Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
1.6 out of 5 stars:
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Customer (we don't) care

by Amepro on Dec 7, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Giving this company a 1 star rating (minimum required) is over rating Aviva Insurance. MINUS 5 would be more appropriate for the bad experience we had with this company.

The short story:

We had a roof issue this summer that caused a leak in the house and subsequent damage to our ceiling. After contacting Aviva, their own roofer (biased?) gave a repair cost to the six year old roof of $2,000.00 and blamed the failure of the roof to workmanship by the initial roofer, that said, Aviva denied our claim totally, even the ceiling repair. For the $2,000.00 Aviva’s roofer assured us it was an easy repair. After three attempts to repair this “easy repair”, the roof was still leaking (workmanship?). On the fourth attempt the roofer did an overkill repair which drove the bill to $6,200.00 of which Aviva denied all and of course the repair to the ceiling of $800.00 (we called in an independent contractor for this as Aviva’s contractor wanted over $2,000.00). Now we’re out approximately $7,000.00. After escalating this to Aviva’s CEO, his Assistant Vice President contacted us, but didn’t seem all that anxious to help either, trivializing it all by suggesting to us that it’s ONLY $7,000.00…EXCUSE ME???...if it’s ONLY $7,000.00 why does Aviva refuse to pay any part or all of it?

Needless to say we cancelled our policy and found another company that knows the meaning of customer care.

If you’re still going with this company, may you have better luck.

P.S. While waiting for the roofer to find a time to do the repair, we asked him to put up a temporary tarp. Another $350.00 and the tarp leaked as well (workmanship?).

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by Melsj2017 on Jan 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Horrible and rude
I have 2 policies with this company. One is owner occupied and other is rental property.
I had ice daming on my owner occupied property not rental. Took 3 days for the emergency contractor to come look. Arrives and sends his findings to the insurance company. After a week back and forth and told emails will be sent I hear nothing... until today. Where I get a call to tell me that my claim was rejected at my policy number (that referenced my rental property) staying I don’t have ice daming coverages on that policy. I advise them it was my owners until separate property and policy she tells me she sees that and will call me back.
Well she calls me back and tells me yes you do have ice daming coverage on my owner unit but the emergency contractor stated it was wind and rain that caused it and not ice daming.
I knew she was wrong cause she was putting contractors worked to what type of policy I had. Doing everything they could not to pay out.
Well lawyer is called. I have it all taped cause I know better when dealing with insurance companies.
Lawyer listen and asked to to call or email them back and ask why their caused changed comlairex to your policy.
I got an email 30 mins later saying they are approving the claim after looking at the weather and findings..
why should I have to contact my lawyer? Why do they push you that far?

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Review topics

AVIVA SUCKS go else where

by aviva sucks on Nov 21, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I have a claim going for leak damage,still going 1 year latter . Im sure the only way this will be paid out is through a lawyer. These people are the worst.

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AVIVA left us freezing

by Sandra on Jul 14, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

AVIVA left us in the cold for 6 weeks with no heat in our home after last year's ice storm. We were sick and freezing with portable electric heaters in subzero weather. I had to get the furnace situation resolved myself just to ensure we didn't have further damage. Now AVIVA is refusing to pay for our furnace costs. I regret the day I ever decided to go with AVIVA for our home insurance as they provide no insurance at all.

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by Avia sucks on May 9, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Dealing with aviva was a nightmare, there customer service skills are in the gutter. They led us to believe we would be covered for damage done to our trailor, but they left us high and dry--I would not recommend them to anyone!!

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Review topics

Totally Incompetent

by Stephen Watkins on Sep 18, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I don't even know where to begin. We were told that the contents of our basement were not going to be removed, yet they were. They packed up my wife's family or heirlooms and lost them. They broke the vase that held the sand from a sand ceremony from our wedding. They crammed us in a tiny little two bedroom apartment that didn't have enough beds, parking spaces, or even storage for food, and then complained when we submitted grocery receipts and receipts for eating out. The hired an incompetent company called Claims Pro to handle our claim. The claims adjuster was rude and inconsiderate. She only cared about saving money. The accommodation center that they placed us in after I complained about the small apartment called us constantly with frivolous noise complaints in the middle of the day. High Street Accommodation = Horrible! Our claim experience thus far has been absolutely horrifying. I will be canceling my insurance with Aviva as soon as our claim is complete and will never do business with them again. I strongly recommend finding another home insurance company.

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Horrible customer service

by fedup66 on Feb 3, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We have been swapped over automatically to Aviva as customers of RBC insurance over the past year. We tried to get our bicycles added as an extra insured item. We started the process last September (it's now January) and still no action. First they only keep eastern hours, so getting ahold of them from the west is a nightmare. Then they don't know what they actually need or want from us. They asked us for our bike receipts and photos, which we gladly sent, thinking that we'd be done. Then after a few weeks they called again asking for a letter from us stating that we had no previous claims or liabilities on the bikes. Ok, no problem though it would have been easier to send this in the first place with everything else. Then we heard nothing for 2 months and thought our bikes were covered until they told us they lost our file and called to find out if we actually wanted to get our bikes covered (um, yes?) and why we were applying to have our bikes insured when they're already covered in the plan (our bikes are worth about $1,000 apiece and our deductible is $1,000). So we had to go through it all over again with them. Then they said they couldn't process the claim without a senior advisor who wasn't in that day and they would call us on Monday. Here it is a week later with no phone call and no amendment to our plan. Absolutely incompetent and a waste of time.

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Do not go with this insurance

by TBT. 12 on Jul 28, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

First time home owner and aviva was recommended by our realtor they came up with a huge list of things they wanted done and gave a ridiculous time frame to have it completed. When we couldn't get it done on time they said we would have to be listed under high risk (so increased premiums for years)and theres no other option. I cancelled with aviva because I found a cheaper rate, same coverage and no upgrades were required. They continued to take the high risk payment out of my account after cancelling saying I never cancelled and were extremely rude even before I cancelled. I can't imagine dealing with them if I had actually had a claim. Worst customer service ever!

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by HATEaviva on May 25, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Was involved in the flood in July in Chestermere with following hail damage to my roof and both cars. Have been paying premiums for 16 years and no claims, they have cancelled me for renewal for too many claims in one year and done so while the flood claim is still open so no other company will insure me based on not knowing the damage my house sustained...... I had just renewed my policy and made sure there was adequate insurance which im told is not always in your best interest to claim if needed because their best interest is to not renew you if you do....... SCAM ARTISTS AND LEGALLY!!!!!!!!

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by nounou on Jun 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

YES BE WARNED FOR MANY REASONS. THEY PUT YOU THROUGH HELL FOR 20 MINUTES OF INTIMIDATION, BEFORE EVEN YOU ARE STARTING THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION... CLEARLY ALL TO COVER THEMSELVES. THEN... A COMPREHENSIVE HOME INSURANCE. It says, you are covered for water damage, roof etc... one can imagine that the roof will be covered... but cleverly, the explanation is that... based on weather condition and wind/storm at a speed of 55m/h+ that you could be covered for any damages caused to your roof... // WHAT?????.. How could this be?? Surely if you get an insurance and after 6 months, you get unlucky that something goes wrong with your roof, don't even think about to go to them for any assistance. Even in my case when I am with them more than 5 years, one can think that within 5 years... there may have been very bad weather that my roof wouldn't have been affected so to speak, and then a heavy rain caused the same damage than a storm of 55 miles... that could even damage a brand new roof... it just doesn't add up what they say... unless they say, come and insure your house, only and if you have a brand new roof... they say you are covered for accidental damage... then when you have a burst pipe under a bath, they say, you need to repair the burst pipe and we only cover you for make good... I have a 3-storey terrace house. I can't go to the roof to figure out how the leak has been caused, and their response is that for the last 3 months we didn't have any kind of hurricane type of wind of 55m/h... therefore I am not covered... TO TOP IT ALL... they further intimidate that should you make a claim, even if your claim is unsuccessful, you will be put on the list of those who made the claim and therefore should you decide to change your insurance company, you must report that YOU HAVE MADE A CLAIM, EVEN IF YOUR CLAIM GOT DECLINED with the bogus reasons good enough for AVIVA themselves. Therefore, either way, your insurance premium will get affected with a higher insurance cost. Basically, intimidation all along... to ensure that you fully understand... if you make a claim... even unsuccessful, you will be reported... all that to dissuade you to change your mind if you make a claim... your premium will go up... even if you didn't get validation to your claim during all these intimidations... no one is actually telling you honestly and openly WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY BEING INSURED FOR... UNLESS YOU READ A 20-PAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENT. Let us face it... most of us take an insurance because we want to be covered for the main issues... fire... water damage to the property...

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