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Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
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Poor customer service

by Michael on Jul 9, 2013
1.5 out of 5 stars

Drove for 2 years with no tickets, no claims. Had a minor at fault fender scratcher and expected my rates to go up a reasonable amount. I sent in all the requested documents and photos and asked that the agent respond as soon as she had more info regarding the claim. 60 days and 5 emails later, I still have no detailed claim against me and no estimate for the increase to my policy, nothing. Of the 5 emails I have only received 1 response, which only told me it was "to early" (this was 41 days) to tell me anything. However, 60 days later (still with no more information or replies), I have received my renewal papers detailing a 56% increase in premium. This is unacceptably bad customer service. They don't have enough information to tell me anything about the claim, yet they have enough to justify a 56% increase in premium? I would not recommend this company to anyone. Pay the extra to get a company that will respond intelligently within 2 months.

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Over charged for awhile......

by Intact in Ontario is garbage on Jan 13, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

This is my first review Ive ever written, that's how bad my experience is with Intact. I cancelled my second car's policy few months back, yet every month they kept charging me $979 for two vehicles, a Kia and an Audi, the first payment after the cancellation I had made bounced, because I figured it would be around half that stated amount ( I was always left in the dark as well about costs etc.,) So I received an letter after that one payment bounced stating I owed them a thousand something if I wanted to continue, basically the one months bill plus extra costs for the NSF payment. My one car is a new vehicle with financing, so I need the insurance coverage, my idiot broker told me to pay it and once it's paid he would resolve the issue and Id get refunded the difference. Well, I never heard back from either company, 3 weeks later they decided to take another $979 out of my account, then a week later they took $705 out. My payments were always due on the 29th of the month, these payments occurred back to back before that date, messing up my whole finances, it's quite a bit of money! So I flipped out on my broker, who told me that the $705 was for the Kia alone, I cancelled my policy right away before the following month and complained to the ombudsman emailed them called them and emailed them again, I havent heard anything back from anyone and its been over 2 weeks now, As it stands, if they were in fact charging me just over $700 for one car (which I have the same car insured for $330 now with a different company) then that would mean they were charging me $250ish for the 2008 Audi, if thats the case (sounds ridiculous by the way) then they owe me $250 for 3 months, plus my current month, $705, so over $1400, I have a feeling I will never see that money again....

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Avoid like the plague!!

by unhappycamper on Nov 26, 2015
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with Intact since I was 19 (so a few years) and everything is good, as long as you pay them their money each month. This past July I was in my first accident, and when I first called to make the claim, the first person I spoke to sounded very nice. Unfortunately I had to end that call and when I called back, a different adjuster answered. I already worked with her on a hail damage and she was very rude. Not only was the adjuster incompetent, I did not receive ANY information about what was happening with my vehicle. TWO MONTHS later, and I received a call from the local adjuster company stating my car was being written off and I should expect a call from my insurance adjuster the next business day. A month and a half later... I received a call from my rental car company stating that as of YESTERDAY my rental car was no longer being paid for by my insurance. I lost it. I called my adjuster every 5 minutes and left 3 voicemails as she wasn't answering, I sent 3 e-mails to her, only to find out she wasn't my adjuster anymore, that it was now handed off to a "total loss adjuster." Once I sent in a complaint I was finally able to speak with her supervisor and within 2 days my claim was FINALLY settled by the end of October. My accident was in July.

Before my accident, I had a "hail-damage" claim as well. That was a mess as well. First off, it didn't take until AFTER my accident was settled before she sent me a settlement claim for the hail. The cheque I was sent BOUNCED, and I had to wait patiently for the new cheque to come. I wasn't able to pay my rent, pay for food or even pay my car payments for my new car! My only saving grace was when I received a cheque from the car dealership I purchased my new vehicle from. My bank wouldn't unfreeze my account in time (I had to go THREE times for them to unfreeze my account, and all they had to do was uncheck a box in their computer). Needless to say my insurance payment didn't go through for the month, and i received a letter stating it would come out the 19th of November. When the 19th came around, my payment didn't come out. I waited for the next business day (Monday) to see if it would come out and it did not. I called my broker (Sharp Insurance, do not use as well) and I was on hold for about 11 minutes before I could speak with anyone. During the conversation I was put on hold for about 5 minutes at a time, 3 times. Turns out the reason my payment didn't go through was because I NEVER called to confirm. It was on the notice they sent me. Myself and my mom both read the notice front to back 3 times trying to find where it said I had to call them. Last January, my payment was a few dollars short, so it didn't go through. Someone phoned me within a few days and spoke to me about my payment and such. When I mentioned that to my broker, he rudely explained that it isn't up to Sharp or Intact to follow up. When I explained I worked for property management, and when people don't pay their rent, it is our job to follow up. When you want your money, you phone. Anyways, I ended up hanging up on the guy after he told me to make an online payment, which I did. Yesterday, I received through registered mail that they were cancelling my policy due to non-payment. This was about 5:30 in the evening and when I phoned my broker (who claims 24 customer service) do you think I was able to get through? No. Now today, I had to take an unpaid day off just to deal with this mess.

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Arbitrairy cancellation

by GaryM on Jun 11, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I have had the misfortune of dealing with Intact. First problem was a misquote from my broker. I paid over $600 up front for what I thought was a year of coverage. Intact raised the rate by $300?? I spoke to my broker May 9th who told me to wait until mid-June when I was to send balance.
I work out of town and out of country. No one from my broker or Intact contacted me to say Intact wanted payment on May 9th. Intact without contacting me, cancelled my policy and, I am told, included a CHEQUE for $260?! I have been driving for 3 weeks with no insurance. My life could have been destroyed by these people. They won't put policy back in force because of "NON-PAYMENT"!! Non-payment and you send me a cheque?
Don't trust these people.
I buy insurance thinking, they've got my back. God help anyone who is as naive as I was.

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increased rates by 23%

by Max on Nov 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My 'car + home' insurance rate with Intact Insurance increased by 22.97% overnight when I received a renewal for the 2018-2019 period. I called my broker and was told that nothing can be done about it. I am reporting this to BBB, consumer protection agency and Financial Services Commission of Ontario. My total insurance premium for 'car + home' insurance 2017-2018 years was $2,213.15 and 2018-2019 'car + home' insurance statement shows $2,721.72 for the same insurance. I never had any accidents; no claims, no road tickets or any other factors that would cause my insurance to increase by 22.97% in one year. I have been insured with Intact for over 3 years and never missed a payment. I strongly recommend avoiding this company if you are looking for insurance and want to get a fair price.

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Gong Show

by Sanjay on Jul 18, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

These guys are a Gong Show, they gave me a runaround, had to go through several adjustors, and appraisers, they don't seem to know what they were doing, making assumptions without any mechanical background or knowledge. Hard to get hold of anyone, took forever to return my calls. ...not worth it.

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by NickyWicky on May 20, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

Brant H. was my broker. Rude, obnoxious, arrogant. Would not give me a straight up cost for my premium. When I got the copy of my premium in the mail, it was nothing close to what he told me by email. Nevermind the hassle of asking him to call me when he is available, he will go and tell you that he is "busy assisting others with claims, too busy, please email with your concern". Everyone in his office is just as useless. He always tells me to go talk to his assistants for help, so when I go ask them a question, I get referred back to Brant, they can’t ever give you a straight answer. Constant flip-flopping of questions being juggled around, prices never accurate. They really need to get their act together. Insurance companies are supposed to get you the lowest possible rate. Why is it that I could always go get a quote from another insurance company, and its ALWAYS lower than Intact? If you enjoy being ripped off and treated like crap, please go with Intact. Other than that, I am switching to TD, because my premium went down $2500 just from switching. What a relief. So happy I’m done with Intact. Worst Insurance Company with the WORST Insurance Brokers on the planet. :)

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Full disclosure

by Freddy boy on Mar 2, 2016
1 out of 5 stars

After being paid out $3,000 on my accident Intact without my knowledge registered a $14,000 "encumbrance" against the title of my vehicle , making the $28,000 car worth $6,000 on the open market. It was unsalable to the private buyer and unwanted by dealers as a trade-in. Intact failed to disclose the registration on title and until attempting to trade the vehicle I had no knowledge of their actions. While investigating my concerns it was brought to my attention that Intact Insurance had purchased Broker-link Brokerage in Dundas and for numerous years "neglected" to inform me that they in fact had never ever shopped my insurance needs to other companies for the best prices. For many years Intact and Broker Link overcharged me for auto insurance based on what many other people with my good driving record were paying elsewhere. Intact failed to fully disclose and broke many integrity rules. The Insurance industry Ombudsmen has been notified for investigation. For over 30 years I was a loyal customer only to find out that I was being very poorly treated and represented.

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by Fkintact on Feb 10, 2020
1 out of 5 stars

PLEASE BEWARE, USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK. A broker recommended intact insurance due to the quote. We decided to go ahead with it. Intact left file pending for a good couple weeks. 4 times I went to Service Ontario to obtain a sticker renewal and I was not able to. The broker contacted Intact several times and they had excuses. Finally, they resolved it due to leaving my file pending. It was until after the first month we noticed an increase. They said oh you cannot get winter tire discount. I said why I have winters for all my vehicles. Then they said you have to have a receipt. So I went and purchased brand new winter tires. Provided them with the receipt and still, it was enough for them to give me the discount. They would not take pictures of cars or anything. Then the second month we noticed an additional increase. I contacted the broker again. The broker contacted them and they came back to say that the monthly increases were because I am supposed to have an app on my phone. I said for what. They want to monitor your driving, how often you brake, where are you going, how fast you drive etc.. I said I never authorized any of that. Even at the beginning of when we got the policy, I said no to that. So their excuse was they increased me because I didn't want the app. my policy, by the way, jumped 150dollars a month more to almost 500 dollars. After several months of all of that, we decided to cancel them and go with another person where we are saving 200 dollars a month. It is illegal for an insurance company to increase your rates without notification.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Intact rips you off easily

by LS on Oct 24, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I have a false car theft claim on my record. I was never informed by Intact. I found out through another insurance company. I called my broker who knew nothing about it. I called the Claims Department for 2 weeks and spoke to 7 different agents. The claims department said they had to investigate which would take 3 months. I told Intact that my policy was due and they said they would contact me before the due date guess what? They contacted me on the due date which was too late to switch to another company because of the false claim other insurance companies quoted me with high premiums. So I am forced to stay with them for another year. In the meantime, I have filed a complaint against Intact for mistreating, misleading, defrauding me to stay with them. They also increased my policy from $ 538 to $ 682 for no reason. Please don't join Intact!

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