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Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Home Insurance Reviews

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(164 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.8 out of 5 stars:
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Poor service from TD Meloche

by R2R on Sep 29, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

We had damage to our roof. Filed a claim. They put forward a roofing co from their approved vendor list and assured us this was a reputable vendor. The roof was fixed, or so we thought. 2.5 to 3 years later we started seeing stains from the water on our ceiling. Called TD. They ignored us and when we finally did get a response it was just to say so sorry the warranty period is over and that roofing co is now bankrupt and they tried to convince us the damage was due to condensation (it wasn't). We had a certified roofer assess our roof. They took numerous photos and highlighted numerous deficiencies in the work done by the TD appointed roofing co. Things were on backwards, were not in place at all or were missing portions of the standard requirements. TD shot back that it is out of warranty and other excuses to disregard our claim. We now are out of pocket for the 1k paid for the deductible on the first claim, have increased monthly costs due to filing a claim and are now out of pocket 12k (we had the roof fully done by professionals to stop the damage to our interior). We also have water stains and missing chunks of the ceiling inside and who knows what other interior/exterior damage due to their recommended vendor's negligence...so will have more out of pocket costs to deal with the bad decision we made to trust TD when they recommended their "trusted and approved" roofing co to us. Lesson learned. If your insurance co puts forward a vendor for you to use don't accept them. Get an independent quote and find your own reputable roofing co to take on the work. I will start my search for a new company to take on our 2 cars, house and other insurance needs we currently do through TD Meloche Monnex. If we could afford a lawyer I would take them to court.

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TD is bad faith insurance!

by kkmrkong on Feb 23, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I wouldn't trust it anymore after being a customer for more than 10 years. I did not advise on policy. Change around policy details. Always try to minimize their liability. You need a lawyer to read through the fine print. An adjuster is not on-site and relies on their subcontractors that aimed to maximize their own profit only at the customer's expense. No "real" person to talk to, during a crisis and after, except for 1-800 number with long wait time.

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Assured claim later denied

by Assurance given, claim denied. on Oct 19, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We had a premium insurance package with TD that was represented to us as full coverage. We had endorsement packages added to cover any gaps - it was sold to us as peace of mind, worry-free insurance. We had a water supply issue with our home, which was a leak on our side of the demarcation point with the city. It looked like we would have to have the entire water supply line replaced and inspected. This involved tearing up our concrete driveway and walkway. After the tear up and line repair, there would be a waiting period of several months before the driveway could be repaired. We got quotes on the work and contacted TD who said they would cover the tear-out, and the repairs to the driveway, but not the plumbing. The TD representative said we would have no trouble reopening the claim at a later date to have the driveway repairs covered. At the time of the tear-out, we convinced the contractor to just do the tear-out at the curb stop valve, because we thought the leak might be there and this would greatly reduce the scope of the work. The leak was there and the full waterline did not need to be replaced, so only a small portion of our driveway was impacted. This reduced both the tear-out cost and the future driveway repair costs. The cost for both portions of the work was now about half of the original estimate. The driveway repair was scheduled at the end of the season, but the final scheduling was done quickly to accommodate the contractors' year-end commitments. We contacted TD insurance, but the preparation work was being done as we were reopening the claim. In view of this, we compromised on the repair to control the costs for the insurance company. To minimize costs, we repaired a smaller portion of the driveway than we would have done if paying ourselves, although this would result in a colour matching issue. We tried to reopen our claim but the representative who had done the initial work had left the company. We exchanged emails with the new representative, but he didn't understand the history of the claim or the technical aspects of the nature of the work. They didn't seem to have notes in our file about what had been agreed to and placed the onus on us to provide supporting emails. We provided what we had, but much of the agreement with the original representative was over the phone. The new representative said our claim was now denied, even though the final cost was about half of the original estimate. His emails had false assumptions that supported not paying the claim. When we responded to correct these errors, he would send back another email with more excuses about why they would not honour their original agreement. He denied that the prior representative had assured coverage of the work, despite the fact he had done this on multiple occasions. We tried to contact the new representative by phone to engage in a richer dialogue than had been afforded through emails, but he wouldn't take our calls. His voicemail message indicated he would return our call that business day, but this did not happen. We finally gave up and paid for the repairs ourselves to avoid further stress and loss of sleep. We believe they broke the law by making an assurance to us that affected our course of action and position, potentially impacting our property value, only to later deny the claim. They also misrepresented their policy, since we obviously didn't have worry-free coverage. They do have recourse for denied claims, but this multi-tiered process seems principally designed to frustrate the customer to the point of capitulation. We would not be upset with TD Insurance if they had been honest with us from the outset of our claim so that we could have had the work done the way we wanted. They basically lied to us on multiple occasions and provided markedly inferior customer service. We will be engaging another provider for all of our future insurance needs. We were customers for 20 years but didn't have a lot of experience with how TD handles claims. After witnessing this aspect of their service, we strongly recommend not choosing TD Insurance as your provider.

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by BarbaraB on Aug 4, 2019
5 out of 5 stars

5-star service from start to finish! I’ve been a long-time TD Meloxeh Monnex customer for over 10 years. In July 2018, I had major flooding in my house due to a blockage in the main drain. Water was flooding my main floor and basement during the night. I called TD and was immediately reassured that I was covered and that help was in the way. Première Generàl Laval was quickly sent to clean up and demolish in my basement. They worked tirelessly and efficiently to clean up major damage quickly. My adjuster was excellent and went way above and beyond to make sure that I was well taken care of and comfortable. He was always calling me to let me know that he was sending claim payments. I never had to be concerned about receiving the payments, nor did I have to wait. I had to move out of my house for two weeks and he provided me with top-notch apartment accommodations. TD Meloche Monnex is a reliable and trustworthy company!

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Water Leak and Damage

by Calvin G on Mar 31, 2017
5 out of 5 stars

We seem to have had a very different experience than most of the people writing reviews here! We recently had a water leak in our house that did some substantial damage to the walls and hardwood floor on the main level and to the walls, ceiling, and carpet in the basement rec room. TD sent a guy over within 24 hours to assess the damage. From the moment he arrived, Brian's message was not to worry and that they'd take care of us. A remediation team was sent in shortly after to do the immediate clean up. Right behind them was another team to do repair estimates. Our claims adjuster was Stacey and she called regularly to check on us to be sure we were being taken care of. Within a week we had an approved claim and had only to decide whether we would have their contractors do the work or hire our own. I was amazed at the service! Particularly since we'd only signed on with them a month before, a decision prompted by the fact that they were able to provide more than a $1000 discount on the home and auto bundle. I am so glad we made the switch. They could not have treated us better.

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Fort Mac Builder Issues

by Homeless in Fort Mac on Jan 19, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

TD is currently using lower end contractors to drive down rebuild costs in Fort McMurray. Been fighting with them for 6 months to get the costs of a rebuild with a builder of my choosing. Very discouraged with the tactics they have been using to cut there own costs at my expense, I do not need to deal with the many problems that will result if I use one of their preferred builders. TD's preferred builders have nothing but past legal issues or little to no experienced.

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basement flood

by andy on Oct 12, 2014
4.5 out of 5 stars

We had a basement flood after a pipe burst. They were quick to respond, seemed fair in their coverage, and the representative we dealt with was very personable and helped us smooth out any little bumps (like speeding up the contractor now and then!).

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Dropped after 22 years

by Dumped on Jul 25, 2013
2.5 out of 5 stars

I was not affected by the calgary flood. Roof blew off in a windstorm in 2011. It took three months for an adjuster to show up and inspect. I was told I had to take action to ensure no further damage but anything I spent may not be covered. In the end all was covered but it took 8 months for their contractor to replace the roof. I had a minor sewer back up due to a collapsed city sewer line. Quick response but poor cleanup by their contractor. I completed the cleanup myself. A registered letter has arrived saying that they will not renew my insurance next month.

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