Life Insurance Reviews

Manulife Life Insurance Reviews

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(93 reviews)
1.9 out of 5 stars:
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Poor treatment, cheap service

by Victoria on Jun 6, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

Called before ordering an orthotics to ensure it would be covered. They said yes. I ordered the piece, which was 600 and it was never reimbursed.
I've called twice, they just give excuses, saying they will call back and never did so.
Cheap company with untrained people.
Highly suggest the company start investing in training so they can have people with correct information answering our questions.
Such a waste of time.

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Terrible customer service

by Riley on May 7, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

The app is bad, the web portal is bad, customer support can't help over the phone, even their online agent is bad. This company is completely useless in every way.

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Dishonest scammers

by Furious on Jan 19, 2024
1 out of 5 stars

My wife and I are first time home buyers and were referred to manulife by our mortgage broker. I spoke to a representative on the phone, who outlined their options, which were quite expensive. I asked that the quotes be emailed to me and that I need to speak with my wife.

We wake up this morning to a series of confirmation emails stating that both of us have enrolled in the program for almost $600 per month. Absolutely outrageous. We phoned in and canceled immediately but I'm not 100% confident that they will actually do it. Simply shameful, and they have lost any potential business from us for sure!

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Planning to get life insurance to protect your family, including children? Make sure that you get enough coverage. According to studies, it takes about $250,000 in total to raise a child to the age of 18 (and that doesn’t include any post-secondary education costs).

Horrible customer service, useless

by yt on Dec 21, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

Dad passed away 4 months ago, made a claim and heard nothing back. Called and was given the round about for an hour and a half with dumbnutts not knowing where to send me to. Then them telling me that they can't fullfill the claims.


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Don't go with Manulife

by Jason Huang on Dec 4, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

I swear I've lost 10 years of my life dealing with Manulife...
They never process the claims correctly and it takes them 2 weeks to process any of my claims. I can never let them process my claims and automatically claim the remaining unpaid portion through HCSA because they never process the claim correctly and end up spending way more money on the HCSA which you would have to spend even more time to get them to re-process and make the changes. That would be fine if they process at a reasonable speed but that's not even the issue... They would NEVER DO IT!!!! If their claim is not processed right, I would have to contact them for over a month straight to get a response and actually get things done right.
Questions are never answered, I have all my customer service conversation transcripts and they always say they forwarded my questions to their teams and they would contact me with the answers but I literally never hear from them again after that.
I would seriously pull my teeth out than to willingly choose them as a provider. I literally have no choice but to use them because my employer chose them.

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Horrible customer service and no follow through on promises

by Ticked Off on Oct 17, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

They have have been recognized as a best employer but they have the worst customer service. My father recently passed away and he had a whole life policy for both my brother and I. I called as co-executor of his estate to inform them of my fathers passing and to have our policies transferred to us. I sent the will and documentation in as requested and was informed we should each receive a package in 4-5 weeks. 6 weeks later I called back to ask if the policy transfer had been acted on. I was told they could not give me information for privacy reasons without the persons written consent. Is the will and appointment of executors not consent? I was told the matter would have to be dealt with by the Titles Division. I asked to be transferred and was told they don’t speak directly to clients they would have to call me. I asked they call me back in 3 business days which have now passed. Manulife has horrible customer service! You have options for life insurance, go elsewhere as they will not be there for you when you need them!

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Not sure if you can qualify for life insurance with existing health pre-conditions? Let us to help you with a no medical life insurance quote, meaning that you do not need to pass a medical exam to qualify for a life insurance policy.

Worst insurance

by Victimized on Oct 4, 2023
1 out of 5 stars

0% value customer service, specially during the pandemic. Financial advisors does not know anything. Cannot approach in time of need. And ridiculously funny because you will have to loan out the money you paid for with another high interest that you will be charge for the benefit that you should have. If i were you consider others this is a type of insurance with no value and no benefit at all in time when you need it. Even your agent will just be there when it is pay time. When it is claim time wow! Will make it difficult for you. Liars!

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When it’s time to make a claim

by Blueice999uk on Sep 1, 2022
1 out of 5 stars

My wife was making a claim on her deceased father and she was one of the beneficiaries of three sisters. Communication with Manulife is bad. It does not matter if you get the agency to communicate with Manulife or do it yourself, they put you through to the call center that has limited training and when asking for a manager or supervisor level for Manulife they will not pass you on to them.

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Review topics

Worst customer experience

by ES on Oct 12, 2021
1 out of 5 stars

Try to change my policy address and bank account to my US address and customer service doesn't know how to enter a US address. Kept me 70 min on the phone and then tells me there is a system problem.
Cannot understand a US postal code format.
Still on the phone

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Did you know that if you are a 30-year old male, a term life insurance policy for 20 years with coverage of $200,000 will cost you around $19/month? Getting your term life insurance quote today will allow you to benefit from a great rate.


by Confused! on Oct 27, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

My boyfriend recently passed away and he had life insurance through Manulife. I contacted them about his passing and the plant that he used to work at. The first time I called they couldn't find his policy so I need to call his old workplace to get the policy number. I called them back and the women I spoke to ended up not being able to find it she put me to another department and took them 2 minutes to find the policy. They told me that I would have to get papers filled out by the company he had worked for and then there were parts I would have to fill out. So I called his old employer back and told them they said that they found his paperwork for the insurance and that I wasn't the beneficiary and that she would contact them to see if he had changed it. So the insurance got back to her and told her there was no active policy at the time of his death which doesn't make sense because he was getting disability payment through them so he would have to have an active policy and why would the women I spoke to before tell me to get the papers filled out and send them in if the policy wasn't active. So I don't know if I should call them again to see if I can get a straight answer out of them or not. Seem like they don't know what there doing.

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