Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Car insurance

by bad experience ever! on Aug 7, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had the WORST experience ever with INTACT INSURANCE. They raise my payments without my knowing and NEVER return your call. Try to deal with them over the phone and mail. With the promise they would return to me in about half an hour time. They never did! Worst Broker I ever had! Wouldn't do anything about it! Even after calls over and over again, they went into my account and took an amazing overpayment! Since I had already cancelled my policy with them. Don't fall for that easy talking of a no-good broker when getting an insurance. DISGUSTING!!

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Horrible rate increase

by Jay on Aug 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Intact insurance rose my rates this year by over 30% with no explanation. I renewed my car insurance through ICBC and cancelled the portion of Intact. I have now been charged the new rates even if I don't have Intact anymore. I just called them and the girl on the phone had no answers. She didn't bother looking into it much. She said I'd have to call billing which is closed. The fact that I have been charged even after cancelling speaks for itself. Someone clearly doesn't do their job.

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Intact lost another customer

by Jeremy on Jul 31, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

I feel I have a responsibility to leave this review today. I am leaving Intact Insurance due to predatory rate increases with no explanation. I moved to BC from Alberta last year and was expecting to pay a much higher bill for auto insurance overall (which we did). Intact provides supplemental coverage, which includes collision and comprehensive. The Intact premium I paid last year was fair compared to the other options available in this province. However, I went to renew my auto insurance today and was informed that Intact has recently raised their rates. No explanation was given except that apparently, the company figured it was charging too little for coverage and wanted to make adjustments. When given the quote for the same coverage as last year, I calculated this year's premium as a 35% increase. This is totally unacceptable and predatory in my opinion. In an economic climate where many costs are ballooning out of control, I would hope that companies take the lead in being competitive and in doing so, place less burden on the customer. I am very disappointed that Intact would actually decide to raise rates this steeply over a single year and not expect to lose customers over it. I will not recommend this company to any of my family or friends as well. Extremely disappointed today.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

5 months and counting

by Notright999 on Apr 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

It shouldn't take an insurance company 5+ months to fix a vehicle they say is fixable. If it takes this long to fix a vehicle, the vehicle should be replaced. Waste of money and time. To think I pay over 5k a year to this company and they can't even get anything done in a timely manner. Ps. They send the vehicles to Carstar... Do not let your vehicle go there.

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Raised my rates over 12%

by govinsurance on Apr 13, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

They raised my rates in one year with no valid reason. I have no tickets or claims in the last 20 years. Here was their response when I asked why. Insurance cost has been increasing due to the fact that Private Passenger Vehicle claims continue to rise significantly across Canada. This trend has been driven in part by higher repair costs due to various factors including the complexity of modern vehicles, increases in bodily injury settlements and more frequent losses as a result of distracted driving. Never mind they made 12 percent profit on a billion dollars last year.

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Money Grab Crappy Claims

by FordKid on Apr 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My father is currently on the phone trying to reason with them over a scrape on the side of his brand new 2017 Ford F150 and the company is refusing to pay more than a quarter of the damage which is 900 dollars worth of damage.. he pays 120 a month in insurance premiums and this company can't cover him. What a crock.

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

Trying to Scam Me

by Dans on Mar 14, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I purchased Intact insurance for my BMW 320i when I got it without looking at other companies. In my excitement to drive my new vehicle, I accepted 160/month with no additional coverages. The bare minimum. Suddenly, I was charged 190 a month, and a letter was sent to me saying my insurance premium had increased by 250$ or 5% of my total cost because I didn't sign up for a safe driving application on my phone. But 5% of my total cost (almost 2,000$ a year) is not 250, it is less than 100. So how does this make sense? I have made a stop payment request through my bank (TD) so they cannot withdraw money automatically anymore. Would not recommend to anyone. To make matters worse, over the phone I was told I would only get a 5% discount if I signed up for the driving app, but never that I would have to PAY an additional 5% for NOT signing up for the driving app. Well done broker, well done.

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Do not go with Intact

by Sunnie_ on Feb 27, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I had an at-fault claim last year (my first claim ever), don't even want to talk about the claim process, super slow and poor customer service. And when it comes to the policy renewal, guess what, my premium went from $330 to $568/month. Got a quote from another company, for just $258/month.

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Intact is cheating customers

by starwar on Jan 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Let's make some noise for Intact's worse service; recently, I requested my LOE from Intact, they have thousand reasons to deny it. I got an accident in 2014. Somebody hit my car in the parking lot, while I parked properly and was shopping inside; and the accident report states that there was nobody inside the car. I sent a request to my broker and need him to correct its record 100% not at fault, 50% at fault in the record right now. Intact said police cannot determine who is at fault in the accident, insurance company does. OMG. Police cannot decide who's at fault in the accident. Then what's the use of police? After that, intact put me on the high-risk level and charge me more. I believe they can play this trick on customers. That's the reason I need my LOE to read it in details, but they said you need to contact your broker; then my broker said Intact doesn't provide it. What a ridiculous reason. It's my personal insurance record. How come they cannot offer it to me. If you have experienced the same situation. please make some noise.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

This is a long one

by EG on Jan 18, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Full disclosure - I have been with Intact for years and absolutely loved them. They were easy to deal with, called me back within minutes of me calling, great price compared to everywhere else I had shopped around. Recently, however, I had a claim against me from someone who was also from Intact. I was in a parking lot, backing up, when this guy came speeding by and scraped his rim on the very bottom of my bumper. Refused to give me any info and left. I called Intact panicking, and explained to my broker what had happened. He told me not to worry, that it would likely be 50/50 if anything even came of it but since it was so minor that I could use forgiveness if worst came to worst. Fast forward to 6 months later when the guy decided to go through with the claim. I received a call, tried to ask questions, was found automatically at fault. They didn't want witness statements, they didn't care about the pictures I sent (the damage for which CLEARLY shows that he was speeding because it's a small scrape across my bumper; unfortunately the phone with the pictures indicating that I was over halfway out when he hit me is broken). I tried to ask what would come of it and where I would go, and the guy refused to answer any questions. He said he couldn't look into the other person's claim details. I called back and asked to speak with someone else a few days later who was magically able to view the other person's claims, who asked me to send pictures and who said that maybe they should investigate. No investigation was done and it's in my file that it's my fault. I've asked three separate times now for the forgiveness and no one has given me a straight answer about it. My insurance was supposed to be renewed December 23rd, but I was thinking of getting a new vehicle, and I was a little choked at the claim situation, so I asked to put only fire and theft insurance for two weeks while I debated and got the prices for everything. They processed my payment early, so I was told to put a stop on it, when I noticed they charged me way more than they were supposed to. I thought it was because of the claim, but low and behold the man who made the claim has apparently dropped off the face of the Earth and the claim is at a standstill. I called my broker to inquire about the charge and he said he didn't know. A week after this I received a letter telling me I was getting a $1500.00 dishonourment fee. I've never been late or missed a payment, so I have no idea what it was for. I've been calling my broker for the past week and a half, every single day, and he won't answer my calls or voicemails. I can't switch companies until I figure out the whole forgiveness thing and demand an investigation on the accident, and it's now coming up on my record that I have this huge late fee penalty so everywhere I get a quote from is crazy expensive. I've recommended friends and family to go here, even convinced two friends to go with them when they first began driving. I will NEVER recommend them to anyone else. I've been without a vehicle for almost a month now because I can't put insurance on it because of them. I can't even sell my car until I figure out what's going on in case they do decide to do an investigation (I just became a student and finance my vehicle so this is really raking up). I would give them no stars if I could. No idea where this all came from - five years of nothing but great service and now this.

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