Home Insurance Reviews

Sonnet Home Insurance Reviews

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(31 reviews)
1.7 out of 5 stars:
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They cancelled my policy because my VISA was compromised twice in one year

by Karen Christensen on Jan 26, 2024
2 out of 5 stars

Sonnet's rules are outrageous. Credit card fraud is rampant, everyone knows that. In 2023, my VISA had to be cancelled/re-mailed to me twice, in March and in November. As a result, 2 of my monthly payments of $66 didn't go through. I called Sonnet with the new VISA number after the fact in each case, and when I called the second time they said, 'Sorry, your policy is being cancelled.' Really? A customer with a perfect 900 credit score is cancelled? Outrageous.

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Don't put in a claim!

by Frank Renz on Jan 13, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

If you never have to put in a claim then this is a great company when it comes to accepting your premiums paid. In the recent past (have 3 home policies), I have had 3 claims, 2 minor, and one larger. The larger one is still going on after 1 year with 6 different claims agents involved over the year. Adjusters don't care, their managers seldom care, the client has to spend hundreds of hours accumulating information in their format, to their satisfaction, and still has to wage a never ending battle for fair coverage settlement. Communications is terrible with this company in the way that it appears they are 90% understaffed. They also like to make up rules and guidelines from thin air without any substantiation.

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

Do not recommend

by Joanna Garcia on Oct 11, 2023
1.5 out of 5 stars

Terrible customer service.
Impossible to contact them and when finally someone answers the phone they won't let you speak.
Shame for this company. Stay away.

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Property claim

by Kenan Emin on Sep 3, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

Due to weather and rain on August 24th and power outage for about 8 hours our sumpump stopped working and our basement flooded, today is September 2nd and we live in a smelly molded house and no action been taken. l wish l could rate them minus 5, this will cause health issues to us and it's serious.

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Policy Increase

by Val on Jul 18, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

Sonnet increased my car insurance rates in the middle of the year without letting me know, with the latter explanation that one of the insurance had been cancelled, removed (by me) i.e. car insurance etc. and I had a group discount, which is not true as during the search my second car insurance I did independent application, not part of group insurance application and get rates from Sonnet as an independent car insurance, because money covers these insurances would go from a different account i.e. me and my son in law. Stay away from this company as an absolute scam and not reliable on their promises, offers etc.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Takes so long, made the problem worse

by Hayley on Dec 2, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

So extremely disappointed. My insurance is 300$ a month with you guys, I got into an accident in the middle of OCTOBER, and was told 3 days MAX for an adjuster to call me I am still waiting, I've called TWICE since there asking what the hold up is to be told so sorry someone will contact you in 48 hours and STILL NOBODY HAS CONTACTED ME! Now all the paint chips from the accident are rusted to hell. The guy that ran the red light and hit me in the intersection??? You got it his vehicle is fixed and as good as new but here I am paying up my asshole for insurance for what??? Why have insurance if nothing is going to be done? So extremely disappointed and discouraged...

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Pire expérience à vie avec un assureur

by stephanie turner on Aug 26, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

Pire assurances à vie! J'ai été inondée, il a fallu 2 mois et demie avant que le dossier avance. Ils vont s'obstiner au maximum pour que le remboursement soit le moins gros possible et vous convaincre les même si les vis de votre BBQ neuf dans sa boite sont rouillées, ils auraient rouillés pareil dehors. En plus, ils vont vous envoyer un portail dans lequel vous devez aller indiquer ligne par ligne les biens à remplacer, insérer une photo (pas évident quand ils ont ramassé tous les biens avant de vous demander de remplir ce portail) pour chaque bien et insérer une facture pour chaque article, ce qui représente tout un travail administratif intense et long si vous voulez être remboursé (si vous n'avez pas de factures, ils vont juger du montant à rembourser). De plus, il ne faut pas se tromper et faire soumettre avant d'avoir terminé la liste dans le portail, car ils ne réouvrent pas le portail et considère que ce que vous aurez soumis est ce qu'ils vont rembourser (donc : erreur humaine non permise sur un processus qui vous prendra des heures). je me demande ce qu'ils font avec les gens qui n'ont pas d'internet?

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Fleecing clients. Year By Year.

by Former Sonnet Client on Aug 11, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

I transferred my property policy to Sonnet in 2017.

Prior to switching to Sonnet, I had continuous policy in 2013 - 2017 and * No claims *
After signing with Sonnet my policy premium started to increase as follow:
2017: $730 annually ($60.83/mo). * No Claims * 1st year with Sonnet
2018: $829 annually ($69.08/mo). * No Claims * 14% Premium Increase.
2019: $1,003 annually ($69.08/mo). * No Claims * 21% Premium Increase.
2021: $1,379 annually ($114.92/mo). * No Claims * 37% Premium Increase.
2022: $1,543 annually ($128.58/mo). * No Claims * 21% Premium Increase.

Dear Sonnet,

This is to let you know that I have obtained the new property policy from a company that I was insured with prior to switching to you. My new premium will be within 3% of the rates offered to me back in 2017. As it is fairly obvious I will not be renewing the property policy with Sonnet.

I wish your corporate house of cards crumbles fast and loud!

Your Former Client
Calgary, AB

P.S. Please do not respond with your usual "There were many claims in your area", as nobody believes your lies any longer.

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Looking to save on home insurance? Get our cheap home insurance quote and start saving on home insurance! You will be surprised by how much you can save while getting more extensive coverage.


by Judi-michelle Ferguson on Jun 22, 2022
2.5 out of 5 stars

I always knew that I could get cheaper coverage but tenant insurance is not very expensive.
I just got a renewal notice with an increase for the addition of "overland water damage". I called and spoke to an agent who put me on mute and came back to tell me it is for sewage backup based on revised land surveys.

Well... I live on the 18th floor of a highrise in downtown Edmonton. That would be one hell of a backup. As for flooding? This is the highest altitude in the city.

If they want to raise rates that's their option. Adding useless coverage is an insulting method to achieve it.

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