Home Insurance Reviews

Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance) Home Insurance Reviews

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(164 reviews)
Meloche Monnex (TD Insurance)
1.8 out of 5 stars:
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Terrible service

by Neil on Jul 5, 2019
2 out of 5 stars

Once again rates go up. Trying to get to speak to someone for last 3 days. On hold for over 1 hour before giving up

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Cannot get ahold of them.

by Joy on Jun 1, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

They say they are experiencing higher than normal call volumes every time I call. I would guess this is code for understaffed? The first call I waited 25 minutes on hold to speak to someone but had to hang up. I am now settled in for the long haul on my second call attempt. 1hour 24 minutes and counting. This in itself is enough to make me change companies, sure it’s a good price but if you can’t speak to them when you need to then what’s the point?

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by TD Factoid on Jun 30, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

Had my Home and Auto Insurance up for renewal and I called TD to let them know I needed a competitive quote. They asked me several questions and then raised my rates. No Kidding! Turns out my unused line of credit on my free and clear home is a liability. I always thought I was paying too much with TD, so I went online to get some quotes. I am now saving $1330 by leaving the overpriced TD Meloche Monnex.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

Rates just keep going up...

by Don on Jun 19, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Never had a claim with Meloche Monnex...been with the company for 15 years... rates keep going up...the customer service representatives get ruder even the management laugh in your face while on the telephone...just an awful company...

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No satisfaction, TD insurance

by No Satisfaction on May 4, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I got insurance for my home which was rented by someone plus an apartment which I rented from someone last year. (house +apartment). TD Meloche Monnex calculated $142/month for the two properties. Few months later, I called TD and asked them to cancel the apartment insurance because my landlord had already got insurance for it. So I was expecting my monthly payment to come down by $28(the apartment portion), but TD told me if you cancel that(the apartment insurance), your monthly payment will increase to $172/month! So I asked them to cancel both, I don't want to get insurance from you, then they answered: "We will charge you for early cancellation". So I paid insurance for the whole year for an apartment insurance which I didn't want. That's why I hate TD insurance. On top of that, the last old woman(from TD Meloche Monnex) who was talking to me about this matter had very poor customer service quality.

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Charged after cancelling plan

by aethoreau on Mar 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I bought this insurance as a "deal" that my university offered. But I found their customer service to be unresponsive whenever I had questions and their business practices very outdated (I had to, for example, mail them a personal cheque to pay for coverage). So when I moved, I decided to switch companies. I had paid out what was due, submitted a request to cancel my next year of insurance, and took out coverage with a new company. The new company, despite the lack of a university "discount," was much cheaper for the same coverage. And they allowed you to use a magical new contraption called a credit card to pay automatically on a monthly basis. TD then proceeded to send me letter after letter saying I owed them for two months of coverage at the property I no longer lived at. I told them I had cancelled and had not renewed. They told me they did not receive the cancellation and that it was their policy to assume people want to renew even if they hadn't sent a new cheque. After I ignored more letters, they eventually sent a vaguely threatening registered letter that I had to sign for. The amount I "owed" was about 40$, so I eventually paid so that they'd stop harassing me. But again, it was totally worthless coverage that I had cancelled to cover a property I didn't live at. As a petty act of retribution, after paying the 40$ I also closed my TD bank accounts. Both because they are associated with this insurance and because they must have been giving them my new address. I'll take my SEVERAL DOLLARS in savings elsewhere. In short, do not use this company. There are so many out there that do this way better, for cheaper.

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Canadians pay, on average, approximately $20 per month in tenants insurance. Do you rent or plan to rent a property and want to reduce insurance costs? We will help you get a cheap tenant insurance quote today.

No explanations

by Laplander3 on Nov 19, 2017
2.5 out of 5 stars

When the statement for my yearly home insurance arrived early this month, I noticed right away the premium was 10 times higher than last year, (after many years of a stable rate) and being on monthly deductions, I was soon to lose a huge sum. I immediately called, and after a short search, the advisor could not find any reasons in the file, so she moved me up to a higher level. Here the advisor spent quite a while on my case but also could not discern any reason for this huge increase (he suggested that he'd never seen such an instance before). I insisted that if he could not solve the 'error' I wanted to cancel immediately since I was scheduled for a serious operation and would not be able to attend to this for quite a while. He got somewhat hostile but finally agreed to suspend the monthly withdrawal until a reason/solution was found. After several days he called to say things were back to 'normal'... but no reason or apology for this huge 'mistake'. If I had not caught it immediately, I would have been out of pocket huge sums and likely have been in long-term hassles as to getting my money back. Having been with Meloche-Monnex for many years, with no problems, I was shocked and taken aback by their attitude. I still do not know the reasons (system errors?).

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TD Home Insurance is a Joke!!

by GVRD on May 18, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Autorenew rates go up 40-80% per year.

I had one claim. They took all my info and never called me back, I waited upwards of a week and then called to complain and to cancel.

Then someone called me back right away and said they were sorry, They were busy, etc, etc.

I had water coming through my ceiling.

Stay far far away!!! BCAA in BC is a far better option. I hope TD insurance falls flat on its face.

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Home Insurance

by mybumhurts on Mar 18, 2017
2 out of 5 stars

The only good thing about this company is that customer service answers calls promptly. As a home owner that has never had a claim during 20+ years of home ownership, I have seen my rates increase from $90/mth to $280/mth over the last 6 years. Time to shop around.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Customer for 29 years

by Mark in the Yukon on Feb 10, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

After calling them (talked to 5 diff people) and asking why our premium has gone up so much in the last few years we were offered to check into our distance from the local firehall. We were told that if we were under 8km we could see a reduction in our rate. After getting the information and finding out we were less than 3km were then told it has to be the first responder in a call and we must prove that. Seems like every time we meet there demands we are given another road block. Got two other quotes both were considerably less. I guess paying (overpaying it seems!) for over 29 years- means nothing to this company. We will be cancelling our house and car insurance after this treatment.

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