Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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I was with Intact for a few years, and in March of 2018 I was in a rear-end collision, where I was unfortunately at fault, but the other driver's car was barely damaged, mine was totalled. Anyways, I decided to park the car and stop driving it, but I was still paying my monthly premium, but I was going through a rough time and I missed a payment, and they sent me a letter but instead of sending it to my mailbox at my house, they sent it to the post office knowing I had no idea it was sent there. Then all of the sudden I got a letter saying my policy was cancelled for non-payment and now I’m considered high risk, in which I’m currently paying $575 a month because of it. I called my broker and she said: “I can’t control when you pick up your mail”, which I thought was really rude. Now I’m on the list for 3 years all because of a mistake they made, I know I’m partly to blame but they could have told me if I pay what I owed, then they’d take me off the list but nope. I will never ever recommend Intact insurance EVER. Plus, I once had a not-at-fault accident where it took Intact two months to determine whether or not my car was totalled or not, which it was pretty obviously not going to be fixed.
Do not bother with this company for insurance. I was in an accident months ago from a yield sign being moved behind a tree by drunks. A massive truck and trailer were also parked in front of the sign as well, making it impossible to see. I had a witness at the scene that saw these individuals move the sign, I took pictures, I called the city and I wrote down the licence plates of the vehicles parked illegally. Apparently, it wasn’t enough and was found 100% accountable for the accident. Fast forward to a few months later and because I needed to pay for bodywork in order for a new light to be put into place, Intact stopped covering me. I recently got this light fixed and was going to change my insurance plan. However, when I looked at my bank account today there was $320 withdrawn from my account for no coverage. I do not fully blame insurance because there were other factors involved, but I do know I was royally screwed. So, thank you Intact for bending me over when I needed a reliable and professional company to help prove that I wasn’t at least fully at fault for my accident and providing nothing but unnecessary debt. Peace.
I've been with Intact for a couple years now and since then they’ve given me horrible rates and the customer service just blatantly isn't there. I've had times where I need to switch my insurance from one vehicle to the next and the next thing I know I'm paying $450 two months in a row and when I call them to give my hard-earned money back, they say they can't do it and to get on with my day. So whatever, I get mad and they fix it to its usual $175 for my 1997 Nissan. Until a couple months ago, everything was gravy until I had to switch it again onto another vehicle of mine and the next thing I know I'm paying $350 for 2 cars. One of the cars I sold months back and even told them I only need one on my policy and ask for a refund and they say no, of course, so that's when I end my policy from these money hungry corporates. And then to make sure they can't take out any more money (because I just have a feeling they might try), I put a block against their withdrawal payments but I check the 15th the usual day they take out their unholy sum of cash from my wallet and there it is again, not their money in any way, $150 gone from my bank. By this point, I just had to share my experience with Intact insurance just to let them know that they are the worst insurance company and I do not recommend anyone to ever go near Intact or their Surrex brokers over in Magrath.
Intact insurance rose my rates this year by over 30% with no explanation. I renewed my car insurance through ICBC and cancelled the portion of Intact. I have now been charged the new rates even if I don't have Intact anymore. I just called them and the girl on the phone had no answers. She didn't bother looking into it much. She said I'd have to call billing which is closed. The fact that I have been charged even after cancelling speaks for itself. Someone clearly doesn't do their job.
Filed a claim for a stolen vehicle that was taken from the shop where we had left it for repairs. Because the thief was known to both the repair shop and us, Intact told us we had a responsibility to work with local police service to recover the vehicle. Police service don't have the time or inclination to chase down stolen vehicles. In addition, the thief was a known violent offender and even if we knew how to find him, we weren't prepared to confront him and put ourselves in harm's way. To add insult to injury, subsequent to the theft, someone registered an illegal lien in our name against the vehicle. At that point, Intact claimed it had become a civil matter and they would no longer be working a theft claim but they refused to answer our questions about what conditions needed to be met to reinstate the theft claim. We ended up having to hire a lawyer to obtain court orders to remove the lien which was a long and nightmarish process costing us thousands of dollars. Now Intact tells us they know where the vehicle is as the title was transferred and it was sold (illegally) at auction. They can't tell us the new owner or location due to privacy laws but told us we must now attempt to recover it from the new owner. More court orders, more out-of-pocket expenses and a new, supposedly innocent, owner filing a countersuit. 16 months later Intact determined we had done enough and they paid out. But we lost considerable value over that time period as the vehicle market had declined with local economic conditions. We were also forced to pay the legal costs under the new owner's countersuit and we had no recourse to recover any of our legal expenses. The most ludicrous, frustrating, unethical, and aggravating approach to handling a legitimate claim that I have ever experienced. STAY AWAY!
Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.
It shouldn't take an insurance company 5+ months to fix a vehicle they say is fixable. If it takes this long to fix a vehicle, the vehicle should be replaced. Waste of money and time. To think I pay over 5k a year to this company and they can't even get anything done in a timely manner. Ps. They send the vehicles to Carstar... Do not let your vehicle go there.
They raised my rates in one year with no valid reason. I have no tickets or claims in the last 20 years. Here was their response when I asked why. Insurance cost has been increasing due to the fact that Private Passenger Vehicle claims continue to rise significantly across Canada. This trend has been driven in part by higher repair costs due to various factors including the complexity of modern vehicles, increases in bodily injury settlements and more frequent losses as a result of distracted driving. Never mind they made 12 percent profit on a billion dollars last year.
So Intact, I cancelled my policy 2 years ago, with you, went to get new insurance, found out I was still being charged by you which was NSF after I signed the cancellation, and you didn't sign it on your end. Step 2: I called to tell you what the...! And you argued with me it was my fault? Step3: I can't get insurance with anyone else because it is now cancellation due to nonpayment?... even though I CANCELLED!!! Step4: I can't get insurance with anyone else in Canada without paying 3000 up front... wow that sucks how can I feed my kids now when my wife doesn't work... thanks. Step:5 so after fighting with you and you admitting to me it was your fault, I didn't get reimbursed and you didn't take the cancellation due to non-payment ?!?!?! What is wrong with you people, have you lost your sense of morality and humanity?!?! Step6: now I'm stuck with Intact for another year because you know... I can't just have insurance and you're the only one I could do 300$ a month what used to be 158/m before you didn't cancel my policy when I asked... Step7: I finish my term call 2 months prior to say I'm cancelling and getting set up with Cooperators... and you agree. I sign the cancellation agreement and the lady says "you will NOT be charged again". Hah, I believed it too. Step8: you charged me when I have another policy with Cooperators after I signed another cancellation agreement!!!! What in the sweet Lord are you guys trying to pull on people?!?!?! I will not give in to this anymore, I'm contacting everyone to tell my story, I want the recordings of my phone calls with your reps that said: "okay, you are now cancelled, thank you very much"... Step9: I'm waiting to hear from you still about giving me my money you stole from me, +NSF charges on your end and on the banks end. Plus this month that you charged me while I'm WITH ANOTHER POLICY!!! And plus the NSF charge I will get from my bills that came out after you charged me. I have kids eating kd and broccoli for 3 nights in a row because you took that 237$ this month. You are demons sucking ticks draining what is left of the good human.
If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.
We get insurance to have peace of mind when the unfortunate happens. Well, Intact screwed me completely. They denied my claim because the car was insured under me while the car was registered under my wife. I explained to the agent that I had mentioned this to the broker when I was insuring the car. Intact took no responsibility and said that it was mentioned in the file that the car was registered under my wife, therefore they would not cover the claim. I then spoke to the broker and of course, they also denied responsibility and I'm down 5k. Intact also denied to cover any towing and rental fees which was part of the contract, and ending up costing another thousand dollars only because Intact and the broker couldn't communicate properly and made me keep the rental an extra week, while I also paid for my car's impound cost!! I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the expenses on my own, but if you do plan on going with Intact, make sure to specify all the specs about your car and the exact amount of KM you will be doing per year, it would be a shame if tell them you do 15 000 annually and end up 15 001 and your claim is denied!
Their call centre employees are rude. They aren't able to provide you with a simple answer. The company continues to withdraw money from your account even after you haven't renewed your policy with them. And to top it all, my broker is a lazy liar who seeks to fill his pockets.