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TD Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(575 reviews)
TD Insurance
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Please, STAY AWAY!

by Jere on Jul 3, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I'd like to start by saying in order to get a 1* rating by me, you'd have to be unprofessional, arrogant, complacent & willing to outright lie to your customer. TD Insurance covers all of those basis.

In May of 2016, I was a victim of a wildfire in Fort McMurray, that sadly took my home away & everything I've ever worked hard for. Surprisingly, my car was still standing on the road that I abandoned it on because of police ordering everyone to run on foot, even though everything around it burned.

Dealing with TD since has been NOTHING short of a nightmare after another nightmare.

There was a misunderstanding in my policy (me thinking I was protected because I was paying for some sort of 1-million dollar coverage) & also a Gold Premium Package. It all sounds reassuring & fancy until you actually need it & it's NOT the kind of coverage you think you're paying for.

I was given 1/3rd of what I owned & had an experience over the phone with one of their associates not realizing he didn't hang up on his end, & all I could hear was him belittling myself & my mother with another co-worker in the background. I had vice presidents & a senior manager call to "apologize" but that's all for show, they don't mean it & don't let them fool you into thinking they do.

Moving on from my Tenants Policy, now begins my Auto Mobile claim...

The associate I was dealing with about my car was calling everyday to give me an update about my vehicle - which was always the same, that it was still waiting to go into the shop but it was in a secured lot & he couldn't get in touch with them to find out more details - until about a week & a half ago when he stopped calling. I'd also like to mention that he asked ME to make phone calls for HIM because he was "extremely busy & wasn't sure when he'd be available to work on my claim." He also mentioned that he & his manager would be working on extending our rental due to the circumstance of the wildfire & the long wait for repair shops. This was all talked about around June 15-20th, somewhere in between that time frame.

Just yesterday, July the 3rd, I answered the phone to the company who TD Insurance rented a vehicle for me was calling to tell me that TD stopped paying since the 23rd of June & that I would have to start paying out of my pocket if I wished to keep it longer. I told them my Insurance extended the policy, but they said no phone call was made to them.

And so then I called TD Insurance, July 2nd, to find out what was going on.

The associate working on my claim explained to me that he was still working with his manager on extending the rental & hasn't gotten an answer back yet. And that he "assumed MY car was taken care of in the shop because myself or the autobody shop didn't call him with updates," so he stopped working on it.

I asked to speak with his manager at this point. He told me his manager would try & call me back. I waited 2 hours, no call from him, so I called again. Finally I got the manager on the phone & of course he was arrogant. He wanted to argue with me, not help me, & when told his associate was to blame, he kept repeating, "I fail to see how my associate is to blame. How is this his fault?"

I also have a voice mail of the associate apologizing for his mistake, that he should have been on top of it but wasn't & that he would work on getting the rental extended with the help of his manager. The manager also told me that they weren't going to extend it to help us out. Neither of them had plans to call & tell me this, or else I would have returned the rental when it was due to go back so that I wouldn't have another expense.


They'll treat you with arrogance & talk to you like you're stupid when they make mistakes & won't own up for it.

They put crooks in place of managers on purpose to deal with us paying customers, so that finally we will just give up & say it's not worth it anymore.

You'll pay them money for a service that they'll try & pass off onto you.

And you'll hear constant apologies about mistakes they've made because they decided to take their time with your claims.

STAY AWAY... and if you decide to still go through with getting insurance through TD, record every conversation you have with them & let them know that you're doing it so that it's legal. Ask a million questions until you thoroughly understand your policy - & make sure that person doesn't use words like, "I think so," or, "I'm pretty sure," because that's when you know they don't know what they're selling you.

Be smarter than these crooks.

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Where do I even begin...

by Tee on Jun 22, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with TD Insurance for over 5 years for both my home and auto policies.

Recently, I was parked in a grass field at a festival and hit a rut while leaving which bottomed out the front of the car and caused some damage to the front bumper cover and some stuff in behind. Was going to pay out of pocket to get it fixed, but the estimate ended up to be over $3000 (who knew plastic was so expensive)... so I decided to claim it thru TD.

I paid my deductible and they had one of their preferred shops fix the damage and provided me with a rental for a week (which was not even comparable to the car I was driving) - Strike #1.

The claims process was straightforward but trying to get a hold of the adjuster was like pulling teeth. Seems all calls are screened and are sent directly to voicemail... it would then take 1-2 days for them to bother to call you back - Strike #2.

The final straw was the ignorant and rude voicemail I received from one of their agents today that said "Due to your recent $3000 claim, we are not renewing your policy. I suggest you look online for another provider. Goodbye" Keep in mind, my renewal date is July 1st. Thanks so much for the sufficient notice! /sarcasm.

I ended up using to find another insurer and had a new home and auto policy within 30 minutes which ended up SAVING me over $1000/yr.

TD Insurance can be summed up as follows:
- Ridiculously expensive
- Terrible customer service (rude agents or agents who don't know what they are doing and have to ask a manager for help every 5 minutes)
- Ridiculously long hold times when calling in
- Rates continuously increase every year with no justification
- Insurance adjusters hide behind voicemail

STAY AWAY from these crooks

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Worst insurance company.

by Not happy at all with Td scam on Feb 20, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I paid my premiums on time every month for years. When I had to make a small claim it turned into a nightmare very fast. It start with taking 4 days to get a hold of my adjuster just to be passed to someone else who also never picked up his phone. After a week I finally had my vehicle in the garage. The adjuster needed to go to the shop to approve additional work. Which took him 1 day to go out. To top it all off, I phoned to get a rental car and they said I did not have coverage. I'm pretty sure having a brand new car I won want rental car coverage and all the bell and whistles. It seems that when I switched from my older vehicle to my new one someone forgot to add their grand tourism (or whatever) package. So, no rental and a vehicle that has been out of use for a week because td people do not answer the phone or return calls. I recently switch to sharp insurance and never have been happier. I got a lower rate and they have super short wait times to talk to people and a smartphone app that is handy. Beware of td

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Oriole experience

by Carole on Nov 14, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I have been insured with the company for 14 years and got into an accident 3 weeks ago where I knew my car would be written off. The accident happened Friday evening so I called Saturday before noon to declare the accident. I spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with the lady taking my statement and telling me to go get a rental car they were going to pay for. She said once I talked with my adjuster (which was suppose to call me at the beginning of the next week) I would either keep the rental until the settlement if I was covered for a rental and if not that I would simply return it but they would still pay for the time I had the rental. After not hearing from the adjuster for almost a week I called for him to ask me why I had waited a week to de claret the accident.????? I had to push to get things moving and they didn't even bother telling me the settlement (which they did with the lender) 3 weeks later. Now they are refusing to pay for the rental car I've had for a week ($216) which I would have never got if they had not told me to and asoured me they were paying and they tell me that they have no ecru of me calling to declare the accident so are basically accusing me of lying???? Half the people I talked to were nice and the other half was really rude!!! I would rather pay double with another company than to deal with them or give them another penny.

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