Car Insurance Reviews

Belairdirect Auto Insurance Reviews

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(527 reviews)
1.8 out of 5 stars:

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Belair Wolf in Sheeps clothing

by TH on Oct 4, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Your friend at first, then watch them JACK THE PRICES UP. I have this year an 8% increase to my home insurance. LAST YEAR, they just... changed my policy because THEY wanted to... lower my flood coverage because they thought my coverage of 10K was too high, so lowered it to 3K ALL WITHOUT MY CONSENT, and didn't give a discount for that. Also just now they wrote me a letter saying THEY think my car deductible should be $1000, not $500. "The winter tire discount has been removed from the above-listed vehicle as it no longer qualifies" ... what? I just spent $1900 on tires and wheels why doesn't it qualify? AND you raised my insurance. P.S.: NO CLAIMS for the home or auto, not 1 in 17 years, and perfect driving record, not even a speeding ticket. Again, they'll be all cozy the first round then annually ding these things to their advantage.

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70% premium increase

by Thumbs Down on Aug 27, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

We have been with BelairDirect, previously CanadianDirect, for over a dozen years, with home and auto insurance. We received our auto renewal with a 70% increase. We drive less than 20k a year, accident-free, no points or violations, exact same insurance on the same vehicle. We asked why. Belair said to help pay for other bad drivers and everyone pays. We understand this is how insurance works, but come on, 70% increase. If this happens to our home insurance, then they will lose all of our business. This company has changed dramatically since Beliar took over, unfortunately for the worst.

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Rate increase over 30% in Ab

by brianj on Jun 7, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My wife's -15 rating and no accidents and no tickets and 33 years of driver experience yielded a renewal increase on her Lexus of over 30% due to start this coming July. I thought there must be an error and called. The excuse was everyone's going up and luxury cars are expensive to fix... insisting there was no error on the premium. And the young man had a real negative attitude towards customer respect. I also have a spotless record, -15 with 38 years licensed and insured. Was with Canadian Direct since they started up and got pushed over to Belair with the take over of CDI. During that transition, I got hosed for over 15%. I am currently shopping as I plan to leave these guys, 2 autos and home insurance. Retiring later this year and I feel uncomfortable that they will continue to raise rates. I do not trust Belair after this second hike in premiums.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by Hosein Shafik on May 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Worst customer service. Worst Management, worst company I ever see in Canada. Please take a movement to read and know more about this company if you want to avoid high Blood pressure and save your money. DON’T believe and don’t trust those people. I had been more than six years with CDI. Unfortunately, one day they switched me to Belairdirect. They promised that everything will be the same. But that never happened. The same day they raised up the price 20% for two auto policies. When I called, they said everyone rose up. The second year the same happened: they raised them again another 20% although I never had any claim or any tickets. I walked in and discussed with one of their agent. I asked why you raise up the price without any reasons?? She answered: "We had so many claims this year and the company paid too much money to cover them". I asked: "But I didn’t get any claims or tickets. I have been with CDI. The price never rose up. On the contrary, they used to give me yearly 10% discount because I never had any accidents or tickets. Plus they gave me a lot of benefits such as: Family Protection Endorsement Comprehensive Cover - Limited Glass Accident Forgiveness (Accident rating waiver endorsement) PLUS PAC - OPTION B: Loss of Use, Legal Liability for Damage to Non-Owned Automobiles and Emergency Service Expense endorsements". She tried to push me to accept some reduction of my coverage to try to reduce the price. It is a fake way to rise up the price. After pressure, I did accept. This year is the fourth. Again. The same stupid conversation. Same question. Why you raised up the price again?? The agent answered: "We had a lot of claims, cost the company too much. And all the clients are in the same pool". I asked: "Is it fair to take money from me and give it to careless drivers and the bad drivers?" He answered: "If you need to fix a pumper, it will cost more than what you pay". I told him "this is the nature of your business like so many other insurance companies. You don’t do special things. If your owners of this company are not happy with this business, they have to shut it down". Anyway. I am so sorry if my notes big. But I wouldn’t give any quarter star but unfortunately, the minimum is one. I am looking now for another company and will leave it soon.

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Outrageous Increase

by joe on May 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I've been a driver since 1968. I had 2 accidents (minor) - one in 1970 and one in 1972. Not one since. I joined "Grey Power" because they offered decent prices for older drivers with good driving records. I was satisfied with them for several years and then Belairdirect took over. The good rates continued (I have a Mercedes and a Porsche Cayenne) both cars are over 10 years old and well-maintained. This year there was a 40% increase in rates and being a trusting, old fool I didn't notice the increase for 3 months. I know they have to pay for the guy in the suit of armour telling us on television how great Belairdirect is... to me they are dismal thieves. I am changing companies and advise others to keep on shopping! Belairdirect is a horrible choice - I don't think my experience is unique.

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by tanya.t on May 10, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This company is run by monkeys. I will never after my year of being insured go back to paying for anything with them. After a full year of driving, no infractions, no problems, they notified me LESS THAN A MONTH prior to my policy renewing that it would be $80 more than I was currently paying. I tried to book my G (Ontario Full License), within time but was unsuccessful in being able to. THEN they decided to charge me my new rate a month before my policy actually renewed, which had not been discussed the two times I had called to speak with a representative before my payment. The first rep I talked to on the phone told me if I had gotten my G within the very minimal timeframe giving to me my rate would drop $120 dollars.... the second person I spoke to told me otherwise and my rate would only drop $100, this company has perfected inconsistency. Find other insurance even if it's a little more in pricing. You're better off.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Renewal rip-off

by Dirk on Mar 24, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

I had an at-fault accident last year and 2 years ago damage to my vehicle which was not rated as an accident. Now they are saying I "used up" my accident forgiveness with my first claim of damage to the vehicle and therefore my rate goes up 200%... after 26 years of accident free and one speeding ticket on my record that seems crazy... got comparable rates from other insurances and instead of paying Belairdirect $330/month I will be with another company at $150/month starting April...

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Terrible company

by Sanospin on Jan 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Terrible, I drove with the Automerit app for nine months and earned a 9% discount, only to have the rate increased 15% without any accident or tickets. The Automerit program is a complete lie. I'm totally disappointed with Belairdirect, you're better off with any other company.

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Insurance scam

by Dallas2306 on Nov 16, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Bel air increased my insurance $360 a year because of the location I live in, I have a perfect driving record no accidents, no claims and no tickets shouldn't my insurance go down not up. I've lived in the same place for 3 years why would my insurance go up now. It's the scam insurance companies have on the go

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.


by Bev on Oct 30, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

They tell you they can save you money. Well, that is a joke after the first year they never asked if I wanted to renew just sent me my insurance slips. Phone them and to my surprise, they increased my premium a year by 500.00 dollars more a year. No accidents no claims am over 50. This company is a complete joke and I never would tell anyone to get insurance with them.

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