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Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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Completely changed RBC

by Trainwreck on Sep 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

This company is not operating legally in my opinion.

RBC used to have their own people to assess cost/damage. I had a flood and Aviva sent their "road advisor" to my home. This person did nothing but draw pictures of the rooms. They didnt cost anything out. Aviva now relies on 3rd party "approved" contractors for this. Which is ridiculous. Consumers have a right to use their own contractors. Its Insurance Co's job to have their own people to cost things.

Aviva paid me nothing up front. Its a clown and pony show to get things approved so they will pay. My claim exceeds my coverage so settling is real easy but Aviva refuses to do that. If they just did things like insurance companies have done things up until now (as is actually legally REQUIRED) we could just settle.

PROMUS restoration was assigned to my house. They did next to nothing. A few hours tear out. No clean up, no disinfecting, no contents removal/storage. Basically, nothing. I could have torn out floors by sawing it out quick too. Insurance pays them thousands for this then relies on them to do all the cost quoting. This way see YOU pay for it out of your end rather than Aviva paying their employees to do their damn job. Obviously PROMUS has nothing but subcontractors giving ridiculous quotes for simple lipstick things and ignoring what actually needs to be done. Using up the claim in nonsense.

Aviva needs to do what all other insurance companies do and actually cost things out via the computer aided systems that have been in place for decades and are very accurate in experienced hands. Tossing the ball to fly by night claim raping "restoration" companies is a joke.

Stay away from Aviva. RBC wasnt the greatest but it ran like an insurance company. Aviva runs like children playing pretend insurance company.

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Totally Incompetent

by Stephen Watkins on Sep 18, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I don't even know where to begin. We were told that the contents of our basement were not going to be removed, yet they were. They packed up my wife's family or heirlooms and lost them. They broke the vase that held the sand from a sand ceremony from our wedding. They crammed us in a tiny little two bedroom apartment that didn't have enough beds, parking spaces, or even storage for food, and then complained when we submitted grocery receipts and receipts for eating out. The hired an incompetent company called Claims Pro to handle our claim. The claims adjuster was rude and inconsiderate. She only cared about saving money. The accommodation center that they placed us in after I complained about the small apartment called us constantly with frivolous noise complaints in the middle of the day. High Street Accommodation = Horrible! Our claim experience thus far has been absolutely horrifying. I will be canceling my insurance with Aviva as soon as our claim is complete and will never do business with them again. I strongly recommend finding another home insurance company.

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Update to my June review

by chinook42 on Jul 27, 2017
5 out of 5 stars

I posted a review within a day or so of our house flooding back in June. The service I received from Aviva continued to be outstanding. Our claim adjuster maintained regular contact with us to ensure that everything was proceeding quickly and properly. On Side, the contractor that Aviva hired to complete the repairs, had much of the work done within three weeks, after which we only had to wait for the carpet that had been ordered to come in. When the water line burst, we had our house up for sale. Because this issue was dealt with so quickly and professionally, we continued to show our house to potential buyers, and we sold the house to buyers the same day that the carpet was installed. I can honestly say that our experience with Aviva was nothing short of excellent. I believe that our expectations of what we were entitled to were reasonable, and that Aviva dealt with our damages expediently and that they treated us more than fairly. In the end, they did everything that I could have hoped for. Thank you for everything Aviva. Paul in Beaumont, Alberta.

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Disappointing Experience

by Nickilee on Jun 21, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

One disaster after another. A flood that clearly happened outside my unit and my insurance company not only does not support me, they make my life a living hell. Take well over 8 weeks to repair flooring that was sitting in my unit 2 weeks after the flood. The approval process is ridiculous. And the claims adjuster I had did not know the meaning of customer service. Worse yet, I put in a complaint to their head office and to the supervisor of the claims adjuster I had. 2 and a half months later I have not heard from either of them. Aviva doesn't even handle their own claims. They contracted me out to someone in Ontario. I live in BC. the 3 hour time difference made it impossible to get any real customer service out of him. He didn't even visit my home to see the damage.

The worst part about this, the flood not only effected my unit, but my neighbour's unit. As I was going through hell to try to get my claim approved, her adjuster approved her claim and her place was repaired and back to normal in 3 weeks. It did not cost her a penny, not even initially. I am out almost $8,000 as my adjuster would only pay 60% up front, then he said he would reimburse me the rest once he received proof of payment. I sent that along many moons ago... still have not been paid anything - who's ever even heard of someone having to pay out of pocket for an insurance claim anyway?

I would never ever in a million years recommend Aviva to anyone. Save yourself the hassle and go elsewhere.

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Thank you Aviva

by chinook42 on Jun 15, 2017
5 out of 5 stars

I have had home insurance for almost 38 years, and have never had to make a claim. We have our present house for sale, and have been trying to keep it perfect for showings. However, two nights ago I was returning from a nearby town, when my son called to tell me that he had gotten home and water was coming in through his bedroom ceiling. When I got home, we quickly determined that an outside water hose pipe had burst inside the wall, and drenched two rooms and started on a third. I called Aviva late that night, and they started the claim for me, and the lady was fantastic to deal with. At 7:00 am the next morning I spoke with their claim service again, and they said that a flood specialist company would call me right away. Ten minutes later On Side Restoration called, and said that they would have their Edmonton manager call me ASAP. And ten minutes after that, Dave called me. We agreed to meet at the house three hours later. At 10:30, just as the very kind Aviva adjuster had called to help me through all of this, Dave and his fantastic crew showed up at the house, and started taking down the wet ceiling and walls. Six hours later, they had dehumidifiers and fans, up and working. They also hauled out all of the wet drywall and cleaned up everything. The next morning they removed all of the bedroom carpets that they had already rolled up the previous night. Had Aviva and On Side Restoration not responded so quickly, I know our basement would have begun to smell musty, very quickly. As it is, everything is already dry, and this is all now just an inconvenience, not the financial loss it could have been. I really appreciate Aviva's response, and On Side Restorations response and great work by their crew. Their manager and two man crew are better than as I could ever have asked for, and I thank you all for helping my family through this the past two days. Thank you Aviva and On Side Restoration! Paul , Beaumont, Alberta

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flood in basement

by roger in quebec on May 22, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Very disappointing, my case was considered urgent, through Aviva it took two weeks to let me know that there was one clause in the contract stating that I was not qualified for a claim. Meantime, no help for helping me to clean up the water or giving any hints on how to proceed specially from their specialists, when i was two weeks after the claim doesn`t qualify because of a detail. The specialists for floods. wanted to recuperate their machines right away half hour after i hung up with Aviva, so no furniture was compensated for the damage either meanwhile, there were mushrooms growing in my walls. It was smelling very humid in the house, but Aviva doesn`t care about their customers, they want your business and nothing else… I have two houses with them, and two cars also…

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NO to RBC AVIVA home insurance

by tbone on Mar 24, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I had frostting in the attic due ventillation issues during the big storm in Feb 2017. I called them up and they send the emergency fast,that was a good thing.
Now the emergency company had little knowledge in the attic, so they made things worse. They removed the attic cover and sealed it with nylon, more warm went up.
They sent another emergency company which did nothing, then a consultant who just said it was air circulation problem.
It took 3.5 weeks for them to say go fix it as you wish on your own.
The insulation got all wet becuase it melted down, the wood started to have mold problems and the gyp of the bedrooms got wet. all this and they are not covering anything of it?

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Fire damage in Ottawa

by Scott on Mar 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My house caught fire in February 2016 and we just moved back in over one year later in March. It is a large house just under 4000sq ft. The majority of the house was completely gutted but key areas were not, including the master bedroom and bath and a couple other areas. The insurance adjustor, Geoff, gave low ball and unfair budgets throughout the process. The insurance company refused to gut the remaining portion of the house and now after only living in the house for a few days we are suffering through flooding damage due to plumbing issues. The insurance adjustor has extremely poor communication with me but I'm sure this is part of his strategy. The cabinet maker Sandy Beach cabinetry installed warped cabinets and in their attempt to rectify the defectives cabinet draws keep reinstalling the same warped drawers. In addition, the values given to our contents are completely inaccurate. For example, the list will correctly identify an item but will assign an extremely low and inaccurate value. These are just some of the issues we've faced and the process is not over yet.

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Horrible customer service

by fedup66 on Feb 3, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We have been swapped over automatically to Aviva as customers of RBC insurance over the past year. We tried to get our bicycles added as an extra insured item. We started the process last September (it's now January) and still no action. First they only keep eastern hours, so getting ahold of them from the west is a nightmare. Then they don't know what they actually need or want from us. They asked us for our bike receipts and photos, which we gladly sent, thinking that we'd be done. Then after a few weeks they called again asking for a letter from us stating that we had no previous claims or liabilities on the bikes. Ok, no problem though it would have been easier to send this in the first place with everything else. Then we heard nothing for 2 months and thought our bikes were covered until they told us they lost our file and called to find out if we actually wanted to get our bikes covered (um, yes?) and why we were applying to have our bikes insured when they're already covered in the plan (our bikes are worth about $1,000 apiece and our deductible is $1,000). So we had to go through it all over again with them. Then they said they couldn't process the claim without a senior advisor who wasn't in that day and they would call us on Monday. Here it is a week later with no phone call and no amendment to our plan. Absolutely incompetent and a waste of time.

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AVIVA SUCKS go else where

by aviva sucks on Nov 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I have a claim going for leak damage,still going 1 year latter . Im sure the only way this will be paid out is through a lawyer. These people are the worst.

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