Life Insurance Reviews

Manulife Life Insurance Reviews

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(93 reviews)
1.9 out of 5 stars:
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Poor Customer Service

by Jeff Trynchy on Jan 28, 2022
1.5 out of 5 stars

Not only do claims reimbursements typically take longer than 7 days, but the customer service is also terrible. That is if you can even get through to an agent on their customer support line.
What absolutely floors me is that insurance companies like Manulife make millions if not billions of dollars a year and yet they can't properly fund a call support centre.

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Worst help

by Dhwani Patel on Jan 12, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

They don't help in claims. My money has been stuck with them for 5 months and they don't respond at all! Neither through phone nor email. I hate their service.

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Review topics

Manulife dragging out claim.

by Ausmo on Sep 12, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

Manulife insured a school trip well before COVID-19. The trip was cancelled just before departure. A claim was submitted with the exact required paperwork. The families were told it will take time to process. 6 months have passed. Parents getting extremely frustrated. Repeatedly Manulife said it was only delayed due to claim. They even told us the settlement would be in early September. Now they say they are waiting on additional request paperwork. This is the first anyone had heard of this. They are stalling. Some parents are going to the major media. Others are prepping to sue. The school districts should refrain from using Manulife moving forward.

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Review topics
Planning to get life insurance to protect your family, including children? Make sure that you get enough coverage. According to studies, it takes about $250,000 in total to raise a child to the age of 18 (and that doesn’t include any post-secondary education costs).

Life claim

by Doe on Aug 25, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

My documents show that it was “on file “ that “ I am the beneficiary” for my spouse's basic life. Manulife is refusing to give the sum to me as the beneficiary due to them apparently not being able to find all their necessary signed paperwork. When did someone apparently not doing their job become my responsibility and problem? If when my spouse would go online and print out their benefit plan and everything shows that they have on file the correct designated beneficiary and so forth how is it fair that when it comes down to having an issue that money accordingly that they deny the stated beneficiary the amount as the beneficiary because they can’t find their ‘signed’ paperwork. Our documents are our confirmation that all is in order. And then they suggest for the beneficiary to open an estate account that seems unnecessary and odd. Finally, after months of back and forth, they issue the cheque but not the full amount of my spouse's pay and in accordance to what they stated I was entitled to in a letter sent to me. Therefore, once again leaving me to wait for management to figure out the problem and more time goes by without receiving money that I am entitled to and not in the way that I feel it states I should receive it. In my experience, there seem to be a lot of discrepancies and I feel that during a very difficult time in my life Manulife made it more difficult mentally, emotionally and financially for myself. Based on my experience, I do not recommend Manulife to any company, person or family.

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