Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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by Ericalea on Aug 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Horrible insurance company with unfair policies and no warning of any policy cancellation or changes. They just want your money but won't provide insurance. I believe that's called FRAUD?

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Incorrect cover

by Foolish Boy on Aug 1, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I have had home insurance with them back when they were Norwich Union. My situation changed and I ended up moving out and renting out my house. I called them and they gave me permission to rent, and I would be covered (with certain conditions - no DSS, students etc). For a few years, I let the insurance auto-renew. Recently, I went on myaviva website to check the policy, and it says I am NOT covered for tenants. OMG! This surely would invalidate my building's cover and any claim I would make. How many years have I not been covered? Sure, I am partly to blame for not checking my policy yearly every time it is renewed, but they should have notified me of any significant changes such as this. Cancelling the auto-renew: This is proving more difficult than it should. I wrote to them specifying that I wanted to cancel the auto-renew. They wrote back, saying I should call them, or use their chat. They ignored a written request. What kind of company ignores a written request to cancel an auto-renewal?

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by kdb on Jul 23, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

BUYER BEWARE AND STAY AWAY. Horrible experience. We just purchased a new home and because our current home had one water damming issue as well as the new home purchase (before it was ours) they will NOT insure us. More than that is the fact that they have a POLICY if you have 2 claims or more (regardless if they are not the same property) that you are a risk and they won't insure you. STAY AWAY - I spent 1.5 hours on the phone to hear this. AND to throw salt in the wound, if I cancel my car insurances, they will charge me a fee for cancelling my car insurance. Terrible terrible service.

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Home insurance since 2016

by Joe on Jul 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I have been having home insurance with them since 2016. Recently my house has suffered from subsidence which has been reported to Aviva. First month, they sent their surveyor (from Innovation) who advised further investigation should be carried out as she could not confirm there was subsidence. After long waiting, they sent their second surveyor on second month which confirmed the damage on the house was due to the movement of property. One month later, they said first surveyor has quit her job, so they have appointed another surveyor who believed there was no subsidence. This third surveyor (from innovation again) who only checked 20 mins and confirmed there was no subsidence. As there was no subsidence, they would not pay anything including loss of rent... The whole thing was insane as: 1. How could first surveyor confirm further investigation would be required and third surveyor just came in 20 mins and confirmed there was no subsidence? 2. So if they could have confirmed no subsidence in 20 mins, why does it take three months to confirm the result? 3. So far I know two of my neighbours all are suffering subsidence issues which they are aware of them but they just ignore 4. I sent my own Chartered building surveyor who confirmed the house is suffering subsidence issues 5. The insurance company now have sent another surveyor (Questgates) who, not surprisingly, came 20 mins and said there was no subsidence. I have spoken to several claim specialists who advised me that all the surveyors they sent (from Innovation and Questgates) would be very 'difficult'. This is my experience and I would suggest new customers to read my story before purchasing home insurance from them.

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Review topics

Horrible Customer Service

by Imdone on Jul 3, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

Rip-off artists. Took 2 payments at once without notice. Then got the runaround. On hold for hours, bounced from department to department then told I had to prove they'd taken the 2nd payment out of my account...even though they'd admitted it during the first phone conversation! Rude customer service. I'm done. Did not renew the policy. Apparently, it will be several weeks before I get my refund.

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Review topics

Customer Service

by kaelisc on Jun 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

The worst service I have ever received. Basically, you sit on hold for hours. Their automated system does not work and constantly misdirects you. I will be switching insurers as soon as my claim is resolved.

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by Arek on Jun 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I'm switching to another insurance carrier. Biggest issues: getting hold of someone, waiting on the phone for hours on hold. Enough is enough, taking my auto, home, life insurance someplace else. Give yourself a favour and stay away from this insurance company.

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Review topics

Dishonest and unethical

by Jenny Page on Jun 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

It's been over a year since our fire and still, no work has started. Their "preferred vendor" kept delaying and eventually declined the job for fear of not being paid. Now they are telling me to find another contractor and restart the process all over again. Meanwhile, my parents have been out of their home this entire time and haven't received any compensation, while struggling to pay the mortgage for a house they can't live in. What is the point of insurance? Is this even legal?

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Review topics

Simply Corrupt and Dishonest

by Benalto on Jun 13, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Do I have to write a review for this company ? All the reviews below mine are facts speaking for themselves. Canadian Right to Information Act give me right to know what the reasons and grounds for denial are. Can you explain a bit more? On top, my policy was cancelled without any prior notification and my input, so I am left high and dry For insurance claim was made and like any other, Right from day one the adjuster's attitude was a no-no. Without listening to me, the investigator said in an insulting way "You know I am X-Police Officer". Instead of listening, he tried to pressurize. I said to myself I never missed a payment nor I have mistreated anyone why I am getting oppressive treatment. When content evaluation process came in our absence, he took all our clothing and devices out of the case and spread it on the carpet and floor causing much smoke damage to the all the precious belongings which actually fire would have done. If that's the process you would have followed, you should have better told us so we can deal with in our presence. From that day onwards I have asked adjuster that please inform me who is entering my house so I am prepared. In reply he said we are not liable but we will inform you going forward. That going forward never happened as they are not interested. Within a weeks time after the fire, insurance investigator called us for appointment and we traveled to meet him only to know he was late, my wife was under the stress and I called him that I am waiting for him, only when I left, he called me to say I am here, I told him we left and he was not impressed. Just living outside of town as temporary location, and go to check the property every week almost, only came to know that they have taken the lock away which they have installed earlier, without informing. Believe me, I deal with my customers every day and I never treated them as I have been. I would reach every possible forum to launch complaints how I have been treated and my claim is treated, you pay insurance to secure family and this company left us wandering.

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by nounou on Jun 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

YES BE WARNED FOR MANY REASONS. THEY PUT YOU THROUGH HELL FOR 20 MINUTES OF INTIMIDATION, BEFORE EVEN YOU ARE STARTING THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION... CLEARLY ALL TO COVER THEMSELVES. THEN... A COMPREHENSIVE HOME INSURANCE. It says, you are covered for water damage, roof etc... one can imagine that the roof will be covered... but cleverly, the explanation is that... based on weather condition and wind/storm at a speed of 55m/h+ that you could be covered for any damages caused to your roof... // WHAT?????.. How could this be?? Surely if you get an insurance and after 6 months, you get unlucky that something goes wrong with your roof, don't even think about to go to them for any assistance. Even in my case when I am with them more than 5 years, one can think that within 5 years... there may have been very bad weather that my roof wouldn't have been affected so to speak, and then a heavy rain caused the same damage than a storm of 55 miles... that could even damage a brand new roof... it just doesn't add up what they say... unless they say, come and insure your house, only and if you have a brand new roof... they say you are covered for accidental damage... then when you have a burst pipe under a bath, they say, you need to repair the burst pipe and we only cover you for make good... I have a 3-storey terrace house. I can't go to the roof to figure out how the leak has been caused, and their response is that for the last 3 months we didn't have any kind of hurricane type of wind of 55m/h... therefore I am not covered... TO TOP IT ALL... they further intimidate that should you make a claim, even if your claim is unsuccessful, you will be put on the list of those who made the claim and therefore should you decide to change your insurance company, you must report that YOU HAVE MADE A CLAIM, EVEN IF YOUR CLAIM GOT DECLINED with the bogus reasons good enough for AVIVA themselves. Therefore, either way, your insurance premium will get affected with a higher insurance cost. Basically, intimidation all along... to ensure that you fully understand... if you make a claim... even unsuccessful, you will be reported... all that to dissuade you to change your mind if you make a claim... your premium will go up... even if you didn't get validation to your claim during all these intimidations... no one is actually telling you honestly and openly WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY BEING INSURED FOR... UNLESS YOU READ A 20-PAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENT. Let us face it... most of us take an insurance because we want to be covered for the main issues... fire... water damage to the property...

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