Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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flood in basement

by roger in quebec on May 22, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Very disappointing, my case was considered urgent, through Aviva it took two weeks to let me know that there was one clause in the contract stating that I was not qualified for a claim. Meantime, no help for helping me to clean up the water or giving any hints on how to proceed specially from their specialists, when i was two weeks after the claim doesn`t qualify because of a detail. The specialists for floods. wanted to recuperate their machines right away half hour after i hung up with Aviva, so no furniture was compensated for the damage either meanwhile, there were mushrooms growing in my walls. It was smelling very humid in the house, but Aviva doesn`t care about their customers, they want your business and nothing else… I have two houses with them, and two cars also…

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Drain Backup

by J&J on Mar 17, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

We have a drain backup, but were proactive and managed to prevent it from destroying our basement. We called in the plumber immediately (Drain Rescue) who dug out the basement and replaced all the drain pipes and put a backwater valve. Aviva came in during the work process. As per our plan, we have taken the maximum coverage. We acted honestly and let them know that we prevented the water and emptied buckets after buckets of grey water outside the house and had switched off using water. During the entire repair process, we also switched off the furnace to prevent it from being ruined. We lost carpets, rugs and clothes. The Aviva rep informed us that they would only cover the backwater valve. There is a $1,000 deductible and so the clothes and rugs would not be covered. The carpets would be evaluated. We are still waiting not sure what they plan on giving us. Drain Rescue informed us that other insurances cover the cost of digging and the concrete. The pipe replacement cost is ours, but our Aviva Rep informed us we are not covered. Do I trust AVIVA? My previous insurance TD was much better, I had a drain problem in a Condo in 2005 and they evaluated our loss, replaced our flooring and cut us a cheque for losses which was very reasonable.

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by caramel on Aug 5, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Évitez Aviva !!!! Soyez certain que votre roulotte soit assurée comme véhicule et non stationnaire (bien sûr en autant qu'elle soit sur roues et plaquée). Aviva refuse d'assurer non stationnaire une roulotte qui reste sur un terrain de camping. Ma roulotte a été inondée par la crue des eaux. Résultat = non indemnisée car assurée stationnaire. Si elle avait été assurée comme véhicule, j'aurais été indemnisée. Soyez certain que ma nouvelle roulotte n'est plus assurée avec AVIVA et je suis maintenant assurée pour les inondations.

Pour le service... Patience et ridicule de faire rire de soi ainsi!!

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by N A on Feb 10, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

We had a flood in our home because of a crushed sewer pipe. We contacted our insurer, RBC/Aviva who claimed that the repair was covered. Upon contacting the repair company our insurer denied our claim despite a representative from the same originally claiming that the repair was covered. In the end, it cost me just under $10,000.00. Horrible company and garbage representation. Go with anyone other than RBC/Aviva. Complete scam.

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Water Damage from Frozen Pipes

by Wet_Muskoka on Feb 8, 2018
3 out of 5 stars

We just started our claim for water damage at our weekend property. This is our 2nd claim although the first was a completely different root cause.
Claim started - excellent service from Aviva call center, (excellent start)
contacted Winmar restoration company and they arrived promptly given the location; they worked late and came back the next day. (excellent initial contact)
Aviva assigned Claimspro as the adjuster. The person contacted us within minutes of Aviva's notification, and rearranged his day to come to our property that afternoon to see the damage. (excellent initial contact)

Big concern so far is now we have heard nothing for 3 days. This is why I am giving the low rating. Will provide an update either way when this gets finished.

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elder abuse

by fraudulent practices on Nov 17, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Apt. flooded by the upstairs tenant, she admitted liability---I have FULL REPLACEMENT, ALL PERILS...they have not honoured that. Also paid for coverage to put me up in a hotel if my residence was not liveable during flood mitigation...Aviva did not secure a hotel/motel...excuse--they do not have a direct billing account service or company credit card for that service; my friend used their credit card. Aviva maintains that abnormal destructive humidity levels are not caused by water, pictures, witnesses and expenses verified by a commissioner of oaths, made no difference...badgering, intimidation tactics - phone call after phone call---this company used to be Pilot, named by Readers Digest as "Insurers from Hell"--Pilot is Aviva....Leopard does not change it's spots

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Fire damage in Ottawa

by Scott on Mar 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

My house caught fire in February 2016 and we just moved back in over one year later in March. It is a large house just under 4000sq ft. The majority of the house was completely gutted but key areas were not, including the master bedroom and bath and a couple other areas. The insurance adjustor, Geoff, gave low ball and unfair budgets throughout the process. The insurance company refused to gut the remaining portion of the house and now after only living in the house for a few days we are suffering through flooding damage due to plumbing issues. The insurance adjustor has extremely poor communication with me but I'm sure this is part of his strategy. The cabinet maker Sandy Beach cabinetry installed warped cabinets and in their attempt to rectify the defectives cabinet draws keep reinstalling the same warped drawers. In addition, the values given to our contents are completely inaccurate. For example, the list will correctly identify an item but will assign an extremely low and inaccurate value. These are just some of the issues we've faced and the process is not over yet.

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Dropped us for small claim, without notice

by Aves on Apr 23, 2024
2.7 out of 5 stars

We made a very small $2K claim for water damage. They subsequently dropped us without notice some time later. We then had a much larger water issue and were surprised to find we were uninsured as we were never notified. Our insurance broker ended up covering our claim due to the lack of notice and coverage.
To drop someone for a small water claim is very sensitive and to not notify us is very irresponsible. We’re lucky that we had worked with a good broker.
We found better rates and moved both home and auto to a new provider.

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Stay away from Aviva

by Run From Aviva on Mar 4, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Like everyone else, they are just the worst in every possible way. 14 weeks out and no project scope for repairs, no approvals given to replace electronics, repair or replace furniture, etc. Important documents, that could and should have been saved as per my policy, sit molding in a gutted home. Decisions/denials are made with no explanation or justification and if you press them for an answer they will stop responding to you. I've yet to be financially compensated for any out of pocket expenses (hotels, Airbnb, meals) $20K and counting. I had a fire water main break in my condo, obviously not my fault, I had the water to building shut off before the firemen arrived, saving $100,000s of dollars as my actions prevented other units from being damaged. I've provided every and all documentation they have asked for to move along the claim, but here I sit with no home, no compensation, no plan, no approvals and no end in sight. :( Run from Aviva

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Horrible Aviva

by Kato on Sep 11, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

DO NOT insure with Aviva. We had two relatively minor claims within 5 years, one for wind damage and one for flood damage. The second claim was processed with no mention that doing so would mean they would not renew our coverage. In fact, we updated them on Aug 26 with all of the updates we had completed to avoid future claims and our premium actually went down slightly. Then on Sept 10th, we get a registered letter telling us our coverage will not be renewed in October! In the middle of a pandemic and they advise us 5 weeks before our policy expires that we won't be renewed, nice! I am supposed to receive a call from someone within the next 24 hours so we will see what they say but if they do not reverse this decision I will be cancelling all of my auto insurance and I may remove all of my funds from them and go elsewhere. I'm not doing business with a company that behaves like this! I suggest you look elsewhere for insurance!

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