Home Insurance Reviews

TD Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(220 reviews)
TD Insurance
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No water leak coverage for unoccupied condo unit

by D.M. on Jun 22, 2022
1.7 out of 5 stars

It turns out that, by default, their policy does not cover water leak damage for an unoccupied condo unit (note: the leak was caused by another unit). Then what am I getting insurance for..?!

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Huge Rate Hikes, fees

by Liam J on Nov 27, 2020
1.7 out of 5 stars

I had a minor claim and my TD insurance went up over $500.00 a year and has kept going up significantly. I even changed my deductible and a few other things to keep the rates as low as I can but continued to pay over $2000.00 a year.
Then I had a break-in and couldn't even do a claim. My $3000.00 bike was stolen and TD only covers $500.00 for your bike maximum no matter what it is worth. So we didn't even do the claim.
I called them at the end of September to explain we would need less than 2 months' coverage. So after the 2 months, I see a final payment of $199.15. I call and it cannot be changed or reversed and is the cancellation fee...

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Sudden and Accidental

by AWhite on Oct 8, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

BE AWARE! If you live in a mobile home. To be covered by insurance you have to climb under your home EVERY DAY because if you don’t catch a leak within 24-48 hours they WILL NOT cover you!!!

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

No help during CoVID-19!

by MJP on Jun 4, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

TD Insurance has decided not to insure properties under construction due to COVID-19. I asked, but nobody was able to give me an answer as to how a virus can cause damage to a residence. I've been with TD Insurance for my home and vehicles for 9 years. My property went under construction during COVID-19. I tried to change my policy due to the construction that is underway (and stalled). They told me they cannot provide insurance due to the virus. DO NOT CHOOSE TD insurance.... they will take your money, but when you need them, they say "we can't help you"...

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Paying out

by ArsonCase on Feb 5, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

They miscommunicated that we wanted the restoration companies to clean everything, ended up paying over $12,000 out of pocket for the accidental restoration of broken/non-fitting items. Wouldn’t get callbacks for WEEKS, dealt with over 30 people trying to get things fixed or done. Went through three main adjusters, one let go for incompetence, another had a job change in the middle and the last wrote off all usable clothing instead of provided list I made myself of actual losses. I lost all of my sentimental things that were fine due to this with an unreasonable (CRDN) company. DO NOT DEAL WITH THEM. Sold us a policy when I asked for $50,000 EXTRA coverage for jewellery ok top of the $79,000 content, they charged me $200 more (on top of $400, 50% more) and made $50,000 out of $79,000 for jewellery. Lost so much due to this clerical error but they would not take responsibility. After a review of the call, they admitted it was a miscommunication on their end but did not fix it. I called for another quote and they told me the same thing! Tried to sell me the same package with incorrect info! I have recordings of all of the misinformation from CRDN and TD and intend on getting some money back from CRDN. Two companies mistakes I had to pay for. Please do not deal with these guys!

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Basement leak

by JM on Nov 13, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Would not cover due to outside water coming in through a crack in foundation. After 10 years with TD, it still was refused. Not worth hiring a lawyer or fighting in small claims court. They need to be sued on a class action basis and maybe straighten up.

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Are you a condo unit tenant? Remember that neither your condominium corporations' policy nor your landlord's insurance policy protects you as a tenant (3rd part liability, contents, etc.). If you do not have your own insurance policy, get your condominium insurance quote today.

Under customer service

by Button on Sep 18, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

We had a claim and we were not being treated fairly thus gave up. Every point raised they said the policy did not cover. It took 10 days to get a copy of the policy to show we were covered for roof water damage. Then we were told to submit a second claim for an additional deductible, we requested a second adjuster and were told there was not an acceptable adjuster in our area. This was for hail damage and they would only consider patches rather than replacement. Our neighbours, who have a different insurance company, are having repairs completed. Found the staff to be junior in status and not willing to provide a service for which we thought we were paying for. This was the first and only claim with TD Insurance over some ten years.

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Deceptive quote process

by JasonW on Feb 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I signed up for a tenant policy. You can start obtaining a quote online but at a certain point, you are required to phone in and deal with an agent. The agent I dealt with, while very polite, did not voluntarily disclose some fairly major exclusions. These were only included in the policy details after signing up for it. Among the major exclusions, I assumed were covered were an earthquake, flooding, and water backup. I phoned back as soon as I received the policy details by mail and canceled (1 week after the policy was initiated). I was told there would be a charge almost equivalent to 1 month premium to cancel despite the fact I was only seeing the details of the policy for the first time and had had it for less than a week. When I asked for an email confirmation that the cancellation had gone through I was told they did not have the ability to do this despite the fact that they had sent me confirmation when I signed up for the policy. It is clearly a deliberate effort to be non-transparent to not disclose the details of the policy until after you've signed up already. I later found a quote that was a fraction of the price that covered the major exclusions in this policy. I should have done more research. Just glad I did not have to try to make a claim.

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0 stars

by verymad on Feb 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

My partner and I were victims of a tornado in the NCR region. This happened in September, and it is now almost March and we still haven't gotten a proper offer for our claim. The guy dealing with us ignored us until December, we called and emailed so many times and he never replied. We then escalated the matter to two of his managers who both ignored us as well. We lost so much stuff in the tornado since our apartment was on the top floor, to the point that I wanted to move away to avoid reliving the experience. We lost in total over 10K worth of things (my partner's hearing aids were lost, my laptop was broken, etc) so when they finally answered us, they told us they could only offer $1500.....My laptop ALONE was worth 2300 (MacBook), and we lost A LOT of stuff, let me tell you. So, we finally got offered someone else to deal with our stuff, who spoke to us ONCE over the phone, and then has been ignoring us for a month. It's been 8 months! We haven't been able to properly afford anything due to this situation. Please avoid TD at all costs, they will dodge you and low ball you.

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Home Insurance Policy

by Unhappy Customer on Feb 20, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Total disregard for ice buildup inside the interior roof. Waited on the phone 2 hrs, the adjuster came said it's not covered but we have the best policy

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