Home Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(220 reviews)
TD Insurance
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by Long time customer on Sep 14, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

I recently purchased home insurance and paid the annual amount in full. About a month later I received a phone call saying that I had an outstanding balance. The person that called couldn’t provide any details so I had to call TD. After numerous attempts to reach someone (dropped calls due to their poor phone connection, waiting on hold for over an hour each time I called) I was finally able to speak to someone. They gave me a reason as to why I had a balance that didn’t make sense. Long story short, each time I spoke to someone regarding the balance I got a different story as to why I still owed them money. On top of that, they were charging me interest on the outstanding amount. TD has been my insurance provider for years, but I no longer trust their practices

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Paying out

by ArsonCase on Feb 5, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

They miscommunicated that we wanted the restoration companies to clean everything, ended up paying over $12,000 out of pocket for the accidental restoration of broken/non-fitting items. Wouldn’t get callbacks for WEEKS, dealt with over 30 people trying to get things fixed or done. Went through three main adjusters, one let go for incompetence, another had a job change in the middle and the last wrote off all usable clothing instead of provided list I made myself of actual losses. I lost all of my sentimental things that were fine due to this with an unreasonable (CRDN) company. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM. Sold us a policy when I asked for $50,000 EXTRA coverage for jewellery ok top of the $79,000 content, they charged me $200 more (on top of $400, 50% more) and made $50,000 out of $79,000 for jewellery. Lost so much due to this clerical error but they would not take responsibility. After a review of the call, they admitted it was a miscommunication on their end but did not fix it. I called for another quote and they told me the same thing! Tried to sell me the same package with incorrect info! I have recordings of all of the misinformation from CRDN and TD and intend on getting some money back from CRDN. Two companies mistakes I had to pay for. Please do not deal with these guys!

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Bad service, shady billing

by angryTDcustomer on Sep 16, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

Getting through to their phone agents is a pain. Takes very long and then usually end up transferring you which takes even longer.

I cancelled my policy and they told me I would be deposited a refund after deducting from my last payment some amount. 3 months later, I get a letter threatening with collection actions for 19 dollars owed in the account!

Called them and got nowhere. Terrible experience. I had no claims, but based on other reviews, I imagine that would have been a pain as well. Stay away from TD. Have never had as much trouble or shadier billing practices with other insurance companies, only TD. Garbage.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Incompetent Crooks!

by Tyler Agnew on Mar 26, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

For 5 months I was charged for someone else's vehicle insurance. 2 other policies that were not mine in fact! Tried resolving with them directly for months and was given the runaround. They could not even tell me what insurance policies I currently held with them or they just refused to. I do not have a driver's license and do not drive, I have not for 16 years. I am a single late 30s white male and should have only been getting charged for my home insurance as that is the only policy I held with them. I had to involve my TD bank branch and one of the financial advisors was able to shake the tree and get this somewhat resolved. I say somewhat because TD insurance only agreed to repay the exact amount they removed from my chequing account over the course of 5 months and many withdrawals. They refused to pay me 5 months interest on the amount owing and also refused to reimburse me for overdraft fees I received over this time period. I highly suggest nobody go with TD insurance. This is unacceptable! And I am absolutely shocked this was allowed to happen and has taken so long to partially resolve. I'm currently considering legal action towards them. Just unreal

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Review topics

Try to cancel insurance

by Richards on Oct 29, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

DON'T USE THEM !!! After the passing of our mother, we tried to cancel her home insurance after it had been sold. We had her home insured at the end of March to the tune of over $1100.00. She passed away in May and that is the month that her home changed ownership. After several calls, numerous emails and all legal papers for the ownership change and death certificates they still asked for more. It took several customer service people, all wanting different papers, to finally get to the point of getting a refund. The refund was $385.00. When asked how come so low a payout, we were told more paperwork was needed. WOW !!! It is the end of October and just got off the phone after asking where is the money. Perhaps in a couple of days, I will see it, so I have been told. I am mad beyond words !!!

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Pure ignorance

by Jeff on Aug 31, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

So I highly recommend if you use TD insurance, to cancel and go with another company as soon as possible. After 6 months of phone calls and emails, they finally cancelled my insurance policy admitting to me how sorry they were that they dropped the ball on this. They sent me a bill for 20% of this year's policy (they auto renewed) because I was 2 weeks late informing them I’d switched companies. The letter also informed me I had 14 days to pay up or they would send me to collections! I called and was on hold for an hour and 38 minutes and was promptly told by a Steve that they were entitled by law to charge this ridiculous amount and if I didn’t like it, I could contact the government Regulators and take it up with them. Worst customer service I’ve ever had in my life and I intend to let everyone I can know just how completely terrible they are!

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

horrible stressful

by NovaScotia on Feb 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

We had a wind and water claim started. We had this open for about a month after calling in and took forever to get someone to come to our home.Adjuster was rude,unorganized never answered phone judged everything as though she was paying out of her own pocket, very cheap outfit! Dropped us at the end said if we didn't come up with money to pay for sheathing and to add over inflated price x2 the price the contractor wanted to put in they would not proceed. We are talking over 6,000 plus 1,000 deductible or pay us out so they could wipe their hands of any liability as they weren't paying .We didn't have that money in the budget and at first were told everything was covered. No we had to take the payout and they automatically deduct the 1,000 deductible and even though they have a quote are going through with a fine comb to trim costs. At the end the million dollar roofer who works for them is making a killing even tried to make private deals and get us to approve work just so he could move on. I offered to purchase the wood to afford the repairs and flat out no was the answer..If you are here looking at reviews take the money and find a small time carpenter or company if not in an emergency like us. What a disaster never again! Run stay far away from this outfit cheap rates but you will pay for it in the end.

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Do not use TD Insurance

by Leaving TD Insurance on Nov 19, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Had a basement leak. They were fantastic to send somebody out that night to help get cleaned. Now the horrific truth!! The restoration company does nothing after the first night, leaves their equipment until convenient for them to pick it up, but charges you a daily rate. Meanwhile, TD mentioned nothing about any charge, which for us was almost $2,000. Three weeks later after doing nothing past the first night but charging you, we get a letter from TD Insurance that the damage is not covered and their file is closed. Don't understand how they came to this conclusion because they did nothing. We hired contractors on our own that are working on identifying the leak. TD Insurance nor their restoration company do anything to help figure out the problem - bad enough they are useless after the first night, worse that they kick you onto the streets on your own after they have happily taken our premium payments for 18 years, and never had any other claim. Best advice - don't use TD Insurance and find a company that is reliable and is not in the business of just money collecting, but rather provides a service for what you pay for!!

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Worse company-- false promises

by Muhammad Arif on Sep 19, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Our house was damaged due to fort Murray wild fire, and due to TD’s miscommunication, and unprofessional handling, we are still not in our house. Also they have not settled our additional living expenses yest. We are under a lot of mental and financial stress right now. Their adjusters have no clue how to fairly assess the customer claims.

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by Unknown on Jul 28, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

We are one of the Fort McMurray wildfire victim families. Because of TD’s miscommunication, and unprofessional handling, our family is under a lot of mental and financial stress right now. TD hired a group of Claim Adjusters from USA to mistreat and misbehave with us. Beware that when you need them the most they are "TD CANADA MISTRUST"

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