they do not have your best interest in mind and they are trying to save money they are not on your side.

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Worst yet

by Angela K on Jun 13, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

First of all, I'm not sure how far this review will reach out to or if Aviva will even care about this but I need to write this because our family members are furious. On June 1, 2014 around 3pm, our mom's Sante Fe was parked on 17 Avenue 9A Street S.W., My brother and I came back to a car with a broken bumper snapped in half. There were several witnesses on site telling us that a black Ford F150 truck lost balance and his truck hit the left side of our bumper and because of its strong force, the bumper was snapped off. Thankfully, the guy left his phone number so we contacted him and tried to contact Aviva, which is his insurance. Despite our busy working schedule and needing a drivable car (I'm sure you get pulled over by a police if you drive in an unstable vehicle), both me and my brother tried calling Aviva about 50 times and there were no answers. My brother finally got a hold of the appraisal person, his name is Lyle, and he came to look at the car on June 12th, 2014 and told us Aviva will not cover any costs for replacing the broken bumper because he "magically" knew there were previous damages. For all we know, we had a little dent on the right side of our bumper which didn't cause issues or affect us in any way to drive the car. After arguing, he finally said he'll quote it for $500.00 to get the bumper replaced and wrote it down as a "drivable" car when we clearly can't drive it with that condition and refused to pay for a towing cost telling us to drive it to the body shop ourselves. My other brother works at a dealership and it's costing us at least $1000.00 for the replacement. First of all, Lyle was very rude to my brother Paul talking on the phone and Second of all, even if there were previous damages, we would like our old bumper back to how it was with a dent on the right for all we care. We drove this car with a bumper and now because of a truck hitting it off, we now have a car without a bumper. (Was drivable and now Not drivable) Third, it took forever for us to rent a car in the meanwhile (while we were waiting for Aviva to pick up their calls), we can't even get a hold of the adjuster Laura or her subsitute Lauren to confirm on the rental fees being covered by Aviva. I'm worried that Aviva will just put that cost on us in the end even though they reserved the car for us to use in the beginning. I believe we should be covered in full for this replacement of the broken bumper and we should not have to call you a million times to speak to any of you. This whole incident was not our fault and I don't feel that we should have to go through so much trouble. This may be just one of your claims or issues you have to deal with out of many, but to us, this has been a very stressful issue that we probably will not be able to forget even down the road in the future. I'm not the person to write reviews or complain about things often but this incident is giving me nightmares and I hate seeing our family stressed because it has been a difficult journey from the beginning. I hope someone reaches out to me regarding this matter and please step up to be a better company. Thank you.

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Bad Service Overall

by mmhrh on Jul 23, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva uses a lot of brokers to sell their policies. The brokers will promise you everything to get you to sign in with them, however once you sign in and you get the policy papers, you'll find some changes than what the broker promised.

Overall quality of service is poor and they will definitely exhaust you first before they see all the mistakes they have done on 1 claim. If your vehicle can be fixed in 2 days, it'll take 2 weeks considering the amount of time it takes them to take care of a claim.

Also, if you have taken a rental, they will try to make you pay for some of it as their excuse is that the car could have been fixed in shorter period of time if you pay for it then bill them the charges.

Furthermore, It's exhausting to keep talking to an insurance company where all their rules and policies, none of it has any common sense or follows their written policy agreement. At the end of the day, they blame everything on the brokers and advise you to talk to your broker.

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