Home Insurance Reviews

Aviva Home Insurance Reviews

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(155 reviews)
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Most helpfull reviews


by BUYER BEWARE on Nov 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

A water leak in the basement from AC and water tank occurred. We tried to get a resolution, from contractors for these units, it took the different contractors a while to get the matter under wraps but there was substantial damage to the floors and walls. Someone recommended contacting our insurance "AVIVA" to cover damages. We contacted them, but saw a whole lot of run around on the subject with no effort on their behalf to give us a solution after a whole 2 weeks calling them each day, as they would never call or email back, when they said they would, and I'm trying to get a solution while they putting it off to another day. They finally decided - "Oh sorry, you are not covered. We decided this type of damage is due to an ongoing leak." Anyone reading this please take your money and run from this company! They just want your money and when you have a claim they will just give you the old run around! I would give NO STARS but no option exists for that.

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what a nightmare

by Mbrooke on Oct 31, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We had a claim in April 2019 it is now the end of Oct 2019 and we are still not done. Our basement flooded. They lost our claim and when we called for an update they asked if we are an Aviva customer. I got bounced from person to person. Anytime I tried to contact our claims adviser it would take days-weeks before getting an answer. I had to reach out multiple times asking for a manager to get anything done. The customer service is terrible I would give it a 0 if I could. We already had to live with losing our stuff we had to deal with a company that didn't care about us. I would not recommend Aviva and I will be switching insurance as soon as my claim is done.

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Review topics

Not transparent

by AvivaScam on Oct 30, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have 2 properties and 2 vehicles insured with Aviva (now only 2 vehicles). My renewal for a property was one or two months before my house was set to close and as part of the renewal I mentioned that. I was assured it wouldn’t be an issue and I should just call back to cancel after closing. Long story short, I had to cancel the entire policy and not just the one home. I then was also charged 21% of the entire annual premium, I was automatically billed twice in a month (Oct 7 and Oct 25) and still told I had a balance of $33 owing. 21% if the annual premium for 30ish days of coverage. Their only response was it was included in the package ( which is about 40+ pages) since it covers 4 items. I asked if they planned on doing anything to retain me since I was still a customer. They (paraphrasing) asked if wanted to re-instate my policy to avoid the penalty. And then also “reminded” me that if I cancelled my other vehicle policy I’d be charged another 21%

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Sarcastic customer service

by janflair on Oct 17, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My issue seems insignificant when reading other reviews but still wanted to mention. I have a leak in our roof after a major storm so, I called to ask what the process would be if we decided to claim it under our property insurance. The person on the phone was so sarcastic I was in shock. Not only was she not helpful but I could not believe the tone she used with me. I asked 3 or 4 questions and it took everything she had to answer them. I was with RBC Insurance for 15+ years and had great customer service from them. I always found their agents helpful, informative and very respectful. This is my 1-st experience with Aviva. I have to say it is completely different, and not in a positive way! I am hoping we don't actually go through insurance if this is the type of service we get from Aviva!

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Review topics


by Lisa on Oct 11, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

August 2018 I tried to make a claim for my roof leaking. The insurance adjuster denied my claim saying my shingles were too old and told me I could appeal it if I wanted to. We did not appeal it. It was a small job so we did it ourselves. Last month, September 2019, my broker's office calls & says the underwriter has questions about my claim. At first, I had no clue what she was talking about. After some back & forth calls, the questions were about the denied roof claim. They didn't believe I fixed my roof, gave me 2 days to submit pictures. My broker took pics & submitted them. Broker calls me a few days later & tells me my insurance is being cancelled because underwriter says roof wasn't done by a licensed roofer. I was never told that we had to do any of this when the claim was denied. I received registered from Aviva saying my insurance is being cancelled and all the reason says is "underwriting reasons". I pay my premium every month and this was the only claim that I have ever tried to make. I can not believe how I have been treated. I am not pulling all of my vehicles and motorcycles away from Aviva. Absolutely disgusting how they treat a good customer.

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Aviva Insurance

by Frederic on Sep 29, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Aviva Canada owned by Aviva UK provided builders insurance in Canada to the crooked builder of our new home in BC., The builder failed to tell us the house was supposedly ready to occupy. When we did find out we noted various faults in and out of our new home so we called Aviva adjustor who ordered the builder to finish and fix what was not done or not done properly. to which the builder ignored their order to fix was ignored by the builder Over time Aviva adjusters left the company and new ones took over the files saying in writing the builder advised their company Avia all problems were looked after which they were not and have proof that the problems still exist. Aviva refuses to provide any written or verbal proof of the builder proving them with such proof to this homeowner and say all has been corrected by the builder and my claims are no longer allowed because the time of the coverage has passed. I have proof of such lies suggested by certain Aviva employees, as well as false documentation they emailed this writer the owner, which they added such false information that it was my comments and signature which I never provided such as they claim I was satisfied with all work done that supposedly the builder provided to their adjusters for Aviva which is totally false from their end. Now because I am calling their bluff and demanding proof of Aviva adjusters claiming I provided such letter and I did not. Because I contacted their so-called ombudsman off and got shot the call when they disagreed of what I tried to tell them what the problems were they shut the phone down on my ear and suggested I could take it to court. An ombudsman office of any agency is to look into the person complaint and discuss with the complainant the person who had the complaints what the problem may be and try to fix the problem instead last week the person who did not want to listen slammed the phone down on this writer's ears. Aviva's Ombudsman office is a bad joke as it appears Aviva considers complainants not worth listening to and it is a bad joke and a waste of time to communicate with. In Canada or the Uk, the principal owner of Aviva in Canada is Aviva UK to which they have to abide by rules of Canada and the states they work under in Canada appear to be violated by some employees of Aviva and Aviva Canada.

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30% increase

by robertdprimeau on Sep 24, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Every year they hike my condo insurance rates despite my having no claims, I had to increase my deductible and still had a 10% increase last year. This year I get a 30% increase, why I asked, well we increased our rates and condo rates have gone up too. Even if you get other quotes they all seem to use the same tables little difference. Your rate is overall and never at the policy level so you can never reprice it on the web yourself. Funny thing is when I was with RBC my rates increased moderately but after the purchase by Aviva it has always been in double digits despite never having a claim in 30 years. I am changing the company even if the same premium. Unresponsive customer service well that s the way it is.

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Bogus NSF cancellation

by klif on Sep 4, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

So, last year when I was up for renewal, I asked them about the increase in my policy amount. We were able to talk it down to a reasonable amount, mostly by agreeing to a higher deductible. While I was on the phone with them, I asked about paying them over the phone as we were right there. They agreed, took my payment, and we were done... Thing is, the payment was already at the credit card company. So, a month later, I get a letter saying my payment is outstanding! What!? So I call them up in a frenzy, they say, "oops, our bad, you're good fam!" So, I let it go. Fast forward to today, almost a year later, and I get a letter in the mail saying my policy is being cancelled due to an outstanding balance of $0.00. You read that right, $0.00! So, naturally, I am livid. After an hour on the phone, and conversations with 2 representatives and talks of having to start a new policy a full 2 months early, they are able to fix it, and tell me, "oops, our bad, you're good fam!" I'm beside myself right now. Definitely, giving them the boot come renewal time.

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by lily on Aug 28, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Please request a copy of your full policy and read through it. Severe rainstorm caused a leak in the roof which traversed down to the first floor. Claim denied because they claimed "faulty workmanship" on a 2-year-old roof. If it were "faulty workmanship", I don't see how 2 seasons passed with no signs whatsoever. It would have shown up in the first heavy rain or snow for that matter. Terrible experience with this company. I would rate 0 if possible.

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by lboogaart on Aug 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We chose Aviva for our home insurance because they offered monthly payment plans and the amount of home insurance is outrageous. We suffered an electrical fire in our home and our claim was dealt with horrendously... They didn’t want to pay for our rental, they didn’t want to pay for damages done... Trying to claim our destroyed foundation was already there (lies) Almost 2 years after our fire and we are still ‘homeless’ and living in a rental hoping to be able to rebuild our lives next summer... Don't use Aviva!

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