Home Insurance Reviews

Westland Insurance Home Insurance Reviews

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(79 reviews)
Westland Insurance
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Refused refund

by Trevor on Sep 5, 2024
2 out of 5 stars

I had a joint tenant policy with my Mother. She passed away, and they refused to cancel the policy and make a refund.

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Builder's Residential Home Policy

by Steve on Nov 2, 2023
2 out of 5 stars

I was required to take out a Builder's Residential Home Policy that cost $3,500 for the year. This type of policy allows you to live outside the home while construction is being completed.
We engaged in an extensive reno of the home bringing the entirety of the home up to code. This requires us to move out to the home for 15 months.
Just prior to moving back in, we had a sewer back-up whose underlying cause was a cement blockage in the sewer line. We called Westland Insurance who said that they were on our side and we would do anything we could for the insurer. I rolled my eyes.
In the end Westland Insurance did nothing more than engage in a series of insurance like talk that was not in plain English and did little to explain their decision except to cut and past excerpts of the policy. It was off-putting and their behavior was rude.
I am not trying to get a resolution to the issue but they will drag this out for months and when all we wish to do is fix the sewer damage.
Shame on Westland. The are good at selling policies but not much else.
Please think twice about Westland Insurance.

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Too long a time for a refund

by Keith Kruger on Jul 21, 2021
2 out of 5 stars

We cancelled our home insurance at the end of April when we sold our house. There was still a month left on the policy. Filled out all the requirements for a refund. Twice. It's the end of July and still no refund, they are working on it. Staff have been very polite and apologetic. Hate to see what would happen if we actually had a claim. We will be changing our auto insurance with them as soon as we move in to our new home that won't be insured by Westland.

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Households in Alberta pay, on average, approximately $60/month in homeowners’ insurance costs. We can help to push these costs even further down. Get a house insurance quote today to start saving today. Rates start at $20/month.

Not impressed...

by JEG on Jun 15, 2018
2 out of 5 stars

Found this company very quick to ensure renewal (taking my money), and very negative reception whenever I've inquired about potential claims (covering me in unfortunate events, i.e. - the service I was paying for). They didn't end up allowing the first attempted claim (water damage to my storage space), nor the second claim (roommate's expensive bike stolen) even though they had taken the roommate's name and birthdays (they were unclear about if this meant the roommate was covered, and didn't even know themselves when I phoned about the claim). Whenever I phoned about these claims, they started by reminding me it would "count against me," rather than being supportive and showing any form of concern or willingness to help. I highly recommend finding a different insurance agency.

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No notice -

by romy72 on Apr 11, 2016
2 out of 5 stars

Was advised that Westland will no longer provide stand alone condo insurance next year but would cover it for this year as this is a recent change. Even got a letter asking if I wanted to continue with my coverage. When I called to renew I was told they no longer wanted to insure the condo. No explanation other than they no longer wanted to insure stand alone condos. When I stated that they had offered to insure for this year the response was "sorry we can't help you". Very disappointed as they did not uphold the action they had promised.

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Review topics


by Sessie on Mar 18, 2016
2 out of 5 stars

I was happy with Westland in the past. I joined them again 2 yrs ago. I was never aware of any penalty for cancelling with the policy year. I usually pay annually, but since my condo was on the market - I chose to go monthly payments. The condo will be transferred in April this year - but was sold in Jan. I spoke to a rep in Jan before the renewal - about the ending of my policy in April. He said that was fine and to still fill in a release doc. No one brought to my attention cancellation within the year following renewal. I assumed it was month to month - as I had a sale for my condo. Very disappointed to pay any amount - as I was not aware of this situation and thought that only a months notice is needed as for all other services.

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Did you know that Ontarians pay, on average, $47/month in homeowners insurance? Looking to change your home insurance or simply want ensure that you do not overpay? Our home insurance quotes are among the most competitive.

... would not recommend them.

by saltykov.alexe21i@gmail.com on Jul 31, 2014
2 out of 5 stars

Having been a claim free customer with multiple policies I have been treated very poorly over the years, demanding personnel with very little qualm about increase rates without any conversation or options. My confidence in them and their underwriters is extremely low and would not recommend them.

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