Home Insurance Reviews

Belairdirect Home Insurance Reviews

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(72 reviews)
2 out of 5 stars:
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Like to play the blame game

by MonkeyEatsBananas on Apr 1, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

I have no clue where to begin. I had both my car and home insurance with them for 6 years, and received a lot of good customer experience. Over the last 2 years, I noticed that my tenant's insurance was on the rise. This year, they were going to renew my insurance again for $6 higher than the previous year. Problem is I had never made one claim in 6 years with Belair Direct except through my car insurance and I was not at fault (my insurance did not go up.. My finace was asking me if I wanted to come over to her insurance company so that we can combine anything, and I said sure. I was going to pay a little more for care insurance, but a lot less in tenant's insurance. I cancelled my insurance on March 11, 2016 through my fiance's insurance broker, and he put everything through even my cancellation forms signed provided by Bel Air Direct. I was called by Bel Air Direct saying that my auto insurance was cancelled, and it was too late to stop the paymnt. I said that is fine. They would put the payment back in soon as possible. over 2 weeks later, I received the payment back in my account today. Yesterday, I get a call from an agent saying that they needed to talk to me, and get my verbal consent that the tenant's insurance was now cancelled. I talked to the rep, and reminded her that both policy cancellations were cancelled 2 weeks ago, and you are calling me now. I told them you should have called me 2 weeks ago to verify the document, and not wait until the day before you take the payment only to tell me that it was too late to stop the payment. After talking to the first rep, I tried again this morning to talk to the second rep, and she told me that I needed to take ownership for not calling in or mentioning on the day they called me to inform me of my car insurance cancellation. The rep today basically told me that they are a big company, and thousands of clients that they don't have time to call people. I said, but you waited until the last day to call me to verify with me that my tenant's insurance is cancelled. They now tell me that they will put the money back in soon as they can, but they don't know how long that will take. After realizing this morning that they are connected to Intact, and after hearing complaints about Intact, I now know to stay away from Bel Air Direct for good! They take no ownership for their mistakes, and all they can say it was a human error. No customer service here! If you want a true customer service, go over to a mortgage broker. I for sure don't want to feel like a number. I want to feel like a customer. Just stay away from Bel Air Direct if you don't want poor customer service.

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by Susank7776 on May 22, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Pathetic, waste of time. Was on the phone for an hour with them to discriminate the breed of dog I own and not allow me to continue my claim for my house insurance. Awful customer service and management. When asked what was wrong with my dog breed I was told “we don’t insure a lot of people that have certain animals; monkeys and reptiles fall into that category”.... what? Makes no sense... Would never recommend

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Couldn't Do Worse!

by Mr. Destiny on Jul 20, 2017
1.5 out of 5 stars

This company, Belair Direct, is a huge rip-off. Their rates are about 25% higher than other companies even with their so-called discount for home and auto insurance bundled together!

Worse, when I told them I didn't want to renew my residential policy after it elapsed they charged me more than $50.00 for an administrative fee to "cancel" a policy that had already run out.That was more than 10% of the cost of the policy. Now you'd think, well why bother cancelling it. Because if I didn't and they cancelled it from their side I would never be able to purchase home insurance from anyone else because other companies can't sell it to you if any other company has canceled your policy previously!!

And then I had to wait for almost an hour while the agent processed my non renewal on her computer that kept freezing! So add in an hour of my time and what I might have earned or done with it.

Don't be fooled by the people you talk to in customer service; they are actually pretty helpful and diligent, but the fees and policies of this corporate thief will fleece you.

I doubt you could find a worse experience with any other insurance agency.

And that's just trying to cancel a policy that had already expired a week earlier. I can't imagine how these weasels would behave if I'd actually had a claim!!!

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Canadians pay, on average, approximately $20 per month in tenants insurance. Do you rent or plan to rent a property and want to reduce insurance costs? We will help you get a cheap tenant insurance quote today.

Worst service ever.

by TonyV on May 30, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I called for a claim in Feb 2016 because I had a few spots in the ceiling of my basement and an adjuster came to see in early March 2016. She told me that it was hard to see where the water was coming from and that there was no damage to my house. She did say that the water was probably due to the ice on the roof and that she was going to send a contractor to verify this. I received a call from a contractor in the end of August 2017 to verify the damages so I refused because it was tool late and I never put in a claim.
Now I get my insurance renewal and am hit with a $5000 deduction because it says in my file that I refused to repair a leaky roof.
I am presently shopping around for a new insurance company.

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Belairdirect's rates are WILD!

by Barretm on Mar 14, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

I have been with the company for over 15 years. From 2013 to 2017 my premium has increased 112% and I've NEVER had a claim and the coverage has remained essentially the SAME!
WOW! I can only wish my salary would go up that much.

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everyone on holidays

by Trixie on Dec 13, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

This is still going on in the 4th week with NOTHING. The first adjuster they assigned to my claim was on training the entire first week. I got the run around with several other adjusters just trying to kill time. Then the woman from Paul D. came and after looking at my broken apartment said, "all I see is a pile of broken things". but at this time, I don't think I can offer you anything". I said that they have to take responsibility for my contents. Then the adjuster came back from the training and spoke to me once and thereafter never returned any phone calls or emails. Suddenly, another adjuster sent me an email stating he was my adjuster and would like to view my property like the next day, because he was going on HOLIDAYS. He said he didn't really want the claim and that he had enough of his own claims, he didn't need mine added to it. He then came and it was impossible to see the damage properly as things were in pieces and needed someone to try to put my bed together to see if it was possible or not. It was in several pieces and piled. My couch had something rattling inside and when I unzipped the under part there was a piece of the frame dislodged and floating around and he said - "What's that?" Where did that come from, I don't know what that is". Like I went outside and got a brick and put it in the zipped underside of my couch. What a horror of a human being he was. And then he wanted to give me $200. for my TV which costs $800, and… well just etc. etc. etc. and then he was on holidays. And now that's where I am now and no one will call me back at all. I was given the adjuster’s bosses name and he is not in the office. They didn't dare tell me he is on holiday's but that he is out of the office. Then they gave me 3 other names at different times saying they would call me and no one did... DO NOT EVER USE THIS INSURANCE COMPANY!! IT IS A COMPLETE HORROR STORY. STAY FAR AWAY FROM THEM. I wanted to give no stars, as that is what it deserves.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

Bad company practices

by beguhab on Oct 30, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

My home policy was with Trafalgar which ended up selling some of their customer base to Belairdirect. When I reviewed the new policy it had increased by 10% in cost and several services had been removed; Water Damage coverage and Loyalty Privileges such as disappearing deductible, home assist, etc.. When I complained I was told by a manager that they would reinstate the water damage if it was covered on the original policy but the other services they did not offer. A month later I received a water damage premium for and additional $180. Again I complained but they would not accept a copy of my original policy and only made excuses so that manager would not stand by his original commitment. I would not recommend Belairdirect as your insurer you will not be saving money up front and if the management is anything like I experienced you may be holding a big bill in the end.

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Belair Direct Plays Dirty

by Aileen on Jul 30, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I signed up for house insurance with Grey Power two years ago. My policy came up for renewal on July 15, 2015 and their prices were too high and they were beginning to charge a monthly percentage premium for those with monthly payment plans. I emailed my cancellation to Grey Power on July 11, 2015. They said they didn't get it and that they were now with Belair Direct Insurance. They told me to sign the page of my policy and mail it in. I did that and also sent a 2nd email, this time to Belair Direct yesterday. The response to my email said I had to send my entire policy back to them. But I'd only sent the page I needed to sign and threw out the rest of the paperwork yesterday and it was garbage pick-up day so it was gone. I was beyond frustrated. There did not seem to be a way for me to cancel the policy and they were keeping me on the hook for this month's premium, even though I was paying for house insurance through my new provider. After breaking down in tears, one of the agents named John did get involved and put extra work into getting my policy cancelled. So thank you John. But I would absolutely not recommend Belair Direct Insurance or Intact Insurance their parent company. If you have any problems with them and are a Canadian, I also recommend that you contact General Insurance OmbudService at https://www.giocanada.org/ for assistance. I found out about them this afternoon after contacting my provincial ombudsman for assistance. In the end I didn't need them because John helped.

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Unbelievable logic

by bobthecat on Feb 13, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

called to put in claim because our carpet was damaged(soiled) due to a sick cat that was diabetic--i was asked how many stains were visible and when i answered 4 the agent said that i should of called in every time to make a claim--my deductible is 500 so this agent says that the deductible should be 2000 because i should of put in 4 separate claims--i have never heard anything so stupid--i am sure there are more than 4 soiled spots because of the smell but only 4 of them are visible---beware everyone--there is no logic to this--the fight begins next week when i get their final response--can hardly wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

After Changing Policy

by NotHappy on Jan 17, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

When I called Belair to get a quote, the lady I spoke to was fantastic and very friendly. Unfortunately that is where the great customer service experience ended. 3 months after switching, I get an email saying they want to do a home inspection. No reason given and no person to contact. I sent back an email inquiring as to why and the response was they review all policies and because we have a high efficiency wood insert in the fireplace our house is considered a high risk. It took several emails to get this answer from them. At no time when I initially switched to Belair was this ever mentioned as being an issue.
They are also very sneaky in how they word the email, it is worded as if they are doing you a favor because you do not have to pay for the inspection.
So I understand the part about wanting to check the fireplace, however they said they wanted to do a full home inspection. The person who did the inspection checked the house over so thoroughly to the point where i felt they were trying desperately to find something wrong with the house. This week I received an email saying that they want me to replace two light switch covers and the fireplace hearth is not big enough. The house was built in 1979 and met code then. Belair is expecting me to tear apart the hearth and expand it because it is short by 1-1/2 ".
Be very careful with this company, they are very invasive with your privacy and do not come clean when you challenge them.
If i had known this before I would never have never switched to them.

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