Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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by Not Loyal Anymore on Feb 4, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

20 years with no claims with Intact and my insurance is $70 higher than all other insurance companies I have been quoted by recently. You would think that with a loyal customer for 20 years, a clean driving record, the rates would be lowered. Not a chance. So I ask how to get reduced. I have the My driving discount device installed for the past 7 weeks. I drive very well and they dock you if you accelerate at 12km per hour, or break at 13km per hour. Even worse, if you drive home and hit 12:02 am when you pull up from work. So the possible 25% that they say a driver would get, lie. So 7 weeks and I am down to 13% and they think I want to keep this in there. Every week the percent drops, even if it's at 12km per hour. Like seriously, HAS ANY OF THEM ACTUALLY DRIVEN WITH IT PROPERLY TO FIND THAT THE LOW SPEED CAN BECOME DANGEROUS??? I can't turn a corner without feeling like a 100-year-old driver, who should be off the road. I get usually 2 docks a week and they are minimal at 12 or 13km. Yet in 7 weeks. YES, 7 WEEKS, I am already down to 13%. This March you have lost a 20-year loyal customer. NO MORE WILL I DEAL WITH YOU. NO RENEWAL.

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by gspearman on Jan 29, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

WOW... INTACT, you might want to look at these reviews. My experience with CDI was wonderful (probably because I made one windshield claim 8 yrs ago). When Belairdirect took over, the rates began to inflate & now you guys have become the most expensive private insurance company. Your loyalty to long term customers obviously doesn’t exist. This past year (2018) I received my policy on my vehicle & the increase of 10% WAS NOT a nice surprise, the fact that you took away my windshield coverage was totally unacceptable. In 15+ years of coverage, we have had 2 claims on windshields & that’s it. This is how this company rewards the GOOD DRIVERS. They are willing to give up two auto policies & a home insurance policy for a possible but not yet $900 windshield replacement. Fingers crossed stone cracks yet.

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My Driving Discount

by DB on Jan 23, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

Enrolled in my driving discount and it is a complete joke. I have no data on my phone as I cannot afford it and I was ensured that the device would be a reliable way to track my driving. I have now gone through 3 devices that have been 'dead'. Upon calling tech support I was finally told after 5 months of fighting with my device, my vehicle was incompatible. Seriously? This should not be an issue due to the variety of vehicles on the road. There are so many different vehicles of different makes, models etc. you should not have this issue with this sort of device. The tech support kept telling me "well, it is a voluntary program.." - well, duh. I enrolled for cheaper insurance! That is what your company promised me. That is why I switched insurance brokers in the first place! Not to mention with my other insurance company I was with Intact as well and they were charging me 200 something a month for my insurance. I went to my new company who put me through Intact. Intact charges me 194...173 with enrollment with my driving discount. Of course, I'm going to enroll, it's cheaper. So they hook you with that promise then screw you over.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

Intacts Christmas cheer!

by Ray on Jan 2, 2019
1 out of 5 stars

I just received my car insurance renewal from Intact. Increase of 40% over last year. No accidents or tickets over the past 25 years, no explanation for the increase which is unacceptable. I cannot believe they're still in business!

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by nothappy on Dec 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I got into a fender bender in January because of icy roads. My car was totalled and the other vehicle had no damage to it. Now I am paying over $3000 in insurance and they bill me every 2 weeks for another $500 payment since January!!! Like why am I paying this? I lost count of how much I spent on insurance this year but this company is crap. Highly recommend NOT going with this company

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MY Experience

by bbinnsso on Nov 20, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I just wanted to write a review about the very poor customer service I've revived from Intact insurance. I was insured for a year and during my renewal policy they told me I'd be paying $120 extra a month, I expressed I didn't want to renew with them, however, they went into my account and took the increased amount regardless. After I called them to cancel and they told me I need to FAX them a written letter to cancel, to which I asked if I could email a picture, they said no. So it was Sept 13 and my policy renewed on Nov 8th, so I thought, okay, I paid them, I'm gonna be insured 'till Dec 8th now, it is what it is. Well, then they went into my account again and took another increased payment, I ended up paying them $1000 in a month to renew my policy I already had with them... So now I'm pissed. I call them and can't get ahold of any supervisors or retention and I'm cancelling on the phone and he brings up the written letter. However, now he says I can send it through email after the fact. On top of that, now that I've cancelled with them, they're charging me $250 to cancel with them. Do not go with this insurance company, they are not helpful, extremely rude and only after your money.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by fundy on Oct 26, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

INTACT is a terrible insurance company and is causing me grief as I write this. They are not quick to act on correcting their mistakes. I happened to log in online after they announced they were going paperless and I noted that there was a place you check claims. Under claims I noticed one from 2016 that is FALSE and I NEVER made. I have been at least two weeks with this between the broker and INTACT trying to get them to fix it. What happened was I called in with a hypothetical question and NOT - I REPEAT - NOT a claim. The person who entered the claim no longer works for INTACT and no money was paid out, obviously, but I am shown at 100% liability. To me, this is fraud and should have been corrected IMMEDIATELY. Instead, the claims manager stated she would investigate and made no promises. The best she could do was to change the 100% at fault over to 0%. This is ludicrous. While my driving record is a 9 (highest rated) if I was to join a different insurer, this claim would then count against me. Not only that but INTACT could not even tell me if this claim HAS affected my policy or not and this is something they need to consult underwriting for. Furthermore, I was bounced back and forth between the broker and INTACT, each one telling me to contact the other. I also had a windshield replaced years ago and apparently, this shows up as a claim. Unfortunately, I trust Carnaghan Taylor Insurance when they told me it was NOT a claim and that it would have ZERO impact on my insurance while this is not true at all. To add even more frustration, INTACT decided to offer this telematics program, where you receive some plug-in device for your vehicle, which monitors some of your driving habits, and as a result, you receive a discount. Well, back in August (we are now at the end of October) I renewed my policy and was adamant with the broker I absolutely did NOT want to be enrolled. I have zero interest in an insurance company monitoring what time of day I drive etc. This is truly Orwellian and I want none of it. So I was surprised to see an added charge of $177 to my policy in October this year. It took a week to find out from the broker that this was added back into my policy since I never enrolled into the tracking program. The problem is...I never enrolled. I spoke to the broker again the following week and they advised I asked to be signed up (enrolled) which is 100% FALSE. I relayed this information back to INTACT and they advised there may be nothing that can be done. I will take this matter to court if need be. The broker first stated that I requested to be signed up then later in the same conversation stated that INTACT automatically enrolls their clients and then when the client doesn't enroll after so many weeks, they automatically lose the discount. I never received the device, I never signed or authorized any enrollment, and I agreed to a binding policy agreement and nowhere in that do I see any mention of this program being applied. I am furious that I could have easily missed this information and furious that either the broker or the insurance company didn't immediately make things right with me. Well, if they want to make me wait on their clock, then I am going to make sure I expose this and do an investigation of my own!

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by Steve wood on Oct 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was with Intact years ago and my broker ended up quitting and before he quit, he gave me a quote and when the payment was due, it was 100 more than quoted and I called to find out why and that's when they told me I had no broker and wasn't being assigned a new one

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by Rant on Sep 12, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I should have read the reviews before I spent years and $$$$ on this company. What a rip-off, I left and saving $100 more a month! The customer service is the worst experience, you would think they were working for free, asking for a quote like asking your kid to take out the garbage.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Worst company ever

by Gh8sintact on Aug 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I've been with Intact for a couple years now and since then they’ve given me horrible rates and the customer service just blatantly isn't there. I've had times where I need to switch my insurance from one vehicle to the next and the next thing I know I'm paying $450 two months in a row and when I call them to give my hard-earned money back, they say they can't do it and to get on with my day. So whatever, I get mad and they fix it to its usual $175 for my 1997 Nissan. Until a couple months ago, everything was gravy until I had to switch it again onto another vehicle of mine and the next thing I know I'm paying $350 for 2 cars. One of the cars I sold months back and even told them I only need one on my policy and ask for a refund and they say no, of course, so that's when I end my policy from these money hungry corporates. And then to make sure they can't take out any more money (because I just have a feeling they might try), I put a block against their withdrawal payments but I check the 15th the usual day they take out their unholy sum of cash from my wallet and there it is again, not their money in any way, $150 gone from my bank. By this point, I just had to share my experience with Intact insurance just to let them know that they are the worst insurance company and I do not recommend anyone to ever go near Intact or their Surrex brokers over in Magrath.

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