Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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AVIVA - carefull what you buy

by Alex M on Apr 5, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

All of the other reviews about service are true; so add this, they deny reasonable claims - even supported by facts to reject. After 25 + years with AVIVA and no claims, there is a fort mentality in their agent and adjusters to deny claims. Yes, their rates can be competitive, but if there is no real coverage - you decide.

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by donmorgan on Mar 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Received our homeowners policy and increase of over 100 PERCENT! Been with them for many years no claims in past 10 years! What gives? Switching today all our insurance saving enough to take a nice trip! Can't click on a Star there are no Stars for negative!

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increase 68% AVIVA no claims

by Aviva needs oversight....they are out of control. on Mar 26, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Waited 40 minutes to talk to a rep. We’ve lived in the house for 10 years...same policy. The rep told us he had to review our file and that they were missing information, then asked the general questions asked upon purchase of initial insurance. He told he could get us a better price if we agreed to a credit check. When questioned, he said is that we know we will get paid. We have never missed a payment. He then reduced our premium by less than $200. Still leading us with a huge increase. He regurgitated speaking lines and could not explain the size of the increase except for fires or floods out west ...more speaking notes. We live in Windsor Ontario. We insured both cars, we have no mortgage, we are seniors, no accidents, locality discount. Aviva's start price online is 3100. Compared to an average of 1300 to 1400 at other places with no discounts. Someone needs to regulate Aviva.

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Payment after insurance cancel

by Rodney on Mar 18, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I had bundled auto and house insurance. I was sent an application for auto renewal and was denied, then told house insurance would be increased. I told them to cancel it also during the phone conversation. Then the monthly payments came out of my bank account. Today I talked to them again and was told I had to sign forms to get the policy cancelled and the payments would continue to come out. Before the conversation ended I was told they were cancelling the policy but wouldn't refund the funds they had taken because they couldn't cancel the insurance over the phone. Now, this is the 2nd time they cancelled it over the phone. I believe they are no just common thieves.

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Home Insurance jacked?

by James on Jan 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

RBC Insurance Aviva jacked our home insurance over 25% from 2018 and we have zero claims?? One word...YOU are FIRED RBC!

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If I could rate them zero...

by awaberski on Jan 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

First - Our insurance was on a monthly payment system with the debit occurring on the 14th of each month. Sometime between the 7th and the 10th of December, my husband misplaced his credit card and reported the loss, and asked for a new card to be issued. Our new credit card did not arrive from MasterCard until approximately the 20th/21st of December. On the 24th of December, we went out of the country for Christmas to visit family. Upon our return to the country on the 4th of January, we realized that we failed to call the insurance company to update the card number as we had received mail sometime between the 24th and the 4th to indicate a missed payment. I also received notice of registered mail, which I picked up from the post office on Saturday the 5th of January. We immediately called Aviva (on the 5th - and they were not open) to provide updated credit card information (assuming we were well and fine, considering we were not even 30 days late on the payment). First, they were happy to take our new credit card information to take care of the late payment and suggested that all was fine. After putting through the late payment in full, they advised my husband, and myself (on multiple subsequent calls) that our multiple policies were cancelled and that we would need to reapply for new insurance for all of them. This was the first time we had ever missed a payment (if being less than 30 days late is considered a missed payment). When going through the re-application process, they advised us that our policy for our home had doubled, and that a new internal policy with Aviva would require that all policies had to be paid for up front, in full (I was advised by an agent that this would be a new rule for all new policies going forward for all people in New Brunswick). While we have the resources to pay for a policy up front, many people would not have this ability, and second, to treat a very good customer so terribly is amazing from a business development perspective! Second - when we were with RBC, our policies were about 1/2 the cost. RBC sold the polices to Aviva and sure enough, the policies doubled in cost but we didn't have the time to shop around. Now they are looking for another increase based on the above situation. Third - we have waited for a call back from customer service to discuss the above for 5 days. They suggested that we call back next Wednesday - 2 days before they told us the policies would expire if we didn't reapply. This is a lesson in terrible customer service. Shop elsewhere.

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