Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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Home repairs

by Patricia on Dec 3, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva is a joke of a company. I put in a claim for water damage in my basement. The adjuster I had did not look at my Policy and managed to approve the company to take apart my entire basement. They left me with no walls, no shower, no flooring, NOTHING! We also could never reach this adjuster (he never answered his phone or responded to emails). We are now stuck having to pay out of our own pocket to put everything back (over $30,000). We are in a pandemic and this ridiculous company leaves us with an unfinished basement. We could have taken apart our own basement ourselves if we wanted to. Honestly don’t choose this company. They clearly have clowns working for them and you’ll just be stuck with a bigger mess than when you put in a claim.

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Water Damage from Frozen Pipes

by Wet_Muskoka on Feb 8, 2018
3 out of 5 stars

We just started our claim for water damage at our weekend property. This is our 2nd claim although the first was a completely different root cause.
Claim started - excellent service from Aviva call center, (excellent start)
contacted Winmar restoration company and they arrived promptly given the location; they worked late and came back the next day. (excellent initial contact)
Aviva assigned Claimspro as the adjuster. The person contacted us within minutes of Aviva's notification, and rearranged his day to come to our property that afternoon to see the damage. (excellent initial contact)

Big concern so far is now we have heard nothing for 3 days. This is why I am giving the low rating. Will provide an update either way when this gets finished.

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Fire damage in Ottawa

by Scott on Mar 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My house caught fire in February 2016 and we just moved back in over one year later in March. It is a large house just under 4000sq ft. The majority of the house was completely gutted but key areas were not, including the master bedroom and bath and a couple other areas. The insurance adjustor, Geoff, gave low ball and unfair budgets throughout the process. The insurance company refused to gut the remaining portion of the house and now after only living in the house for a few days we are suffering through flooding damage due to plumbing issues. The insurance adjustor has extremely poor communication with me but I'm sure this is part of his strategy. The cabinet maker Sandy Beach cabinetry installed warped cabinets and in their attempt to rectify the defectives cabinet draws keep reinstalling the same warped drawers. In addition, the values given to our contents are completely inaccurate. For example, the list will correctly identify an item but will assign an extremely low and inaccurate value. These are just some of the issues we've faced and the process is not over yet.

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Amazing rep

by alica on Sep 29, 2016
5 out of 5 stars

I recently had a house flood. My rep Angela was AMAZING!!! She answers every single text/call/email within a couple hours. No matter how busy she was she always was patient and kind to me. No matter what my request she was reasonable and agreeable.

All receipts were reimbursed immediately and I received a cheque within days.

My one and only complaint was the company that did my reno's ( refereed by Aviva). The company was overloaded with work, they passed it on to a smaller company and although in the end all work was done nicely it took a long time and a lot of hiccups.

My Aviva rep was supportive and kind the entire time

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Stay away from these fraudsters

by Mr Dave on Apr 17, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Stay away from these scam artists. My wife got an bad earache when we were on vacation. Dr. bills came to a measly $150 for antibiotics. Aviva took 9 months to pay out the $150, and only after dozens of phone calls. We had never made a house insurance claim until just last week when a bucket of bleach was spilled on our driveway. They have refused the claim. I have received a new quote from a different company and found out that my Aviva policy would never have paid out the money to replace our house in case of fire as they had completly underestimated the value.
So happy I will never have to deal with them again.

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Poor and Dishonest Service

by elapid on May 20, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

We made a claim for water damage resulting from a broken hose on the washing machine in our second-floor laundry room. The contractor responded quickly with the delivery of a dehumidifier, but that dehumidifier stayed in our dining room for months despite frequent calls to you and the contractor. It was finally removed when we threatened to sell it. The insurance agent and the contractor then stated that our ceiling had been stippled and the ceiling damage was a result of removal of this stipple, not water damage. This was false as the house was built in 2010 and the builder testified that no ceiling was stippled; however, both the insurance agent and the contractor steadfastly held on to this claim that this did not represent water damage. The water damage was eventually repaired, but suboptimally. The subcontractor remarked to us at the time that he was only allowed to put two coats of paint on the repair because the insurance company and contractors had stated that they would not pay for a third coat which would result in a normal-appearing ceiling rather than a defective ceiling. Subsequent to this repair, secondary lesions developed. We had a second contractor inspect the ceiling and he noted a tide mark extending beyond the kitchen into the hallway leading to our ground-level bathroom. Both the insurance agent and contractor stated that they did not believe the second contractor because they could not understand how this could happen; note that our trust levels were not high as these were the same people who stated, despite all evidence to the contrary, that our ceiling had been stippled. Furthermore, both the insurance agent and contractor should be well aware of hydrodynamics. I suspect the insurance agent and the selected contractor were in cahoots and that no one was representing our interests.

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They take your money

by RG on Nov 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Steal your money. Our hard-earned money. When you have to make a 100% legitimate claim. They find every dishonest excuse to deny your coverage. Paid home insurance for 30 years absolutely dishonest people. They do not honour what they sell. Read all these reviews of customers who are cheated this is deplorable. Stay away from AVIVA.

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Review topics


by BUYER BEWARE on Nov 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

A water leak in the basement from AC and water tank occurred. We tried to get a resolution, from contractors for these units, it took the different contractors a while to get the matter under wraps but there was substantial damage to the floors and walls. Someone recommended contacting our insurance "AVIVA" to cover damages. We contacted them, but saw a whole lot of run around on the subject with no effort on their behalf to give us a solution after a whole 2 weeks calling them each day, as they would never call or email back, when they said they would, and I'm trying to get a solution while they putting it off to another day. They finally decided - "Oh sorry, you are not covered. We decided this type of damage is due to an ongoing leak." Anyone reading this please take your money and run from this company! They just want your money and when you have a claim they will just give you the old run around! I would give NO STARS but no option exists for that.

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by Lisa on Oct 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

August 2018 I tried to make a claim for my roof leaking. The insurance adjuster denied my claim saying my shingles were too old and told me I could appeal it if I wanted to. We did not appeal it. It was a small job so we did it ourselves. Last month, September 2019, my broker's office calls & says the underwriter has questions about my claim. At first, I had no clue what she was talking about. After some back & forth calls, the questions were about the denied roof claim. They didn't believe I fixed my roof, gave me 2 days to submit pictures. My broker took pics & submitted them. Broker calls me a few days later & tells me my insurance is being cancelled because underwriter says roof wasn't done by a licensed roofer. I was never told that we had to do any of this when the claim was denied. I received registered from Aviva saying my insurance is being cancelled and all the reason says is "underwriting reasons". I pay my premium every month and this was the only claim that I have ever tried to make. I can not believe how I have been treated. I am not pulling all of my vehicles and motorcycles away from Aviva. Absolutely disgusting how they treat a good customer.

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Aviva Insurance

by Frederic on Sep 29, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva Canada owned by Aviva UK provided builders insurance in Canada to the crooked builder of our new home in BC., The builder failed to tell us the house was supposedly ready to occupy. When we did find out we noted various faults in and out of our new home so we called Aviva adjustor who ordered the builder to finish and fix what was not done or not done properly. to which the builder ignored their order to fix was ignored by the builder Over time Aviva adjusters left the company and new ones took over the files saying in writing the builder advised their company Avia all problems were looked after which they were not and have proof that the problems still exist. Aviva refuses to provide any written or verbal proof of the builder proving them with such proof to this homeowner and say all has been corrected by the builder and my claims are no longer allowed because the time of the coverage has passed. I have proof of such lies suggested by certain Aviva employees, as well as false documentation they emailed this writer the owner, which they added such false information that it was my comments and signature which I never provided such as they claim I was satisfied with all work done that supposedly the builder provided to their adjusters for Aviva which is totally false from their end. Now because I am calling their bluff and demanding proof of Aviva adjusters claiming I provided such letter and I did not. Because I contacted their so-called ombudsman off and got shot the call when they disagreed of what I tried to tell them what the problems were they shut the phone down on my ear and suggested I could take it to court. An ombudsman office of any agency is to look into the person complaint and discuss with the complainant the person who had the complaints what the problem may be and try to fix the problem instead last week the person who did not want to listen slammed the phone down on this writer's ears. Aviva's Ombudsman office is a bad joke as it appears Aviva considers complainants not worth listening to and it is a bad joke and a waste of time to communicate with. In Canada or the Uk, the principal owner of Aviva in Canada is Aviva UK to which they have to abide by rules of Canada and the states they work under in Canada appear to be violated by some employees of Aviva and Aviva Canada.

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