Home Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(225 reviews)
TD Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Worst Experience

by Td Client on Oct 31, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

We had a kitchen fire in Sep (the year before last) and they still didn't pay us the amount to start the work. We wait until for the estimates from their 2 preferred contractors. They brought a bias engineer who refuses to take smoke samples in cavities and assuring us that it is ok. They offered us 120000 to do the work. We hired our own engineer to take swabs in cavities and the results came back positive. We filled complaints but we had no response from them and we can't even get to TD ombudsman, they are not allowing us. Our estimates are over 300000$. We stay in rental since Oct and they did not pay any bills which are over 20000 and they only paid rental until the end of July. This is my wife group insurance through nurses union and now all her co-workers start to move from them. This is causing a lot of undue stress which affected all of us. I am decided to start a campaign online to inform their current and potential clients how bad this company is.

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Claim nightmare

by Temporarily Homeless on Jan 25, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Our policy may have been cheaper than Chubb but it was almost worthless too. The adjuster was slow to respond and, when she did, came up with a ridulously over-broad interpretation of one of the exclusions in the policy. In the meantime, my family was out of our home (for two months) and I had to hire a company to clean up my house. So, while I waited for TD to do the right thing, I signed up for almost a hundred grand of house repairs for damage caused by my neighbour. Luckily, I know an executive at TD, and he was able to have a TD lawyer look at the exclusion in my policy. Ultimately, we got our money but I found the experience unnecessarily stressful. It was bad enough to have to vacate our home; dealing with an unreasonable adjuster only made a bad experience worse.

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Claim nightmare

by Timetoselfinsure on May 30, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Same experience as alot of others who have commented. Rates consistently increasing with coverage being reduced and then watch out when you want to make a claim. Had a water damage claim from a frozen pipe. Was told I would have a decison on coverage within 2 days. I had to call and follow up constantly. They never contacted me directly. Almost 3 months later, after me following up again, I'm told a denial letter has been issued. Thanks for letting me know! The lady on the phone said it's a pretty simple situation to arise at their decision. I'd hate to see how long a hard situation would take. In the meantime I'm on the hook for the first response team who swoop in and make you sign something (don't worry you're covered). I expect I'll get a big inflated bill that I'll have to pay even though most of the work they did I kept being told was 'for the insurance company so they could get an estimate of the loss'. Totally frustrated with the back and forth between TD and the adjuster they outsourced to. Will be looking to change all my policies to another insurer.

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Great, until you need them!

by Stefano on Apr 14, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

TD Insurance can't do enough for you as long as you don't need them. They keep their costs down by not paying claims and delaying payment as long as possible. They use part time adjusters who (conflict of interest anyone?) are in the business of fixing stuff. That way, their anointed adjuster/contractor already has a $20K down payment which allows them to undercut any reputable contractor for the work. That cuts your claim down because they now have their prepaid, lowball estimate to use against you!

This is probably only an issue for people who appreciate quality since you already paid to have quality work done on your house. TD Insurance considers all "labour" to be the same, so if you had work done by skilled craftsmen forget it. They will not pay for professional work when there is a home handyman or amateur available. Amount of coverage or "Platinum/Diamond/Gold/Premium" coverage doesn't matter. They will just not pay and you have zero say in it. Remember, they have sucked money from you for years and you have two choices when it comes to settling you claim. You can either accept their lowballing or you can get nothing. Those are your choices.

Don't be misled by the fact that their website has a section called "Customer Service" and under that is "Complaint Resolution". Those phones are not answered by people -- just leave a message. You could elevate your issue to the loftily-titled "Ombudsman" -- if he's not on vacation or away. He was on vacation when I called, so good luck getting hold of him, and good luck feeling you are going to get any consideration from someone whose paycheck comes from TD!

At the end of the day we would have been further ahead with some other company or even no insurance at all. The key to remember is that insurance companies are in the business of NOT paying. Any claim they can avoid paying is considered to be a success and is rewarded.

Like banks, insurance companies "want to loan you an umbrella, but want it back if it rains".

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