Home Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(153 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.9 out of 5 stars:
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Never again!

by Disgruntled on Jul 13, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had trees come down on my cottage property.....Intact Insurance did everything possible to give me the least amount of $ and made a promise of not charging me the $1000. deductable because I have never had a claim in 30 years. Then refused. Worst experience ever. I quickly changed companies and saved $300.00.

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one way relationship

by Raptor on Jun 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Customers pay premiums for years, one time for a small claim, the insurance company does everything in their power to run you down... Makes you call them, again and again, they make you tired. Intact is the worst company of all. Their rates were a bit lower, but if you have claim you will not recover anything. Shame on them, and shame on me for using them in the past. NEVER AGAIN!

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What happened to integrity

by Ripped on Dec 10, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

The only ones who benefit from your claims are the insurance companies including Intact. Our insurance will increase 200.00/year for 5 yrs for a vandalism claim. Most insurance executives live like kings.

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Looking to save on home insurance? Get our cheap home insurance quote and start saving on home insurance! You will be surprised by how much you can save while getting more extensive coverage.

Want to feel like a criminal?

by Reuben on Apr 30, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had a claim a few years back. I had a small house fire that turned into a nightmare. Their adjuster accused me of wanting to stay in a hotel because it had a water slide. He also kept suggesting that I was trying to get more back than I lost. At the time I had a newborn child and a toddler, a fire was stressful enough without the stress that Intact added. They immediately raised my insurance premium to try and recuperate their loss. Needless to say, I've switched providers and cut Intact's premium in half with better coverage.

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Review topics

Poor CS

by Jagger36 on May 23, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had home insurance with them and they cancelled me so fast when it was time to renew.. i was at one of their offices to pay a claim from them on my deceased mother's file and they never told me about my home insurance being due.. so i missed the deadline.. i received a letter in the mail that they were cancelling my insurance and we had a water issue here in Gatineau where my insurer is located and roads had to be blocked off and i couldn't go to pay my insurance on time so i got penalized for that and now received a registered letter saying they have started to cancel my home insurance.. i find that to be poor customer service at it worst.. The insurance companies claim they have your best interest and they screw you over once they have your money.. CROOKS

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Run for your Life

by ebearz on Sep 23, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Please don't go with Intact. EVER for anything. We paid them 800.00 monthly and when a claim came up, they most certainly did NOT have our back. When we cancelled, they tried to claim we owe THEM money. What a hoot. Worst company on the planet. If I could give them negative stars I would. Hard to believe any truly reputable broker would use them so beware of who you deal with.

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by Nothappyatall on Jul 15, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

These scammers quoted me over $1700 to insure my house, i went to another company which only charged me $850. These guys ask way too many questions and add unnecessary paper, which makes getting insurance way too complicated. STAY AWAY FROM THESE SCAMMERS!!!!

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rip off

by just being honest on Jul 6, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I was given false and misleading info from their broker Landing insurance in vernon bc I was over charged and have a credit they will not return and they refused to sell me insurance when I tried to recover the money they stole from me. They only care about taking your money. In my opinion their tv commercial are very misleading.

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Zero value for money

by Len on Nov 20, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

We had a home and cottage insured with Intact. When we started renting the home through AirBnB, they dropped us, offering us an alternative that the agent advised us no to accept, one reason being that the coverage was next to nil. We were able to obtain a regular home owners policy from State Farm, with some conditions on our rental activity.
As for the cottage, we signed with Desjardins, for about a third of the premium that we previously had with Intact.
We have no claims experience to assess Intact or Desjardins. We have some experience with State Farm, and it was superb.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

INTACT is WORST for service!

by BEEN THROUGH HELL on May 6, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

INTACT commercials - your claims process starts when they get your phone call - but that does not mean they will help you or pay people. It just means they type it in the computer. Then you deal with the adjuster which is trying an experience from HELL! I had the absolute worst experience with this company and my neighbour across the street did too! Our basement flooded due to a water main break. We had top of the line coverage. Adjuster got mad at me and smashed my front door! Put a claim in for that and finally got paid one year later. Adjuster told me he did not like me, and promised to give me a hard time. He sent threatening letters that they were considering denying my claim. He offered me 1/7 the actual cost to repair the damage 2 months of the flood. I had already spent double hiring myown contractors to start repairs, not wanting to wait for the insurance company to take action. I had tenants.The fighting over coverage went on for nearly 6 months and finally I got a cheque for double what he first offered. I said this is not enough to cover all the invoices I submitted and complained to Intact Ombudsman. They did nothing. Then I reported unfair insurance practices, bad faith, to FSCO = Financial Services Commission of Ontario. This forced the matter into ARBITRATION! I recommend this to anyone not satisfied with money the insurance company is trying to get you to accept. Take the money they offer but do NOT sign a final release. Tell them you disagree with their calculation of your loss total. At arbitration, I got to present all the invoices for the actual repairs of the damage (not the adjuster's guesstimate) + lost rent. The whole process took about 9 months, but I finally got nearly everthing I asked for. INTACT gave my neighbour across the street a hard time. After his semi detached home was involved in a fire, it took twice as long for Intact to repair his house compared to the equally affected neighbour nest door. Fire was in January and the neighbour with CAA insurance was back in his house by August. The other neighbour with Intact is still waiting for drywall work to be completed. Estimated re-occupation could be 1 1/2 - 2 years because the approval during the claims process goes at a snails pace at Intact. INTACT SUCKS! Maybe their rate could be cheaper, but the attempts to deny coverage and delays in the claims process do not make it worth the savings! Go for a insurance company with a good reputation for claims processing - even if they charge more. I don't know how some insurance adjusters can look themselves in the mirror each morning after doing such horrible things to claimants - I know they get a bonus for paying out less. It's dirty money. I don't want to profit from other people's misery! SHAME on YOU INTACT Insurance Adjuster!

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