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RBC Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(95 reviews)
RBC Insurance
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Do not trust this company

by Lisa on Jan 18, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

RBC charged the wrong credit card, although they had two current ones on file that they recently used. They refused to take payment over the phone as I wanted to make sure I had insurance. Then they cancelled my policy. However, after reading these reviews, I am relieved I am insured elsewhere as it looks like dealing with them on claims is horrible. Do not trust this company.

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RBC a big disappointment

by Refwidow on Jan 12, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I was gainfully employed within the Alberta Oil and Gas sector for many years. July 2016, I had serious medical issues arise and unfortunately had my contract terminated by the Oil company I contracted for. Have always carried both Home Protection as well as Loan Protection with the RBC for any products in which we owned RBC collections starting the phone calls when things started to fall behind. I spoke to them about possibly increasing our line of credit as we had been living off savings. They declined as they told me I had no income, so, therefore, was a bad risk. Mortgage, 2 CC and a line of credit were all perfectly wonderful when my credit was A1 but when I was unable to work, RBC started with the non-stop "harassment". Only after getting into a knockout, drag-out screaming match with an RBC collections representative, telling me perhaps consider bankruptcy, did she accidentally slip the question, "Didn't you ever think about having insurance?" did it finally click. I had insurance on all outstanding items and yet, NO-ONE within RBC bothered to mention anything to me each and every time they decided to call demanding payment schedules. After I approached RBC insurance directly (different arm versus collections that don't speak to each other) was I told, that in fact yes, I had coverage with RBC Home and Loan Protection. Fast forward to jumping through each and every hoop both RBC and their Canada Life organizations put before me...finally, August 2018 was I approved. Both my Mortgage and Line of credit are being paid. Because I had outstanding arrears on my CC's, I submitted a claim for both of those as well. RBC third-party insurance paid off the majority of one CC but then RBC tells me that I, in fact, had no coverage on the second CC. I have asked them repeatedly to produce the RBC document that an individual signs when they decline coverage. Still today, no one within the RBC can produce this document. I have always carried insurance on each and every item in which I received from RBC, but this CC, somehow was not covered? I received a letter from RBC demanding payment in full for my Line of Credit. Once again, I contacted RBC insurance to ensure that the insurance premiums were being forwarded to my outstanding balance and was assured that the payment was, in fact, being paid in the 30th of each month as long as my disability was still ongoing. RBC insurance advised that they would contact the collections department that the payments were now being paid by my loan protection insurance. Yesterday, my hubby and I attended a funeral for a family member. My phone went off during the sombre drive to the small town it was taking place in. A "bailiff" was contacting me to find out when I would be home to serve me papers on behalf of the RBC. Today, I was served documents from a lawyer representing RBC foreclosing on my home for the full outstanding mortgage amount of $182 k along with the Outstanding Line of Credit balance of $44k. Any monies in which I deposited to my RBC account to pay towards arrears of my mortgage were "grabbed" by RBC to put towards the outstanding unsecured CC in which they will not recognize as their screw-up. This is right next door to criminal behaviour by the RBC machine as they want me off their insurance books. As long as the medical professionals continue to support my disability, my insurance, yes, owned by RBC has to pay out. My medical specialist actually had to write RBC insurance and RBC collections a letter banning them from contacting me as their treatment towards me was a serious deterrent in my recovery process. I would warn everyone against RBC insurance as they play by their own rules and unfortunately, most of us just can't play the game.

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Worst border on criminal

by thomp on Dec 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had a fire claim, it took them almost a year and they did nothing. They told me they could give me the money and I could do the work but they held back 25 %. When almost all the work was completed, I called and said I wanted the additional funds. They said it is over a year and the claim had expired. This is a total lie. In Ontario, we have two years to complete a claim. I could go on and on but in short, this RBC insurance company are scum. When I cancelled the policy, I paid a premium $117 for December 1. Cancelled on the December 9th and got a $19 refund. In other words, they can do anything to screw you around and you can't cancel without a penalty.

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by Joey Neault on Nov 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Absolutely the worst customer service I have ever experienced. RBC as an organization does not value its customers on an individual basis, nor does it value its retention of loyal customers. RBC unexpectedly cancelled my home and auto insurance policies, only to demand the remainder of each policy to be paid up front. This tactic is unethical and should be illegal. My banking, mortgage, investments and all insurance products were with RBC, all will now be changed due to their poor customer service and the countless hours on hold waiting to speak with a careless call centre.

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Never Again, worst treatment

by shana on Sep 27, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My bad, missed a payment due to Credit card charge. But no mercy, they said they had a change in June to regulations that I was not informed to Cancel for NO payment and NOT reinstate even after I have paid. Then they want to quote a new policy and Jack up my rate as a non-pay Cancel customer over the roof and take full payment for the next 3 years at the beginning of a year. I will agree to that as I have to take some responsibility as well. Shady scam artists do this kind of business, I pleaded as I have all services investments with RBC! DON'T get caught in low initial rates, it may not cover all your perils properly.

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RBC /Aviva - bad service

by Marilynne Dunbar on Feb 8, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

When RBC decided to change over my home insurance policy to Aviva, I was charged double on one month payment. I sent an email to Aviva and they said they couldn't handle my complaint because I was still with RBC until March. Then I contacted RBC who said they couldn't handle my complaint because they didn't have policy information for me on file, and I was given a number to call which ended up being RBC Insurance's number. Apparently, RBC charged me for the month of the insurance (i.e. Feb 1 for the month of Feb.), and Aviva charges me for the month in advance (i.e. Feb 1 for the month of Mar) ,so there is an overlap of two payments in one month. There was absolutely no communication about this from RBC until I spoke to the really nice customer service person on the phone this morning. Shame on you, RBC - this move has damaged your reputation and made your customers irate. Hope it was worth it!

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Customer service doesn't exist

by Thomas G. on May 20, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

After 7 years without any claims i got a 30% increase on the insurance premium! Customer service does not exist, i insisted on e-mail contact, got asked twice for a phone number, haven't heard anything after that. No explanation for the increase. If there was a zero star rating, i would have chosen that. Next renewal i will be customer somewhere else! Stay away from this insurance!

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horrible experience

by Lexie89 on Oct 13, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I bought renter's insurance through RBC for one year while I was living in my condo. A year after I moved out I was receiving phone calls from a collection agency that I owed 50$. RBC completely failed to notify that I have an outstanding balance which I would've gladly paid but instead of contacting me first, they decided to contact a collection agency first. Now I have to fear of having my credit score being affected over a 50$ balance. RBC saw that their mails were being returned back to them as my address has changed and did not bother to contact me via e-mail/ phone me first before sending me to a 3rd party collection agency. It was a horrible experience to get everything sorted out and horrible customer service trying to resolve this problem. They couldn't even provide me with the collection agency's contact information so I could pay my outstanding balance but they sure had their contact information when they sent me to them in the first place. Now I'm currently trying to buy a townhome and hope that my credit score wasn't affected by this experience. And I definitely won't be getting my home insurance with RBC with my new home.

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HomeProtector will do harm

by Betteroffdead on Oct 12, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

0 Star rating.

When I purchased my home I was required by RBC to have HomeProtector Insurance in the event of illness or death it would guarantee the payments would be covered. This was to protect the bank and me from any perils arising from injury or death.

Many years later I was involved in a very bad accident which left me disabled for a 6 year period of recovery. RBC HomeProtector began making mortgage payments after 60 days of proof of claim.

Every 3 or 4 months the payments just stop, pending a review of a doctors report. Every single missed payment event was recorded as if I missed the payments. Eventually the insurance would retro-pay any missed payments but the recorded missed payments just added up and up.

When contacting RBC, they would always blame the insurance underwriter for the problem and when contacting the underwriter, they would blame RBC. I still continued to receive the impact of the missed payments on my credit report.

Each and every doctors report clearly noted this was a "Chronic" condition, meaning Forever... Claim review is supposed to have people who specialize in clarifying doctors correspondence yet they clearly don't understand what "Chronic" means.

At one point a weekly motrgage payment had been missed for over 5 months straight! Pending doctors report under review. RBC handed the file over to Gowlings legal while a claim was still active and ongoing.

Insurance finally payed some arrears less 2 months within a day, while Gowlings were coming after my home. I had to make regular payments to Gowlings while trying to go back to work before my doctor allowed me to.

This was a horrible situation! I am an engineer and had to be professional at all times while dealing with excruciating pain, vomiting, and also taking very high doses of Fentanyl and oxycocet for breakthrough pain.

I have made every possible effort to return to work and been completely honest to report my work activity to RBC insurance. I have paid every cent to Gowlings and RBC while my mortgage was in limbo.

There was complete incompetence by RBC collections management, RBC Insurance representatives, Underwriters review personnel.

So what was I buying for many years paying premiums. They did much more harm than good. They put me in peril directly. Now my credit report looks like dart board, but I was protected. Did I neglect to mention my mortgage payment weekly was less than 200 bucks?

We shall see what a provincial court judge thinks of this predatory way of doing business.

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fire damage

by broke and homeless on Aug 29, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

We have dealt with RBC for both home and auto. On March we had a fire contained to one second floor room (which was a crap show with the fire dept and a 3 man crew)...but anyway, the demo was done by a company RBC picked... They did more damage to the house than necessary and now after 2 times trying to buy out, which we refused, they say the damage is more than our 'elite' policy and the difference is to come out of our pocket... They wait so long to do the demo that mold had taken over everything, the new fridge was contaminated by rotten food. We ended up losing everything. The replacement value clause will only pay part, they take of 20% then 40% of the contents, which were almost all new... as it is right now, it looks like we're going to be homeless since we had put all our saving into the house... never again

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