Home Insurance Reviews

Wawanesa Home Insurance Reviews

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(97 reviews)
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home policy means nothing

by Abused by wawanesa on May 10, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Wawanesa has kept us waiting over 2 years to settle our claim. We were never told what would be covered and what would not. We are not getting the single limit replacement cost on the damage. Refusing to cover lots and reinstalling things damaged. Amazing contractor trying to work for us. Terrible customer service from adjuster and Wawanesa. We are not getting the coverage that we should be getting. Our home will never be worth what it was before the loss. I do not recommend Wawanesa or Coast Claims adjuster. Very sad. I recommend purchase home insurance with a different company.

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Terrible Company

by Still waiting for resolution on May 6, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We are still fighting over a sewer backup claim after 2 years. We were a customer for over 4o years with this company, and we are treated like we wanted this to happen. We were out of town when it happened, when we got home our basement was destroyed by the restoration company, many items unaccounted for with no explanation from the cleaning company where these items are, yet we have had to sue them and are still in the process of trying to settle this fiasco. They would rather pay their lawyers than do the right thing for a client. They are worth millions in assets and they want to keep it that way. Stay away from Wawanesa, read your policy carefully every year and be careful who your broker is. In our case, we had a broker who did not review our policy with us on renewal and did not advise that because of the flood in High River, all our coverage would change without them advising us of these changes. They want high premiums every year but when it comes to paying out any money for a claim that is a different story. We have had to spend thousands in trying to restore our basement out of our own pocket, as well as legal fees to fight these terrible companies.

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Read your policies!

by LessonLearned on Jun 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Ever wonder why Wawanesa is less than other comparable insurers? You cannot compare their offering to others as their limits are lower and coverage is not near as comprehensive. On my small claim, they nickel and dimed me and did not explain the options openly. I chose to switch insurers after 5 years and feel way more secure now. It may be costing a bit more but the old adage of "you get what = you pay for" is certainly pertinent. Do your research. Buying insurance is something I should have spent more time on rather than just picking the most affordable. Lesson learned.

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The worst home insurance

by Moe Ferdowsi on Apr 18, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

The worst insurance home insurance company with a bunch of lazy adjusters not knowing anything when it comes to find cause of damages, just looking for an exclusion clause in insurance policy not to pay.
Stay away from this company even if you have to pay more for your home insurance.
There is nothing good about this company to rate it even one star, I wish there was negative star rating.

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Home insurance terrible!

by briereelizabeth@hotmail.com on Sep 17, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

We've been with Wawanesa for about 7 or 8 years. Never a claim.
Last spring, we noticed our (12-15 yr old) shingles were looking bad, grains on the ground after the snow melt. So, we called a company to come take a look. (We don't go up there.) The company told us we have hail damage. This was in June! We put in a claim but didn't hear from our adjuster, so I called. He said he'd be out by the end of the week. Didn't show. I called again and he said HE couldn't go up because we're in a bi-level, but he'd send a roofer to have a look by the end of the week. A month later, no show! I call twice and leave messages. No return call. I call my broker. The adjuster tells my broker the roofer was here and he's waiting for a report. NOT TRUE! The next day, the roofer comes, but he doesn't have a ladder tall enough to go on our roof! I provide one. He tells me it's 'Sun Bubbles', which I've never heard of. The adjuster said "No claim". I dispute and get another co. out to look at the roof. He says "Hail damage." The adjuster says it's one co. against the other, they can't agree, so they're sending a 'Roof-check' person as a mediator. The insurance pays the man (74 yr old) $700., as per my broker. We hear nothing from the adjuster, I've left 3 messages to call me, so I call my broker, again! She tells me she received the report a few days prior and they are not accepting the claim. So, I get another (5th person) to look at the roof and give me a price. It is now September! He tells me "You have hail damage!" Bottom line, poor service, waste of our money! We will never use Wawanesa again and WE WILL tell all our homeowner friends & family. By the way, a manager from the insurance tells us that if we have water damage over winter, if we can't get the roof done until spring, the insurance will not cover us.

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by Tiredofthebs on Aug 19, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I have never in my lifetime had a home insureance claim! Never! We live in Airdrie, AB which is the base camp for the army when the flooding happened in Calgary in 2013 because it is a much higher elevation and we don't flood. Does this matter to them? NO! our rates increase by 20%. Last month we had HAIL, did I have a claim? NO! However, I just received a letter saying my insurance is going up another 50%!!! This before they even pay a dime out! Insurance companies disgust me and so does our government for not protecting the public from these thieves! They put agencies in place and when you call they tell you to talk to your insurance company reps! Failures on all fronts.

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Would not tell us what our policy covered without a penalty

by Trevor Larose on Aug 4, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

We were deciding whether or not to claim approx $3K of house damage on insurance. The damage was an accident on our part (tree felling gone wrong) so we wanted to know if our coverage for this incident would even be valid for anything other than an act of god. Our broker wasn't sure about this so directed us to contact Wawanesa. At first, Wawanesa wouldn't even take our call and directed us to go through the broker. After some back and forth Wawanesa finally agreed to talk to us but insisted that they could only answer if a claim was filed and an adjuster investigated. We simply wanted to know if our tree damage coverage extended beyond the act of god or not. We were also advised that, whether we actioned the claim or not, filing would count as a claim made and would result in a premium increase. So they wouldn't advise us on coverage details unless we opened a claim and incurred a penalty even if we chose not to claim!!! This was outrageous so we opted to do repairs out of pocket, so much for having insurance as a safety net or even getting information on the coverage you've been paying for for years!
Will never deal with Wawanesa again.

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"Scam Alert"

by CeeBee on Mar 25, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

My home was insured with Wawanesa Insurance for 28 years. My claim was initially approved in July 2018 and then in Sept. It was denied in 2018. Their 5 Step Concerns and Complaints process was a complete waste of time and I'm livid with them!
All the Department Heads disregarded my valid Concerns and Complaints. Their strategy is Delay Corresponding, Pass on the Apathy because Nobody Cares and they'll be sure to send you on a wild goose chase to waste your time. In January 2020 I began a very extensive study of the Personal Insurance Policy booklet published in May 2017 and found there is no "Inured Perils" for Property Coverage - Coverage A - Dwelling Building, aka Your Home. The Scam is "The Declarations which contain information that is unique to your insurance policy and which indicates the coverages you have purchased" does not provide coverages in the booklet. On the Declarations document under Property Coverage - Coverage A - Dwelling Building it looks like your home is insured for $$$. But in the booklet coverages do not exist. There is however a long list of "Specified Perils" under Section 1 - Loss and Damage Not Insured. I presented all of the proof to the Department Heads that their home insurance coverage is a Scam. It's a shame that Wawanesa Insurance which was founded in 1896 in the village of Wawanesa, Manitoba has sunk to a despicable level, scamming so many people with a false sense of home insurance coverages. It makes me Roar to Say Shame On Them!!!

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Poor coverage

by Danny777 on May 19, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

I've had home insurance with Wawanesa for about 2 years now. I recently submitted a claim for the first time. The representative was very slow to get back to me, and when she finally did, she told me that Wawanesa wouldn't cover the source of the claim, they would only cover what was damaged as a result of the source. So, if a dishwasher leaks or roof caves in, I am to presume that they won't cover the dishwasher or roof, but will only cover other things damaged by the incident. What am I paying insurance for then?? Their low costs are not worth it if they won't cover you. When I asked the Wawanesa rep to clarify why the source of the incident isn't covered, she wouldn't answer my questions. Very unimpressed, and I will be looking for insurance elsewhere.

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Equipment Breakdown Coverage

by dso on Sep 15, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

I had equipment breakdown coverage. This March my furnace died in -35 degree weather. I had my furnace replaced while I was at work. Wawanesa denied my claim because I was supposed to have known that I was to buy many space heaters until the part for the furnace that may have fixed it could be flown in 5 days later. No mention of paying the huge electric bill I would have had though they said they would have reimbursed for the heaters. I have pets and cannot imagine being expected to have to heat my house unsafely this way. No number of space heaters would have prevented my pipes from freezing. The fire risk would have been high and stressful when I would have to go to work. Now my renewal came on Friday, Sept 11th due to being paid by Sept 15th. Four days of which I had to work all of them. Seems they delayed letting the insurance broker have the renewals in a timely manner. Crooks, because if people don't jump to pay they would have no coverage and the 4-day time frame makes people rush to pay without thinking it through. I will be without insurance for a few days because I want to check out my options even though I will pay more. Pay over $1000 thinking I have coverage knowing they will find any excuse not to pay out or go with another company and pay more for insurance that is actually usable.

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