Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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Double charging

by thebodger on Feb 22, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Beware of this company. I have sold my house and cars in Ontario. Cancelled my policies. Re-instated insurance on a house and a vehicle in PEI. Got a phone call from Aviva that my rates were going up, so I checked my automatic debit payment. To my shock, I discovered that this company was double charging from Ontario account, and now my PEI account. After three hours on the phone, some idiot finally found a problem. He said it will take at least 15 days to get my $1200 back. Great way to treat an old age pensioner.

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by nounou on Jun 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

YES BE WARNED FOR MANY REASONS. THEY PUT YOU THROUGH HELL FOR 20 MINUTES OF INTIMIDATION, BEFORE EVEN YOU ARE STARTING THE LINE OF COMMUNICATION... CLEARLY ALL TO COVER THEMSELVES. THEN... A COMPREHENSIVE HOME INSURANCE. It says, you are covered for water damage, roof etc... one can imagine that the roof will be covered... but cleverly, the explanation is that... based on weather condition and wind/storm at a speed of 55m/h+ that you could be covered for any damages caused to your roof... // WHAT?????.. How could this be?? Surely if you get an insurance and after 6 months, you get unlucky that something goes wrong with your roof, don't even think about to go to them for any assistance. Even in my case when I am with them more than 5 years, one can think that within 5 years... there may have been very bad weather that my roof wouldn't have been affected so to speak, and then a heavy rain caused the same damage than a storm of 55 miles... that could even damage a brand new roof... it just doesn't add up what they say... unless they say, come and insure your house, only and if you have a brand new roof... they say you are covered for accidental damage... then when you have a burst pipe under a bath, they say, you need to repair the burst pipe and we only cover you for make good... I have a 3-storey terrace house. I can't go to the roof to figure out how the leak has been caused, and their response is that for the last 3 months we didn't have any kind of hurricane type of wind of 55m/h... therefore I am not covered... TO TOP IT ALL... they further intimidate that should you make a claim, even if your claim is unsuccessful, you will be put on the list of those who made the claim and therefore should you decide to change your insurance company, you must report that YOU HAVE MADE A CLAIM, EVEN IF YOUR CLAIM GOT DECLINED with the bogus reasons good enough for AVIVA themselves. Therefore, either way, your insurance premium will get affected with a higher insurance cost. Basically, intimidation all along... to ensure that you fully understand... if you make a claim... even unsuccessful, you will be reported... all that to dissuade you to change your mind if you make a claim... your premium will go up... even if you didn't get validation to your claim during all these intimidations... no one is actually telling you honestly and openly WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY BEING INSURED FOR... UNLESS YOU READ A 20-PAGE INSURANCE DOCUMENT. Let us face it... most of us take an insurance because we want to be covered for the main issues... fire... water damage to the property...

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Money Harvesting operation

by Aeay Draek on May 26, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

20% increase in premium this year even though I NOW have a age, loyalty and no claims discount. Rude and non english speaking employees waiting to not help you.

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"time at risk" excuse

by tom on Jun 24, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

It's bad enough that the rates from my broker increased every year that I was with them but when I found a better price for better coverage with TD, they charged me $300 for "time at risk" and marked it past due.....from the day i cancelled my insurance. So i get to pay $300 for 12 days worth of insurance and will probably end up with interest because the pretty pink past due letter came in while I was away on my honeymoon. All together, i'm dissapointed.

Because i dealt with a broker, I never had any direct contact with the company.

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by Fedup on Feb 27, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Probably the worst insurance company I've ever dealt with. Dishonest, over priced and not cooperative.

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by grant gatto on Oct 16, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Fly-by-night company staffed by the biggest collection of incompetent high school dropouts I've ever dealt with. It's basically 8 people operating out of the trunk of an old car. There is a reason they are so cheap, they are the KIA of insurance companies. Management is on par with the Thursday midnight shift at an Arby's. Will find every excuse to not honour your claim, and they depend on the "expert" opinions from people somehow more clueless than they are. Spend the extra 5 bucks a month and go with literally any other insurance company. Expect months to pass with zero communication. Even their ombudsman is clueless. Everyone probably got their jobs by being the boss's slow niece or nephew and it shows. Total rip-off

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.


by OldSchool on May 9, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Auto withdrawal allows AGR - AVIVA to withdraw and increase insurance premiums. I was told it was my fault for not paying closer attention to my monthly automatic withdrawals. Attempting to actually place my first claim in 32 years and being denied makes me a high-risk client, meaning expect higher premiums. When I asked for an explanation, I was told my policy had to be reviewed. No offer of being reimbursed 1300 for overpayment. It was all my fault for being preoccupied taking care of senior parents, children, work and community. Lesson learned, don't allow pre-authorized withdrawals.

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30% increase

by robertdprimeau on Sep 24, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Every year they hike my condo insurance rates despite my having no claims, I had to increase my deductible and still had a 10% increase last year. This year I get a 30% increase, why I asked, well we increased our rates and condo rates have gone up too. Even if you get other quotes they all seem to use the same tables little difference. Your rate is overall and never at the policy level so you can never reprice it on the web yourself. Funny thing is when I was with RBC my rates increased moderately but after the purchase by Aviva it has always been in double digits despite never having a claim in 30 years. I am changing the company even if the same premium. Unresponsive customer service well that s the way it is.

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Bogus NSF cancellation

by klif on Sep 4, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

So, last year when I was up for renewal, I asked them about the increase in my policy amount. We were able to talk it down to a reasonable amount, mostly by agreeing to a higher deductible. While I was on the phone with them, I asked about paying them over the phone as we were right there. They agreed, took my payment, and we were done... Thing is, the payment was already at the credit card company. So, a month later, I get a letter saying my payment is outstanding! What!? So I call them up in a frenzy, they say, "oops, our bad, you're good fam!" So, I let it go. Fast forward to today, almost a year later, and I get a letter in the mail saying my policy is being cancelled due to an outstanding balance of $0.00. You read that right, $0.00! So, naturally, I am livid. After an hour on the phone, and conversations with 2 representatives and talks of having to start a new policy a full 2 months early, they are able to fix it, and tell me, "oops, our bad, you're good fam!" I'm beside myself right now. Definitely, giving them the boot come renewal time.

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by GM on Apr 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva is a disgusting insurance company to deal with. Horrible customer service and pathetic reasons for increasing their rates by almost 100%. Customer loyalty and no claims mean nothing to them. I would not recommend this company to anyone looking to purchase home or auto insurance.

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