Home Insurance Reviews

Wawanesa Home Insurance Reviews

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(97 reviews)
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Worst Customer Service Ever!

by Jimmy on Aug 15, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

They will come up with every possible excuse to deny your claim if they get back to you at all. You will end up wasting your time suing them and if the claim is small, it may not even be worth pursuing. This is their way of getting away with not paying the claims as they are aware that the customers are unlikely to pursue small claims. Switching policy to another insurance company that has good ratings and record of providing great customer service. Word of advice: You are better off paying a little higher premiums and choosing a company that will provide you with prompt customer service and would actually honour your claim when the time comes. Would strongly suggest against choosing Wawanesa.

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Worst Insurance Company

by Heids on Aug 5, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Never have we been treated in such a disgusting manner by any company and Wawanesa is by far one of the most dishonest insurance agencies to date. They tried to raise our Car & Home Insurance by almost 50% in 2 years. Being a long-time client, we never received a phone call to discuss our contract or even to find out if we are satisfied. They have added extra service fees that we never agreed to and are attempting to charge additional fees on top of that for cancelling 17 days into our renewal which is appalling. After I politely told them this is unacceptable and kindly asked them to remove the fees, we have not heard back in almost 2 weeks. Beware of Wawanesa, they are sneaky and dishonest so check your invoices and go with another agency if you can. They are all cheaper now than Wawanesa who you likely won't speak with since they merged with Fort, so you will be bounced back and forth between them.

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Read your policies!

by LessonLearned on Jun 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Ever wonder why Wawanesa is less than other comparable insurers? You cannot compare their offering to others as their limits are lower and coverage is not near as comprehensive. On my small claim, they nickel and dimed me and did not explain the options openly. I chose to switch insurers after 5 years and feel way more secure now. It may be costing a bit more but the old adage of "you get what = you pay for" is certainly pertinent. Do your research. Buying insurance is something I should have spent more time on rather than just picking the most affordable. Lesson learned.

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Wawanessa fees late payments

by Ruslan1394 on Jan 9, 2020
1.5 out of 5 stars

My small home Wawanesa home insurance was $890 which was paid upfront for the whole year. The agreement made 1 year ago. From December to December period. Their broker sent me a reminder indicating the due date to pay January 6. I realized on January 7 when got home from work and I shot Email to the broker asking if I can pay the next day at lunchtime. The reply was: my insurance expired! Now I have to work out new agreements and pay higher fees. So higher fees are $1300 a year. I find this a big jump in price. So I will go back on market to find another broker. However, regardless of what I choose now, I will be on the hook to pay Wawanessa the time house, not on any insurance estimated about $75-$100. In my opinion, if a house cannot be without insurance then one should be on a bill payment when late a 30 days normal service provision then interest. Something internet providers would do. Instead, Wawanesa chooses to not accept bill payments and cancel the insurance and then rack up fees. Bad business. These underwater stones should have been discussed by the broker because I gave a call to another broker today and he said usually they give 30 days. I emailed Wawanessa directly describing the situation they chose not to reply.

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Absolutely horrible

by Warren on Dec 21, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Wawanesa sure has no problem taking your money. Then they screwed me on my claim, then screwed again when they doubled my rates. Another unhappy customer who just cancelled there policy.

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Continued from mold in house

by moldy house on May 12, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

So, since I wrote about my claim being denied by Wawanesa regarding the mold in my home, I received a letter in the mail yesterday, May 11, that they were cancelling my house insurance effective 12am May 12 with no reason (mold i am sure). I only received the letter on the 11 but it was dated for April 28? I had no time to find new insurance to cover me till we move to our rental, but now due to the cancellation of my policy I may have a hard time getting tenant insurance even though the cancellation was not my fault at all. This company is a fraud as far as I am concerned and I guess when you have a pillow full of money your conscious doesn't keep you awake at night.

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