Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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NO to RBC AVIVA home insurance

by tbone on Mar 24, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had frostting in the attic due ventillation issues during the big storm in Feb 2017. I called them up and they send the emergency fast,that was a good thing.
Now the emergency company had little knowledge in the attic, so they made things worse. They removed the attic cover and sealed it with nylon, more warm went up.
They sent another emergency company which did nothing, then a consultant who just said it was air circulation problem.
It took 3.5 weeks for them to say go fix it as you wish on your own.
The insulation got all wet becuase it melted down, the wood started to have mold problems and the gyp of the bedrooms got wet. all this and they are not covering anything of it?

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Fire damage in Ottawa

by Scott on Mar 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My house caught fire in February 2016 and we just moved back in over one year later in March. It is a large house just under 4000sq ft. The majority of the house was completely gutted but key areas were not, including the master bedroom and bath and a couple other areas. The insurance adjustor, Geoff, gave low ball and unfair budgets throughout the process. The insurance company refused to gut the remaining portion of the house and now after only living in the house for a few days we are suffering through flooding damage due to plumbing issues. The insurance adjustor has extremely poor communication with me but I'm sure this is part of his strategy. The cabinet maker Sandy Beach cabinetry installed warped cabinets and in their attempt to rectify the defectives cabinet draws keep reinstalling the same warped drawers. In addition, the values given to our contents are completely inaccurate. For example, the list will correctly identify an item but will assign an extremely low and inaccurate value. These are just some of the issues we've faced and the process is not over yet.

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cancelling my policy

by frustratedlittleguy on Dec 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

My townhouse got water damage due to a leak in the outer wall, aviva refused to pay just to fix the floor, our condo mgmt company took responsibility for the rest of the damage. I should note, our neighbour had the same issue, he had no problem with his insurance company. It was a struggle even to get someone out to look at the problem (several weeks and many phone calls and emails). Even the contractor and broker are baffled that they refuse to pay. It's been a frustrating experience overall, I feel like there is no recourse to challenge them at all. I wish I had never signed on with them.

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

Do not use Lubnow Restoration

by Mandy on Aug 21, 2016
1.5 out of 5 stars

Lubnow restoration is a preferred company with Aviva for my area...being london ontario and I was extremely unhappy with the entire experience. The project manager that was assigned to assist with the flood that ocured in my basement is named Lisa K. After first meeting her and her tear, I called her up to touch base and when the conversation ended and before we had hung up, I overheard her speaking with someone, making fun of my accent and that apparently, 'I wasn't very bright'. I decided to ignore this as I wanted my home restored as soon as possible, I then had two bad experiences with the accounts Manger the office. Her name is Terra C. and she was very rude to me on the phone and even discussed with me her personal dislike for the project manager which I thought was very unprofessional. I spoke with the receptionist soon after this and told her my concerns. She expressed that those two individuals can be very negative and to not let it get to me, that the service provided to me would be over soon and to use a different company on the repair. Thankfully, I was able to take a cash settlement so I didn't have to see that woman again. Spoke with a few others that I have located on Facebook that were not happy with the company either and that they hope Aviva chooses a different company to prefer.

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The epitome of incompetence

by BuyerBeware on Nov 17, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

Here's a good one. Despite my multiple inquiries with the company as to how this happened, all I've received from Aviva is that "nobody has ever experienced this before."

The following is the quintessential example of problems with companies like Aviva cutting costs wherever they can and contracting everything out.

I've had an Aviva home insurance policy in place for two years now, and have never made a claim with them. My premiums have been faithfully paid and there hasn't been any issues. That is, of course, until last weekend when I received an e-mail from Aviva asking me to do a "satisfaction survey" based on a recent claim I had made with them.

I judged this e-mail as suspicious, so I called their 24-hour claims line to obtain some information. First off, their after-hours claims folks are notoriously useless and are really unable to do anything except take details and file a new claim. They were, however, able to look at my file, and subsequently notified me that it looked as though I had made a claim relating to a basement flood I had in September 2015.

Now here's where everything gets very interesting. You see, I never made such a claim. After conveying this to the after-hours rep., she made a note and promised someone would follow up with me via phone during the next business day.

Well, nobody called. As luck would have it, I had been outside doing some yard work, and noticed that my neighbour was busy moving his washer/dryer into his garage. I asked what was going on, and he told me that after dealing with his insurance company (a different company than mine which I will not name, but will say the name of it corresponds to a common last name or a nickname for a male body part) for a month, they were finally able TO START FIXING THE FLOOD THAT HAPPENED IN THEIR BASEMENT.

Putting two and two together, I spent the next several business days trying to get in touch with someone from Aviva that could actually help me - which was a less than easy task.

In short, what ended up happening was that somehow my neighbour's home insurance claim was processed, closed and paid out UNDER MY POLICY, despite the two policies being issued by two separate and unrelated companies, associated with two different addresses and with different names on the policy.

Once Aviva management and my broker found out about this, they sprung into full-on panic mode realizing the extent of the mistake that had been made. The cheque which had been issued was cancelled immediately, and after relentlessly trying to prove my story true with this giant behemoth of a company and the associated bureaucratic inefficiencies, I've been informed that the claim was removed from my account and no longer exists.

So, I suspect you still may have one big question, somewhere along the lines of "How could this happen if the two respective policies were held by two separate and unrelated companies which would not have access to each others records?" Well you see, it turns out that in my neck of the woods, these two large insurance companies subcontract a company called "Claims Pro" to do their adjusting. Of course Aviva can't be bothered to have its own representatives in a major Canadian city with over one million residents. That just wouldn't be cost efficient. The Claims Pro adjuster would have had access to the records of each company and for whatever reason, whether it be sheer laziness or plain stupidity, opened a claim for a different property under my home insurance.

Another point to consider is that I would never had become aware of this issue had I not randomly received that customer satisfaction e-mail. Renewal would have come along, with the increased rates associated with a claim, and who knows whether or not I would ever have realized what happened. Add all this to the unauthorized disclosure of personal information and you've got quite a problem, resulting in my well-deserved one star rating.

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Worst experiences of my life

by DisillusionedON on Dec 10, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

It would take far too long to go into the details of the nightmare that was my home insurance claim with AVIVA.

Some of the highlights; a small claim took 9 months; they sent unqualified, unlicensed contractors to do the work. The contractors all but destroyed my home (certainly devalued it), including a number of areas not even affected by the claim. I had to pay for and/or provide the supplies, including paint and tools for the contractors as they did not have tools (not even rags), and instead of purchasing the proper paint said they could mix a number of different odds and ends of paint they had together and "that would do".

I had to take almost a month off work and live in a home with no kitchen, living-room or dining-room for 9 months.

Throughout the entire process they showed absolutely no respect for me or my home.

I can honestly say it was one of, if not the worst experience of my life.

I would highly recommend you avoid this company, at least if you live in the GTA area of Ontario.

I would honestly give them no stars if I could.

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