Home Insurance Reviews

Axa (Intact) Home Insurance Reviews

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(20 reviews)
Axa (Intact)
2.6 out of 5 stars:
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Cancelled Policy

by Betty Boop on May 13, 2019
2 out of 5 stars

We had a bump in the road this winter financially, whereas, I had to make an abrupt decision to stop payment on my bank account for our home insurance to avoid NSF charges with the bank and the insurance company. If I allowed the payment to go through it would have cost me $90 that I couldn’t afford to pay to the bank and the insurance company. It cost me $12.50 to stop the payment and it was a one-time thing not permanent. Intact insurance cancelled our policy and sent notice to the bank that in turn notified me that we were cancelled. I contacted my broker who then informed me that we were cancelled due to non-payment and for that reason, they wouldn’t reinstate us. My broker then took over two weeks to find out if they would reinstate us, but the lady who was in charge of making that decision was on holidays. Once she was back the answer was no. I then contacted another broker and because we got cancelled and it was beyond a two week period, the other top insurance companies wouldn’t insure us. She then sent it out to another market that in turn came back with an insurance company that would take us, but very expensive. I cannot afford to take a higher payment. I reached out to Intact ombudsman to see if they would have a look at our circumstances and to no avail, the answer is still no. I am disgusted and extremely disappointed with Intact insurance. Insurance companies have zero compassion.

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Home contents went missing

by Taken to the cleaners on May 8, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

The restoration company Intact recommended lost valuable contents. Intact offered no help. Unable to reach them half of the time. Do not stand by their customers. Have to open a small claim. Beware of the people Intact Recommend. The restoration company stole our contents and should not be inside peoples homes. Intact was no help.

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Review topics

Worst deceitful company ever!!

by Andrew on May 31, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I have never given a negative review of any company ever but this one is so deserving of my time. I will keep it short for you, please avoid this company at all cost if you wish to have peace of mind when something goes wrong in your home and you bought home insurance. Intact also operates under the names AXA insurance, CDI insurance and Belairdirect. I have nothing against insurance companies as I know the value Insurance itself plays in times of unforeseen setbacks but I will never ever contribute a dime of my money to this useless con artists ever again. I have now moved my home insurance and life insurance to Travellers and TD Meloche Monnex and have never been more at ease knowing that if something goes wrong they won't lie to get out of a legal contract they need to honour.

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

AXA Has a |Licence to Steal!

by ROBBED BY DAYLIGHT on Mar 10, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Paid faithfully for 22 yrs. A 30" basement flooding resulted in a long 6yr battle & their refusal to pay anything because the restoration co, THEY hired to clean up, did just that. They removed all the contents, floor to ceiling did not do a proper inventory, stole all their jewellery, & left us high & dry!. This has cost us dearly! This was a clear , undisputable theft. Too many ploys, games, trickery... Pathetic! BEWARE!

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Review topics


by LUC on Oct 11, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Ne faites pas affaire avec cette assurance pour l'habitation. Malgré n'importe quelle couverture que vous aurez, vous ne gagnerez pas votre cause. Ils ont les points ci-dessous dans les exceptions qui font qu'aucune réclamation ne passe:

'' Par les fuites ou les débordements se produisant de facon continue ou répétée, qu'ils soient connus ou non de l'Assuré''

'' Les dommages graduels: les dommages causés aux biens: par l'usure normale ou détérioration graduelle; par la rouille, la corrosion, l'humidité, les températures excessives, la pourriture sèche ou humide, les champignons et les spores; de facon répétée.

'' Faute intentionnelle ou acte criminel''


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Useless Rude Thieves

by FedUPinEdm on May 11, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Have been with this company for over 18 years. They took over the original company I was with several years ago. Attempted to make my first claim ever when I had a leakage in roof due to extreme weather. Denied. They claim the roof was installed incorrectly. Had the roof redone and asked them to certify that it was done to their standards. Again they refused. They don't do that. This company takes your money, raises their rates each and every year, does not give a damn if you are claim free... when you need them, forget about it. You will be digging into your saving to fix what insurance should be covering. Useless rude thieves.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

carpet installation.

by Unsatisfied on Feb 23, 2016
2.5 out of 5 stars

In November 2009 our ensuite bathroom toilet overflow caused damage to our bedroom & bathroom flooring, leaking into the basement below the bedroom. Intact had Belfor Restoration out promptly & we were happy with most of the work. However, the carpet company gave us a choice of only two samples neither of which we liked. We chose the best of the two & were very unhappy with the product. We called the insurance company & they insisted the quality was the same as the damaged carpet. It deteriorated & we called them again after three years. They said we'd waited too long even though it wasn't our first call. We were given a run around.On Feb. 18, 2016 we had a new carpet installed that cost us $1470.44. Makes me wonder why we had insurance.

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Business Insurance

by Respect on Sep 11, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I live in Montreal am an existing customer for many years with home and (2) autos, and I called my Intact brokerage about business insurance for (2) businesses that I own. After being transferred to the business insurance department the first broker could or would not speak to me in English, and transferred me to another, the second broker refused to speak in English and after I did not change to french to the broker she hung up the phone on me. Wow - I was shocked, and I will move my business to a another company.

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Flooded Basement Claim

by Son on Oct 3, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

My 90 year old mother has a claim for her flooded basement. They took too long to start cleaning up the basement. It has been months and she is still waiting for the damage to be repaired, and waiting to receive payment for items she had to replace and pay out of her own pocket.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.


by Anonymous on Apr 11, 2012
3.5 out of 5 stars

The process in which pay out for loss was not clearly explained ahead of time. I was told to give value of lost products but was not told I would get value minus 15% until payout time.

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