Home Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(154 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.9 out of 5 stars:
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Worst Experience

by Never again on Apr 5, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Rude staff from Brokerlink, owned by Intact...NEVER AGAIN! I called to speak to my broker, who happened to be on lunch, another agreed to answer my questions. He was rude and arrogant... NEVER again... I switched insurance!

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Review topics

Terrible Experience

by R.M. Wagner on Feb 27, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Took out tenants insurance for an Assisted Living facility. No claims were made on this policy. When the insurance was no longer required we contacted Intact in writing twice to cancel. They neglected to tell us that we needed to sign a form that they never provided and instead kept charging a 92 year old man. We requested their form and have never received it. Never again will we use a company that takes advantage of the elderly.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Worse insurance

by Maggie nolan on Feb 21, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Do not go with Intact home insurance. Prices are insane and go up by alot every year! When you cancel them they charge you alot and even before your payment date! My usual payment date is on every 5th but are taking my last payment in double on the 23rd so twice this month! Go with Beneva!!!

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Bad service

by Neda on Feb 13, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

No good service, and being charged double the deductible for something that is not my fault is extremely disappointing. Furthermore, waiting for over three months with no response or updates is unacceptable.

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by Clive on Feb 12, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

I bought an expensive ($1,431.) one year home owner policy from Intact. I didn't make any claims. After one year, they wanted over $200 more than last year. I renewed with another company. I let the Intact policy expire. I got an invoice from Intact 6 weeks later, telling me to pay "immediately" $253 for failing to inform them that I wasn't renewing with them. (the fact that I didn't pay for the renewal should have made that obvious). There was no warning that they were going to try and extort me. I will probably have to go to war with them. Watch out for this company. I thought that I was getting the best, because they charge so much. I learned that they don't care about people, and I am glad I never had a claim with them. That could have been a nightmare. I am telling you to look elsewhere for your insurance.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

Water Damage Claim

by Bonnie on Jan 30, 2024
1.3 out of 5 stars

I had a water claim damage. I heard from the adjuster right away and from then on I was on my own. I had to do my own contacting with ServiceMaster to get the quote sent for the damage. Then, the adjuster did not get back to me again. I had to threaten that I wanted another adjuster. They did not provide me with one, but made this one call me right back.
It was 2 months before the damage claim was reviewed by Intact. I would call and ask questions, she would not answer calls nor would she any answer messages left. I had to try to get information from the property staff and they couldn't help me. I was left with so many questions unanswered. It was like having no adjuster at all. The claim and all the hassle took from the end of August to mid-January/24 to finally complete and sign off the claim.

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Do yourself a favour and stay away from this company.

by Sina on Jan 5, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

I used this company for one of my properties. Long story short, two different incidents happened and Intact refused both claims using a very generic clause: "Gradual degradation of the insured property" which can technically be applied to almost all issues.

Same issue happened on a different property and the other insurance company paid the damages without trying to finding excuses.

You make payments to them every month and they will do all they can to not pay you in case of an accident. Do yourself a favour and choose another company!

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Denied my legit claim with excuses

by Insurance guru on Dec 13, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

I have been multiple homeowner for more than 40 years. An incident or accident never worried me, until I got Intact insurance. I was insured with other companies, if something happened, dealing with insurance was a pleasure.
After paying Intact for 7 years, I had an incident, they went through many routes to try to not to pay, and of course, finally did not pay anything and put me through so much suffering and financial loss.

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Canadians pay, on average, approximately $20 per month in tenants insurance. Do you rent or plan to rent a property and want to reduce insurance costs? We will help you get a cheap tenant insurance quote today.

Bad service n a claim

by Stefane on Dec 5, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

I am presently going through a claim for water damage which I am responsible for and I live in a condo with another 31 Co owners. Intact is my insurance and they are giving my syndicate a real hard time to pay!!
Makes no sense I’m a valuable client and had never made a claim. I speak with them at intact and they act like they work for the police !!!

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