Car Insurance Reviews

Allstate Auto Insurance Reviews

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(309 reviews)
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Allstate ads are false!

by Chapelparrot on Oct 7, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Do not believe the ads that Allstate auto insurance is so great; cheaper than many others, yes... to start with. They say they won't cancel your insurance if you have a claim but I can tell you from personal experience that is false. I had a fender bender and they dropped me instantly. Lots of people think that's not a big deal, it is. When that happens and you go to the next company you're in for a surprise because once Allstate drops you, you have then been "denied insurance before" to your next company and you will either be denied insurance or you'll be classified as an ultra high risk insured and you'll pay through the nose. As an example, I paid 835 a year with Allstate. After they cancelled me, it cost me 2800 a year for 6 years after Allstate. Be very careful people.

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by Frank on Mar 3, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Hi, My name is Frank from Calgary. Our neighbor backed into our rusted 2000 Dodge Durango which was parked in front of our house across the street from her driveway. So we called our insurance company, Allstate, and went to North Star Ford auto body shop to get the repair done. After 2- 1/2 weeks we began to wonder what was going on, so we called the auto body shop. They told us that the vehicle would be a write off, and an appraiser at Allstate would be assessing it soon. I also talked to the mechanic who said it was a 3200 dollar repair. Another couple of weeks went by without any calls, so we called Allstate to see how much of a pay out we would be receiving. They told me that it might not be a write off, and it was appraised as 2600 dollars damage, but it could be a while before they will know for sure. I made it known to her that the vehicle was not worth the 2600 dollar repair she quoted, but she was not encouraging at all. So after waiting for a reply back, another week passed by and nothing. I called to see what was going on, to which Allstate replied, the vehicle was assessed as not being a write off and repairs are under way.

We had waited so long that we ended up buying another vehicle and had asked if North Star could perhaps sell the vehicle for us since the repairs had already begun. A few days later we got a call from the North Star Mechanic who proceeded to tell me that they had a used car dealership look at the vehicle and would not offer more than 600 dollars for it. He told me that it had been a nightmare from day one going back and forth with Allstate and that it should have been written off at the very beginning. How could the appraiser have valued the car at 3400 when it is not worth more than 600 to a used car dealer? I waited for so long and had such an ordeal that I am writing this to deter anyone from going through the same thing I went through with Allstate insurance. I will likely be looking for a new insurance company. Any suggestions?

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by Bri on Nov 1, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

After being with Allstate for so many years, they decide to terminate my policy for a bounced payment! No warning, NOTHING. I am so very insulted and disappointed in their services. I still can`t believe this! WORST service I have ever gotten. And again, that`s being with them for over 15 years...

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Stay Away.

by F You Allstate on Jun 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I was at an auto show and answered a questionnaire on an iPad about my then current insurance company. An agent contacted me shortly after and quoted me a rate that was much lower, so I switched over. I was also offered first accident forgiveness, among other things and was told that I had a traffic ticket that could be waived to get this stellar package. Low and behold, I had an accident 4 days later that was a total loss. Magically, I was not entitled to the accident forgiveness due to a traffic ticket that was on my record (yes, the one that was waived). I then realized that I was the victim of the old bate-and-switch sales tactic ( I was appalled. For the next two and a half months, I went through pure hell trying to get my claim paid out. I brought this to the attention of the "manager" and was only made to feel like an a-hole in the end. She was quite a good debater and it was then that I realized there was nothing I could do and would never win this argument. Come my one year renewal, I was terminated from the policy with a balance owing that I was never even made aware of! Not once did they even make the slightest attempt to call my phone number that was in their system. This prompted them to send letters to my old address (I strictly remember updating them with my new one) and finally sending me to a collection agency. Dealing with Allstate was the absolute WORST experience I have ever had with ANY company in my 38 years of existing on this planet. Do yourself a favour and stay away from these shysters.

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Save the hassle and B.S

by Jbodyguy on May 6, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

I have had nothing but problems with these guys. It's always one thing after another. They terminated my home insurance and removed collision on my car without any warning. You are just a number to these guys. Everything must be approved by a "manager" and that takes forever. Have heard way to many horror stories involving allstate

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High Rates and Poor Service

by 12345 on Mar 13, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Increased my rate after renewing my policy and no one would try to assist me after I wanted to cancel my policy.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Do NOT deal with Allstate!!!

by astrid on Feb 1, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I transferred my business to Allstate several years ago as there prices were competitive and the customer service, at the time, was great. I just received a letter in the mail telling me that due to a "recent" claim, both my comprehensive and my collision deductibles were being increased to $500, they were down to $300.
When I called to inquire about this "recent" claim, I found out it was for a windshield replacement in early 2015....not sure about anyone else but that is not recent in my books!
Secondly I asked why my policy was even being affected as I have had windshield replacements done in the past with other companies and as long as it's the first replacement, there is no ding to the insurance.
Upon speaking with a representative, after waiting on hold for 20 minutes, she informed me that she could not access my file and that I should speak to my Rep. She then proceeded to ask me whether I knew my rep and when I told her that I had no idea as I had never been contacted by one, she laughed at me and said "You don't know who your rep is?!" in a condescending unprofessional is that?!
I am now looking for a new insurance company for my upcoming renewal!!!

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by rmichaels on Oct 30, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I had td insurance and they where great they covered everything. I switched with them because they rose my insurance so I went with all state cause they were charging less and my family said that they were good.
I was in a accident that was not my fault and I was injured. They never called me to tell me that I have a deductible I was never told any information. When I called the customer line they were no help and just gave me more numbers to call. So far this experience with this company is pathetic. I will not receded them to anyone. Never had so much problems with an insurance company. As well they kept taking more money out of my account each month when I talked to them they said my insurance had rose.

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