Car Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(567 reviews)
TD Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Insurance with TD is not working for me.

by Insured? on Dec 6, 2022
1.7 out of 5 stars

I made a claim over a month ago and was hit in the back, the employer will not take me back without a doctor's clearance, no income, and no help from TD.

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Terrible customer service

by Ian on Aug 18, 2022
1 out of 5 stars


- Initially quoted 18 business days to do repairs. Completion date: June 28.
- On June 24, receive an email that the completion date has moved to July 12 - no explanation provided. When I call to find out why I get voicemail. No callback.
- On July 8, receive an email that says the car will be ready on July 12. Excellent - I make plans to use the car the following week
- On July 12, no call, no explanation, when I call I am told the new completion date is July 15. Refuse to provide a rental car.
- On July 15, no call, no explanation, when I call I am told the completion date now July 26
- On July 26, no call, no explanation, when I call I am told the completion date now July 29
- Front line person and adjuster have no idea what is causing the delay. Asked to meet with the manager of the shop as the delay is now more than a month! The manager refuses to meet.
- July 29 comes and goes, receive an email indicating the new date is August 4.
- After more escalation, they finally provided a rental car on Aug 2.
- Eventually got my car back on August 17.

Total repair time: 76 days. No explanation was ever provided for the delays other than "we found additional damage" but provided no explanation as to what that damage was. Except for the first time I never received any proactive communication about changing completion dates, the dates just drifted by and I had to call to find out what was going on. Zero ownership of the problem by TD Adjuster or Shop Manager until finally, someone on the insurance side took action.

One positive: the repair looks like it was done well - but have only had the car back for one day so will monitor.

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TD is a huge scam

by Jazz on Jul 29, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

This company is so bad. I got into a car accident and I thought that was bad, but I had another thing coming.
1st of all, when you call TD, they have the WORST automatic system in the world. I got so frustrated... Then, don't expect to get a call back from an adjuster. My adjusters were changed more than 6 times, and I never got a callback. There is 0 CUSTOMER service and all these people do is transfer you from one department to another until someone actually just hangs up the call and you have to call back and go through this automated system again...
I will be cancelling with them at the end of my contract. What a joke!

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Auto claim

by TD on Jul 22, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

Had a truck stolen in early March, then was found so was ready to go through the claims process but my first adjuster just would never answer my calls or emails as I was trying to be proactive on things. Got given a new adjuster and the same thing just doesn’t do anything for me. It is now almost August. That is over 4 months and my vehicle is still sitting around. The body shop waits for the adjuster's word to do things to it to get it back in my hands but no response. So frustrating. Trying to move forward after an awful thing happens to me but absolutely no help.

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by Lindsay on Jun 9, 2022
1.3 out of 5 stars

I've been waiting for over a year for TD claims adjuster to contact my adjuster. I have been trying for a month to connect with the TD claims adjuster and nothing! I have escalated my situation, but nothing! I have tried getting in touch with his managers and surprise, nothing! Getting fed up with TD! They admitted fault 6 months ago but I have been ghosted thru the entire process!
I don’t recommend TD insurance for anyone!!! Two thumbs down!

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Review topics

No one at TD Insurance cares about you

by WJ on Apr 12, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

0 stars isn't an option. Anything that was accomplished on my claim was solely because I did it. I went through 4 advisors over 2.5 months and they're all completely lost. My last 2 advisors were with a 3rd party company and in a different time zone. One advisor refused to use a phone. Multiple mistakes, had to explain how my policy works to the advisors. Save your money for a company that will at least do some work. I've been waiting 2 months for 2 separate escalation calls. Service doesn't exist here. No one at TD Insurance cares about you.

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Did not give the insurance I asked for

by Reviewer on Mar 17, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

TD insurance is terrible. We went with them for our new vehicle told them we wanted full coverage for everything and anything that could happen. We got in an accident they told us if it was a written off we were not covered. We told them when we got the insurance that we asked to be covered for everything including write-off. They said they would review the tapes and get back to us it's been months we have called them twice and all they say is it's still under review. Luckily it was not a write-off and the car is fine. I would get rid of TD as soon as possible if I was you!!! Terrible service!!!!!

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Insurance Claim

by A mad Complaintant on Feb 19, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

It worst experience I've ever had to deal with as a new claimant.
Not only was the adjustor not experienced but he had a lack of communication to inform me of certain things. I was out of my car for 2.5 months with no communication around the increase in the price of the work they were doing, from one tire not being fixed and being charged, to the rental coverage not covering a certain amount of days and now I'm being charged.
This experience has literally driven me to not proceed with TD as my Auto/Home experience nor recommend anyone to even go with them.
Scam of a company.
Not knowledgeable employees.
A money grabber.
Terrible experience.

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Rip offs

by Michael Thorne on Jan 21, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

Your company stole thousands of dollars from me by lying about my insurance coverage and then your ombudsman who is supposed to handle issues NEVER contacted me after I asked them to. This has been years now where I have you guys lying to me in every conversation I had. I was told the recording of me asking for I strange was A)never existed since I never called, well I had the phone record proving I did. B)I called but didn't ask about my insurance which was an outright lie because the day I realized I was out of work and could hardly move I called the only two loans I had to make sure I had insurance. C)the call recording was corrupted and couldn't be reviewed. The company cost me thousands of dollars in a time of need when I was hurt and out of work and I will never stop mentioning it because everytime someone says "they will look into it" nothing ever happens. I paid for your services coming out of a bankruptcy and the interest was near 20% and you guys still felt like screwing me over for 6 months insurance coverage because of a mistake made by one of your employees. When I was finally able to walk again I was able to check my paperwork and noticed I had insurance all along. You guys are despicable. I will remember to post and warn others about your company frequently. Go ahead and try and charge me for slander for speaking the truth. Don't bother messaging me to "sort this out" as you have many times in the past and still always "regret to inform me there's nothing you can do" well there's nothing I can do but continue to spread my story.

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Auto Accident Claim Process

by Disgusted on Jan 19, 2022
1.3 out of 5 stars

My first communication with TD was that I should surrender my vehicle to TD as salvage and look for a different vehicle. I did not receive any information as to how much money they were paying me regarding this proposal. I have played phone tag ever since with several TD representatives. Phone calls go to voicemail. Emails are not answered. I have 2 estimates from reputable auto repair shops that gave an approximate figure of $7,500 to $8,200. After 3 weeks I finally reached a representative who said TD’s drive-in auto repair service centre’s estimate was $4000 higher than the estimates I received. Therefore they claim that my car is non-repairable and a total loss. I am asking them to change my claim as repairable because I have 2 auto body shops that said the damage is repairable. I am able to drive my vehicle. I was rear-ended. I will even take rebuilt status if I have to but after one month I am still waiting for a written confirmation from TD that they will change my vehicle to repairable and how much money they will pay me to fix my vehicle.
I know that they want to claim it as salvage because it’s an older vehicle but I don’t have the money to replace my low 150,000km vehicle. I bought it new. It’s in excellent condition. I am very upset by this whole situation. I don’t know if other insurance companies act the same way. I have never had a claim before. I am not impressed with TD’s customer service. They aren’t on my side. I am the victim of a rear-end crash and my own insurance company is not advocating for me.

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