Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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by Tom on Jan 31, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

The worst company in Canada is INTACT INSURANCE!! I've told the insurance agent by phone to cancel renew insurance before due. I have now been charged the new rates even when I don't have Intact anymore. They are so DISGUSTING!!...

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can't cancel car insurance

by amaddaughter on Jan 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Unbelievable service ….Our Father passed away the end of Dec 2018. This company won't let us cancel his car insurance...we have provided his death certificate and bill of sale showing his van has been sold...still not good enough for them...they want a copy of his will (which is none of their business) or a letter from a lawyer (yes, at our cost)...I guess I might have to bring his ashes and pour them on their desk ...or get the press involved ..Beware even if you're dead, they will still try to rip you off

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by mego on Dec 9, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

DO NOT GO WITH INTACT. I wish I had read the reviews before signing up. A week of "My Driving Discount" and I was out. The app is ridiculously stupid and clearly set up to take your money regardless of the quality of your driving. I tried to cancel my Intact policy over a month ago, and they have had me jumping through hoops to get my refund ever since. The latest update? I was sent a letter saying "your refund will be processed upon clearance of your last payment". What does that even mean? I paid Debit in full over a month ago. This entire experience has been an absolute NIGHTMARE. To summarize: DO NOT GO WITH INTACT.

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MY Experience

by bbinnsso on Nov 20, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to write a review about the very poor customer service I've revived from Intact insurance. I was insured for a year and during my renewal policy they told me I'd be paying $120 extra a month, I expressed I didn't want to renew with them, however, they went into my account and took the increased amount regardless. After I called them to cancel and they told me I need to FAX them a written letter to cancel, to which I asked if I could email a picture, they said no. So it was Sept 13 and my policy renewed on Nov 8th, so I thought, okay, I paid them, I'm gonna be insured 'till Dec 8th now, it is what it is. Well, then they went into my account again and took another increased payment, I ended up paying them $1000 in a month to renew my policy I already had with them... So now I'm pissed. I call them and can't get ahold of any supervisors or retention and I'm cancelling on the phone and he brings up the written letter. However, now he says I can send it through email after the fact. On top of that, now that I've cancelled with them, they're charging me $250 to cancel with them. Do not go with this insurance company, they are not helpful, extremely rude and only after your money.

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Never again ever.

by Steve1234 on Oct 15, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

I was with Intact for a few years, and in March of 2018 I was in a rear-end collision, where I was unfortunately at fault, but the other driver's car was barely damaged, mine was totalled. Anyways, I decided to park the car and stop driving it, but I was still paying my monthly premium, but I was going through a rough time and I missed a payment, and they sent me a letter but instead of sending it to my mailbox at my house, they sent it to the post office knowing I had no idea it was sent there. Then all of the sudden I got a letter saying my policy was cancelled for non-payment and now I’m considered high risk, in which I’m currently paying $575 a month because of it. I called my broker and she said: “I can’t control when you pick up your mail”, which I thought was really rude. Now I’m on the list for 3 years all because of a mistake they made, I know I’m partly to blame but they could have told me if I pay what I owed, then they’d take me off the list but nope. I will never ever recommend Intact insurance EVER. Plus, I once had a not-at-fault accident where it took Intact two months to determine whether or not my car was totalled or not, which it was pretty obviously not going to be fixed.

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Worst company ever

by Gh8sintact on Aug 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with Intact for a couple years now and since then they’ve given me horrible rates and the customer service just blatantly isn't there. I've had times where I need to switch my insurance from one vehicle to the next and the next thing I know I'm paying $450 two months in a row and when I call them to give my hard-earned money back, they say they can't do it and to get on with my day. So whatever, I get mad and they fix it to its usual $175 for my 1997 Nissan. Until a couple months ago, everything was gravy until I had to switch it again onto another vehicle of mine and the next thing I know I'm paying $350 for 2 cars. One of the cars I sold months back and even told them I only need one on my policy and ask for a refund and they say no, of course, so that's when I end my policy from these money hungry corporates. And then to make sure they can't take out any more money (because I just have a feeling they might try), I put a block against their withdrawal payments but I check the 15th the usual day they take out their unholy sum of cash from my wallet and there it is again, not their money in any way, $150 gone from my bank. By this point, I just had to share my experience with Intact insurance just to let them know that they are the worst insurance company and I do not recommend anyone to ever go near Intact or their Surrex brokers over in Magrath.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Car insurance

by bad experience ever! on Aug 7, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had the WORST experience ever with INTACT INSURANCE. They raise my payments without my knowing and NEVER return your call. Try to deal with them over the phone and mail. With the promise they would return to me in about half an hour time. They never did! Worst Broker I ever had! Wouldn't do anything about it! Even after calls over and over again, they went into my account and took an amazing overpayment! Since I had already cancelled my policy with them. Don't fall for that easy talking of a no-good broker when getting an insurance. DISGUSTING!!

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Horrible rate increase

by Jay on Aug 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Intact insurance rose my rates this year by over 30% with no explanation. I renewed my car insurance through ICBC and cancelled the portion of Intact. I have now been charged the new rates even if I don't have Intact anymore. I just called them and the girl on the phone had no answers. She didn't bother looking into it much. She said I'd have to call billing which is closed. The fact that I have been charged even after cancelling speaks for itself. Someone clearly doesn't do their job.

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Terrible service at every turn

by Swenson 123 on Jun 2, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

First off, I had told Intact that I did not want to renew my auto insurance with them and would be finding another insurance company. However, after having my car parked for two months and tried to apply for a new policy and was told I had an outstanding balance of almost $1000 and would have to pay before I could get any auto insurance. Second, when I finally decided to fork out the money, I told the agent I would phone her back in 2 minutes with my credit card info and that I needed the insurance for that day. However, when I phoned back within a minute, the agent had gone on lunch break and I had to talk to three other agents, one of which told me I had to wait for at least an hour and that "I'm sorry that we go on lunch breaks". When I asked to speak to a customer service representative, I was told they weren't in that day conveniently.

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by Honest Guy on Mar 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

So Intact, I cancelled my policy 2 years ago, with you, went to get new insurance, found out I was still being charged by you which was NSF after I signed the cancellation, and you didn't sign it on your end. Step 2: I called to tell you what the...! And you argued with me it was my fault? Step3: I can't get insurance with anyone else because it is now cancellation due to nonpayment?... even though I CANCELLED!!! Step4: I can't get insurance with anyone else in Canada without paying 3000 up front... wow that sucks how can I feed my kids now when my wife doesn't work... thanks. Step:5 so after fighting with you and you admitting to me it was your fault, I didn't get reimbursed and you didn't take the cancellation due to non-payment ?!?!?! What is wrong with you people, have you lost your sense of morality and humanity?!?! Step6: now I'm stuck with Intact for another year because you know... I can't just have insurance and you're the only one I could do 300$ a month what used to be 158/m before you didn't cancel my policy when I asked... Step7: I finish my term call 2 months prior to say I'm cancelling and getting set up with Cooperators... and you agree. I sign the cancellation agreement and the lady says "you will NOT be charged again". Hah, I believed it too. Step8: you charged me when I have another policy with Cooperators after I signed another cancellation agreement!!!! What in the sweet Lord are you guys trying to pull on people?!?!?! I will not give in to this anymore, I'm contacting everyone to tell my story, I want the recordings of my phone calls with your reps that said: "okay, you are now cancelled, thank you very much"... Step9: I'm waiting to hear from you still about giving me my money you stole from me, +NSF charges on your end and on the banks end. Plus this month that you charged me while I'm WITH ANOTHER POLICY!!! And plus the NSF charge I will get from my bills that came out after you charged me. I have kids eating kd and broccoli for 3 nights in a row because you took that 237$ this month. You are demons sucking ticks draining what is left of the good human.

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