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Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews

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by Goodbye AVIVA on Mar 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Longtime RBC insurance customer, absolutely loved them, very fast and responsive. As soon as AVIVA started underwriting for them that all changed. In July of 2017, I was auto-renewed by RBC/AVIVA Without my consent or notification. AVIVA CANCELLED my comprehensive coverage on 2 of my 4 vehicles. One of these was a lease and I am legally obligated to maintain comp coverage. It wasn't until I was denied coverage at a speedy auto glass in FEB 2018 that I was made aware I had no coverage for glass, theft auto hail etc... on 2 cars. Thankfully no harm to me, but I can even begin to imagine if either my leased Acura or diesel pickup without comp coverage were stolen. AVOID AVIVA, sorry RBC, I'll come back if you ditch AVIVA.

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Terrible Experience

by Sabham on Feb 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had a credit card claim for a rental car. An accident which the other party has accepted he is at fault. The rental car company charged me $1000 for damage deduct. I opened a claim with Aviva and 2 weeks have passed and I cannot get a hold of anyone at Aviva to process the claim. I have sent emails to the adjuster and no luck on that yet. Terrible, terrible company.

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by MP101 on Apr 27, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I’m writing this review because I am extremely disappointed at how AVIVA treated my wife and I when we made a claim for our stolen vehicle which was found a week later by the police in a damaged condition. First of all, when we first called AVIVA to get the case put through (November 14, 2016) it took forever to get a hold of Gorman (The Manager). Gorman never returned our calls and refused to make our case a priority. It took a couple of weeks of constantly calling until finally they gave us the number for the Toronto head office. By law they are supposed to come see me within 24 hours of the reported incident –stolen & damaged vehicle (which they didn’t). Second of all, once the incident was filled, they never got us a rental car as they promised they would when we signed our insurance to them in the beginning. Not only did I have to find my own rental but yet I had to pay for the full cost myself! My case was investigated by Debbie T. who is located in the Toronto head office. We gave all our information to her so that she could conduct an investigation. My wife and I even agreed to go Under Oath and aid in securing information and evidence to assist in verifying the evidence. After all this Debbie T. still denied us and treated us like we were criminals! Consequently, Megan S. (AVIVA General Insurance Adjuster) claimed that they will not put our file through since there “seemed to be some discrepancies between our evidence and the productions”. No further information was explained in the letter of rejection! I have all my insurance with RBC, I tried to get them to help me with the case but they kept of brushing us off and made us deal straight with AVIVA. Andrew M. from RBC was the broker who was supposed to help us, yet he did not do anything! The lack of customer service in RBC - AVIVA is horrible. My family signed up for insurance so that we don’t have to worry about cases like these, but in the end insurance companies will do anything to try and not pay you out - the victim. Moreover, AVIVA still has my damaged car, they have not indicated what they are going to do with it. After speaking to a couple of lawyers they told us that insurance companies will drag their feet on an investigation, knowing there is time limit to sue (2 years). He said there is never absolutely no reason they don’t pay. They’ll just use every excuse in the book to not pay out a claim. Insurance companies have nothing to lose by denying the claim, unless you keep persistent and sue them! My wife and I work full-time and have three small children, we do not have time to be playing petty games with the insurance company. We will not let them treat us like criminals when the crime was done to us! This case will not be left alone, I am working with a lawyer right now to handle the case and sue AVIVA. We are also filling a complaint to the Canadian Better Business Bureau, and forwarding this to as many communication outlets so that other innocent families like us don’t fall for insurance companies like AVIVA Canada. There is a reason AVIVA has the worst ratings and reviews, do yourself a favor and stay away from them!

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Get. Out. While. You. Can.

by JaneyD1989 on Feb 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I wish I could give negative stars. How anyone has ever had a good experience with these people is completely beyond me. I've been with this company since I was old enough to drive, and the second you're in an accident (that's not your fault) please expect the absolute worst outcome. The dishonesty of the adjusters is mind-blowing. I can't even possibly describe the emotional trauma I've suffered from these people. They'll threaten you if you don't sign things on their watch, but when you submit the mountains of paperwork, see specialists, pay fees for those specialists to fill out more mountains of paper, and you comply with their "independent medical assessment" to try to counter your specialists, expect to only get half the treatment you're entitled to, if at all. By this point, you're so frustrated and still not better because you've waiting six months to get medical treatment approved. Expect to wait weeks, maybe even months for them to figure out what they're going to do with your car. If it's a total loss, expect to not get enough money to put a down payment on a new car. Also expect to find a new car in less than 72 hours after they give you a dollar figure, because they're going to yank the rental car out from under your feet (that's if they even gave you one at all). They'll bombard you with insurance jargon, threaten you, and use any little detail they can to deny you coverage or treatment. It doesn't matter how many doctors you've seen, how much evidence you have for what's happening to you, they will do everything on their own watch and at the advice of underqualified family doctors with little to no experience. It is a total nightmare. Hopefully you don't develop a psychiatric condition from the stress and anxiety you're sure to have every single time you hear your adjuster's name. Your first call when you get into an accident should be to a lawyer before you even open a claim with these crooks. As soon as my two year ordeal with them is over, I'll be switching insurance companies.

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by gilehmerd on Nov 29, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I am reading all these, and I am pulling my hair. why didn't I read these before, all TRUE, or seems TRUE, or going to be TRUE.

I am in Canada, and just learned that RBC sold its insurance business to Aviva.

I feel sorry for you, and for myself, that no doubt, I am going to have the same nightmare. My first conversation with adjuster today, verbally offered me 24k for my super mint MDX ELITE 2011 with low mileage, that you hardly find at 28k. And when i said wow, that is too low, she threatened me that she will pull out rental as of today. BECAUSE SHE MADE AN OFFER. this is just 7 days past accident!!!

So, that is nice business, offer a low value, and pull the rental if customer doesn't accept. Put pressure on a family who got in accident and lost their primary car. I didn't know this is how insurance suppose to work!!!

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Worst Insurance Company Ever!

by dis on Jul 4, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

This is by far the worst insurance company I have ever been with. Someone hit me recently. I let the adjuster know I was leaving the country and I needed to know what was going on. He said he would let me know within the week. I heard nothing. Called three times and left two emails with no response. I called and had it escalated and he miraculously called me the next day. He told me they still had no decision about whether my car would be deemed a total loss (three weeks after the accident and an estimate was done at the very beginning of the claim). He said he would let me know by the next day. Heard nothing for three more days. Called today to say it's a total loss and stop driving it right now. Told a rental car would be provided within fifteen minutes they would call me. Two hours later no call. Called adjuster and he didn't answer. Office is now closed, I have no rental and can't drive my car.....Guess I have to cancel work. I pay good money for my insurance, and an accident that wasn't even my fault has now put me out because my own insurance company is lazy and incompetent.

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Service SUCKS big time

by AVIVA SUCKS on Nov 11, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

long story short had car accident waited approx 4weeks for them to tell me that, then first adjuster contacts me then a week later starts the process of refund wait and wait nothing 3 weeks go by nothing even tried emailing her nothing email are bouncing back.I had to go through Aviva website to get someone to get back at me someone does she starts the process now since i only had so much money allocated for rental and now I'm over my limit they want me to return car . Why should I pay for their SCREW-UP

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Horrible Service....

by Nickw75 on Jul 11, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I was in a car accident, I was hit by a driver with no insurance at a stop sign. He totaled my car. They had me a rental the very next morning ( that was the ONLY good part) I had a mazda 6 with nothing wrong with it ( other than the back wheel frame was starting to rust) I had 700$ brand new tires on it not even 2 months old.. They took 2 weeks to tell me they would offer my 1900$ for the car in total ( complete rip off, I had 5 appraisers tell me I could have sold that car for an easy 6000$) They informed me that they would cover the rental for 3 days after the offer. I told them that I didn't feel the offer was fair, and they said the rental would need to be returned regardless if I accepted or not because they gave me the offer.. So with work, 3 year old, 2 adults,1 person income..I was forced into taking the money... Told me I would have the cheque in 5 business days..... Well lord and behold.. a week and a half passes.. No cheque? Called in, "sorry, there was misconfusion and the cheque only got mailed yesturday".. So had to return the rental.. And took 3 weeks and 4 days in total to get the cheque... Horrible..
I was without a car for a FULL month.. I requested my mays payment back for paying for a month with no car... In short. They basically told me to bad so sad, screw you. I told them when the renew policy comes up I would not be renewing.. Their response to that was. " That's your decision"...
Injury claim was presented which I accepted ( only took A little over 2 months for them to make an offer)... Its now been a week, and still no cheque.. emailed them and "oops sorry, could take another 5 buisness days".
I requested it to go direct deposit into my account. They said "that is not an option we have".. Well jeeze. They sure don't mind taking my money out of my account directly.. But wont put it in directly..?

I'm still waiting on a lady to get back to me about loss of wages, medication cost, therapy.. The lady handling my claim emailed me.. I emailed her back with a bunch of questions.. And its been over a month and numerous emails.. And no response..
AVOID Aviva at all cost. Come September I will be switching for sure. 6 years with this company with no issues. 1 care accident and this is the service they give.

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by POed on Jul 8, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

We had our vehicle written off after a 'not at fault' accident. Aviva was very quick get us to return the rental vehicle that was promised to us with no limit on time.
They told us the amount they were covering to pay for our vehicle and that it was in the mail, so therefore return the rental. 8 days later no cheque (no rental anymore) and when we contacted them they said we did not say it was mailed yet and we just mailed it yesterday. BIG FAT LIE.
During these eight days I scrambled to find a new vehicle and eventually did but when it came time to buy cheque still. The rude woman from Aviva came up with more mumbo jumbo as to why the cheque was not there and also implied that I was being somewhat of a pest. Bye bye Aviva...never again.

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by angry with cause on Aug 20, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

my truck was stolen while I was travelling i had reported a claim to aviva , in this case i knew the individual who had taken and crashed my truck, my truck was written off. after battling for a month with aviva over trying to settle this claim, they stated that i had to press charges against this person in order to settle the claim (last i checked its the RCMP's job to lay charges towards anyone not mine, i can only give a statement) i argued this point to the insurance for a long time, further more although offered at first they stated i was not entitled to a rental car although i had been told in the past i had 900 dollars credit towards a rental "the case is under investigation without prejudice and im not entitled to one i can get one and ask for reimbursement later" i was told, finally the Sargent of the police station had to phone the agent to tell him that a warrant had been issued and they are searching for the individual involved so the agent authorized a rental for a week and offered me a claim now starts the low balling they offered me 2000 less then what i had found the fair market value to be on my truck i told them this they asked me to submitt 3 similiar trucks kms make model year so i found two that are similar other then that it is hard to find a truck of this calibre ( it was well maintained with low kms for its year) i found two they were not from alberta so she dismissed them i also showed her the appraised value on kelly blue book they couldnt open the link. i am still battling over this its month two.

this story it stands to show that as a customer with aviva your words carry no weight and they drag on this process to try and make you except there low offer i have had 3 different agents they all have taken leaves of absence and have literally only received one email a day from 2 of the agents although i have sent several different emails and questions regarding the proccess that they have said i have to follow and they do not answer there phone so dont bother calling you can only request that they call you back via email which will take a day to reply and set up a call time, as well they have made me jump threw many hoops with the RCMP who has also told me its to seperate things your truck being stolen and someone being charged with theift.

they do not have your best interest in mind and they are trying to save money they are not on your side.

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