Home Insurance Reviews

Square One Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(104 reviews)
Square One Insurance
3.2 out of 5 stars:
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Just don’t waste time with this guys

by Randle on Jan 13, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

These company is the most horrible insurance company I’ve come across. They sold me a cheap and nasty policy when I had a claim the left me hanging in the cold for almost a year! They should not be in bussiness.

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Cheap insurance Impossible to file a claim!

by Bruce Kwiatkowski on Jul 27, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

First claim with them. It's been about four months now and so far they managed to reduce my claim 80% leaving me hanging for four months now. I cannot get one dime out of them. They are polite but doing nothing. Waiting 3 months before they apply to get a police report... Then another month of waiting and they say they require a copy of My ID. They not only should have known to apply for the police reports months ago but they should have known about the police requirements regarding my ID, VERY UNPROFESSIONAL! Then because part of the theft involved collector guns and ammo, they asked for a copy of my PAL. Not only is it not safe to be sending copies of that to a stranger, one wonders if it is even required. They asked for proof of ownership of some items. I gave them several. I have more but they never even bothered to contact the people I told them about. If you want polite airhead responses go to them. They only have one mandate on their minds. No payout. Looking at their reviews, I see they like to pay out small claims. I hear if you have a serious claim they will cancel your policy. If you want professional people look elsewhere. One should not have to hire a lawyer to resolve an insurance claim!

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Review topics

Customer service contact

by Ellen on Oct 4, 2021
4 out of 5 stars

Always pleasant, knowledgeable and quick. The claim experience wasn't so great but it was more with the restoration company that they chose to do the work - slow, multiple visits, didn't clean up after themselves.

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Stolen Bike Claim

by Austin Porter on Aug 17, 2021
1.7 out of 5 stars

The short of it. The bike was stolen and a claim was made through house insurance. The adjuster called and gave details on the steps required. Needed to provide quotes to them for a bicycle of the same kind and quality, there were no bikes in the city to purchase in August due to COVID. Received a quote for the same bike model, from two stores, both could not get the bike in as it was sold out internationally. I believed this was a fair thing to do on my end, as the value of the quote would not be inflated. After receiving the quote the adjuster would not negotiate their offer of either a cash settlement with a 30% depreciation placed on the bike. The replacement option was contingent on replacement within 180 days, I tried to communicate that I may not be able to acquire a bike within 180 days as globally there is a shortage. The adjuster would not increase this date window, allowing me to acquire a bike in the near future. I am currently waiting to be contacted by his manager.

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